Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Declare class GoldDataParam which will store thresholds to...
GoldDataParam-classR Documentation

Declare class GoldDataParam which will store thresholds to apply to VCFEvaluate object. This is intended for use in batch mode when a large number of vcf files needs to be screened and individual vcf files that fail flagged. All limits follow the format lower limit than upper limit


Declare class GoldDataParam which will store thresholds to apply to VCFEvaluate object. This is intended for use in batch mode when a large number of vcf files needs to be screened and individual vcf files that fail flagged. All limits follow the format lower limit than upper limit



lower limit coding, upper limit coding, lower limit noncoding, upper limit noncoding, Transition transversion ratios for confirmed snps


lower limit coding, upper limit coding, lower limit noncoding, upper limit noncoding, Transition transversion ratios for unconfirmed snps


lower limit, upper limit, percent confirmed in Gold comparator


lower limit, upper limit, (Percent Het in Rare, MAF < 0.01 in Gold) / Total number of Heterozygotes


Object of type GoldDataParam
