Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Cross-Validating a Spatial Linear Model Fitted by 'georob'
cv.georobR Documentation

Cross-Validating a Spatial Linear Model Fitted by georob


This function assesses the goodness-of-fit of a spatial linear model by K-fold cross-validation. In more detail, the model is re-fitted K times by robust (or Gaussian) (RE)ML, excluding each time 1/Kth of the data. The re-fitted models are used to compute robust (or customary) external kriging predictions for the omitted observations. If the response variable is log-transformed then the kriging predictions can be optionally transformed back to the orginal scale of the measurements. S3methods for evaluating and plotting diagnostic summaries of the cross-validation errors are decribed for the function validate.predictions.


## S3 method for class 'georob'
cv(object, formula = NULL, subset = NULL, 
    method = c("block", "random"), nset = 10, 
    seed = NULL, sets = NULL, = TRUE, 
    re.estimate = TRUE, param = object[["param"]], 
    fit.param = object[["initial.objects"]][["fit.param"]],
    aniso = object[["aniso"]][["aniso"]], 
    fit.aniso = object[["initial.objects"]][["fit.aniso"]], = FALSE, reduced.output = TRUE, lgn = FALSE, 
    mfl.action = c("offset", "stop"),
    ncores = min(nset, detectCores()), verbose = 0, ...)



an object of class of "georob", see georobObject.


an optional formula for the regression model passed by update to georob, see Details.


an optional vector specifying a subset of observations to be used in the fitting process, see Details.


keyword, controlling whether subsets are formed by partitioning data set into blocks by kmeans (default) or randomly. Ignored if sets is non-NULL.


positive integer defining the number K of subsets into which the data set is partitioned (default: nset = 10). Ignored if sets is non-NULL.


optional integer seed to initialize random number generation, see set.seed. Ignored if sets is non-NULL.


an optional vector of the same length as the response vector of the fitted model and with positive integers taking values in (1,2,…,K), defining in this way the K subsets into which the data set is split. If sets = NULL (default) the partition is randomly generated by kmeans or runif (using possibly seed).

logical controlling whether replicated observations at a given location are assigned to the same subset when partitioning the data (default TRUE).


logical controlling whether the model is re-fitted to the reduced data sets before computing the kriging predictions (TRUE, default) or whether the model passed in object is used to compute the predictions for the omitted observations, see Details.


an optional named numeric vector or a matrix or data frame with variogram parameters passed by update to georob, see Details. If param is a matrix (or a data frame) then it must have nset rows and length(object[["param"]]) columns with initial values of variogram parameters for the nset cross-validation sets and colnames(param) must match names(object[["param"]]).


an optional named logical vector or a matrix or data frame defining which variogram parameters should be adjusted when passed by update to georob, see Details. If fit.param is a matrix (or a data frame) then it must have nset rows and length(object[["param"]]) columns with variogram parameter fitting flags for the nset cross-validation sets and colnames(param) must match names(object[["param"]]).


an optional named numeric vector or a matrix or data frame with anisotropy parameters passed by update to georob, see Details. If aniso is a matrix (or a data frame) then it must have nset rows and length(object[["aniso"]][["aniso"]]) columns with initial values of anisotropy parameters for the nset cross-validation sets and colnames(aniso) must match names(object[["aniso"]][["aniso"]]).


an optional named logical vector or a matrix or data frame defining which anisotropy parameters should be adjusted when passed by update to georob, see Details. If fit.aniso is a matrix (or a data frame) then it must have nset rows and length(object[["aniso"]][["aniso"]]) columns with anisotropy parameter fitting flags for the nset cross-validation sets and colnames(aniso) must match names(object[["aniso"]][["aniso"]]).

logical controlling whether information about the fit should be returned when re-estimating the model with the reduced data sets (default FALSE).


logical controlling whether the complete fitted model objects, fitted to the reduced data sets, are returned (FALSE) or only some components (TRUE, default, see Value). Ignored if = FALSE.


logical controlling whether kriging predictions of a log-transformed response should be transformed back to the original scale of the measurements (default FALSE).


character controlling what is done when some levels of factor(s) are not present in any of the subsets used to fit the model. The function either stops ("stop") or treats the respective factors as model offset ("offset", default).


positive integer controlling how many cores are used for parallelized computations, see Details.


positive integer controlling logging of diagnostic messages to the console during model fitting. Passed by update to georob, see Details.


additional arguments passed by update to georob, see Details.


Note that the dataframe passed as data argument to georob must exist in the user workspace when calling cv.georob.

cv.georob then uses the package parallel for parallelized computations. By default, the function uses K CPUs but not more than are physically available (as returned by detectCores).

cv.georob uses the function update to re-estimated the model with the reduced data sets. Therefore, any argument accepted by georob can be changed when re-fitting the model. Some of them (e.g. formula, subset, etc.) are explicit arguments of cv.georob, but also the remaining ones can be passed by ... to the function.

Practitioners in geostatistics commonly cross-validate a fitted model without re-estimating the model parameters with the reduced data sets. This is clearly an unsound practice (see Hastie et al., 2009, sec. 7.10). Therefore, the argument re.estimate should always be set to TRUE. The alternative is provided only for historic reasons.


An object of class cv.georob, which is a list with the two components pred and fit.

pred is a data frame with the coordinates and the cross-validation prediction results with the following variables:


an integer vector defining to which of the K subsets an observation was assigned.


the values of the (possibly log-transformed) response.


the kriging predictions.


the kriging standard errors.

If lgn = TRUE then pred has the additional variables:

the untransformed response.


the unbiasedly back-transformed predictions of a log-transformed response.

the kriging standard errors of the back-transformed predictions of a log-transformed response.

The second component fit contains either the full outputs of georob, fitted for the K reduced data sets (reduced.output = FALSE), or K lists with the components tuning.psi, converged,
convergence.code, gradient, variogram.model, param, aniso[["aniso"]], coefficients along with the standard errors of hatβ, see georobObject.


Andreas Papritz


Hastie, T., Tibshirani, R. and Friedman, J. (2009) The Elements of Statistical Learning; Data Mining, Inference and Prediction. New York: Springer-Verlag.

See Also

validate.predictions for computing statistics of the cross-validation errors; georob for (robust) fitting of spatial linear models; georobObject for a description of the class georob; predict.georob for computing robust kriging predictions.


## Not run: 

r.logzn <- georob(log(zinc) ~ sqrt(dist), data = meuse, locations = ~ x + y,
    variogram.model = "RMexp",
    param = c(variance = 0.15, nugget = 0.05, scale = 200),
    tuning.psi = 1) <- cv(r.logzn, seed = 1, lgn = TRUE) <- cv(r.logzn, formula = .~. + ffreq, seed = 1, lgn = TRUE)

plot(, type = "bs")
plot(, type = "bs", add = TRUE, col = "red")

legend("topright", lty = 1, col = c("black", "red"), bty = "n",
    legend = c("log(Zn) ~ sqrt(dist)", "log(Zn) ~ sqrt(dist) + ffreq"))
## End(Not run)
