Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Package: Gene-Specific Phenotype EstimatoR
gespeR-packageR Documentation

Package: Gene-Specific Phenotype EstimatoR


This package provides a model to deconvolute off-target confounded RNAi knockdown phentypes, and methods to investigate concordance between ranked lists of (estimated) phenotypes. The regularized linear regression model can be fitted using two different strategies. (a) Cross-validation over regularization parameters optimising the mean-squared-error of the model and (b) stability selection of covariates (genes) based on a method by Nicolai Meinshausen et al.


Fabian Schmich | Computational Biology Group, ETH ZURICH |


Fabian Schmich et. al, Deconvoluting Off-Target Confounded RNA Interference Screens (2014).

See Also



# Read phenotypes
phenos <- lapply(LETTERS[1:4], function(x) {
  sprintf("Phenotypes_screen_%s.txt", x)
phenos <- lapply(phenos, function(x) {
  Phenotypes(system.file("extdata", x, package="gespeR"),
             type = "SSP",
    = 1,
             col.score = 2)

# Read target relations
tr <- lapply(LETTERS[1:4], function(x) {
  sprintf("TR_screen_%s.rds", x)
tr <- lapply(tr, function(x) {
  TargetRelations(system.file("extdata", x, package="gespeR"))
tempfile <- paste(tempfile(pattern = "file", tmpdir = tempdir()), ".rds", sep="")
tr[[1]] <- unloadValues(tr[[1]], writeValues = TRUE, path = tempfile)
tr[[1]] <- loadValues(tr[[1]])

# Fit gespeR models with cross validation <- lapply(1:length(phenos), function(i) {
  gespeR(phenotypes = phenos[[i]],
         target.relations = tr[[i]],
         mode = "cv",
         alpha = 0.5,
         ncores = 1)

# Extract scores

# Fit gespeR models with stability selection
res.stab <- lapply(1:length(phenos), function(i) {
  gespeR(phenotypes = phenos[[i]],
         target.relations = tr[[i]],
         mode = "stability",
         nbootstrap = 100,
         fraction = 0.67,
         threshold = 0.75,
         EV = 1,
         weakness = 0.8,
         ncores = 1)

# Extract scores

# Compare concordance between stability selected GSPs and SSPs
conc.gsp <- concordance(lapply(res.stab, gsp))
conc.ssp <- concordance(lapply(res.stab, ssp))

pl.gsp <- plot(conc.gsp) + ggtitle("GSPs\n")
pl.ssp <- plot(conc.ssp) + ggtitle("SSPs\n")

if (require(grid)) {
  pushViewport(viewport(layout = grid.layout(1, 2) ) )
  print(pl.gsp, vp = viewport(layout.pos.row = 1, layout.pos.col = 1))
  print(pl.ssp, vp = viewport(layout.pos.row = 1, layout.pos.col = 2))
} else {


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> library(gespeR)
Loading required package: ggplot2
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/gespeR/gespeR-package.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: gespeR-package
> ### Title: Package: Gene-Specific Phenotype EstimatoR
> ### Aliases: gespeR-package gespeRpkg
> ### Keywords: package
> ### ** Examples
> # Read phenotypes
> phenos <- lapply(LETTERS[1:4], function(x) {
+   sprintf("Phenotypes_screen_%s.txt", x)
+   })
> phenos <- lapply(phenos, function(x) {
+   Phenotypes(system.file("extdata", x, package="gespeR"),
+              type = "SSP",
+     = 1,
+              col.score = 2)
+ })  
> phenos
1000 SSP Phenotypes

Source: local data frame [1,000 x 2]

             ID      Scores
         <fctr>       <dbl>
1  siRNAID_0001 -0.93028719
2  siRNAID_0002 -1.12820384
3  siRNAID_0003 -1.05265043
4  siRNAID_0004  0.80792721
5  siRNAID_0005 -1.41533349
6  siRNAID_0006  1.64265769
7  siRNAID_0007 -0.15733945
8  siRNAID_0008  0.74758974
9  siRNAID_0009 -0.95904664
10 siRNAID_0010 -0.04401824
..          ...         ...

1000 SSP Phenotypes

Source: local data frame [1,000 x 2]

             ID      Scores
         <fctr>       <dbl>
1  siRNAID_0001 -0.03449127
2  siRNAID_0002 -1.20204172
3  siRNAID_0003  0.61928972
4  siRNAID_0004  0.73851086
5  siRNAID_0005 -1.05208103
6  siRNAID_0006 -1.89923289
7  siRNAID_0007 -0.80147312
8  siRNAID_0008 -0.80793694
9  siRNAID_0009 -0.48951972
10 siRNAID_0010  2.29451953
..          ...         ...

1000 SSP Phenotypes

Source: local data frame [1,000 x 2]

             ID     Scores
         <fctr>      <dbl>
1  siRNAID_0001 -0.7699427
2  siRNAID_0002  0.1639373
3  siRNAID_0003  0.8552572
4  siRNAID_0004  1.5533076
5  siRNAID_0005 -1.0568078
6  siRNAID_0006 -0.3936947
7  siRNAID_0007 -0.3098966
8  siRNAID_0008 -0.9935065
9  siRNAID_0009 -0.7872706
10 siRNAID_0010  0.4272948
..          ...        ...

1000 SSP Phenotypes

Source: local data frame [1,000 x 2]

             ID       Scores
         <fctr>        <dbl>
1  siRNAID_0001  0.726427533
2  siRNAID_0002 -0.671632733
3  siRNAID_0003 -0.005147139
4  siRNAID_0004  1.383430888
5  siRNAID_0005  0.491954863
6  siRNAID_0006  0.330629291
7  siRNAID_0007  2.319440712
8  siRNAID_0008 -2.836728304
9  siRNAID_0009 -0.543384151
10 siRNAID_0010  0.315789048
..          ...          ...

> plot(phenos[[1]])
`stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
> # Read target relations
> tr <- lapply(LETTERS[1:4], function(x) {
+   sprintf("TR_screen_%s.rds", x)
+ })
> tr <- lapply(tr, function(x) {
+   TargetRelations(system.file("extdata", x, package="gespeR"))
+ })
> tr[[1]]
1000 x 1500 siRNA-to-gene relations.
10 x 5 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
rownames       geneID_0001 geneID_0002 geneID_0003 geneID_0004 geneID_0005
  siRNAID_0001           .           .           .           .           .
  siRNAID_0002           .           .           .           .           .
  siRNAID_0003           .           .           .           .           .
  siRNAID_0004           .           .           .           .           .
  siRNAID_0005           .           .           .           .           .
  siRNAID_0006           .           .           .           .           .
  siRNAID_0007           .           .           .           .           .
  siRNAID_0008           .           .           .           .           .
  siRNAID_0009           .           .           .           .           .
  siRNAID_0010           .           .           .           .           .
> tempfile <- paste(tempfile(pattern = "file", tmpdir = tempdir()), ".rds", sep="")
> tr[[1]] <- unloadValues(tr[[1]], writeValues = TRUE, path = tempfile)
> tr[[1]]
Values not loaded: /tmp/RtmpChv6rW/file7b1a6f19cd81.rds 
> tr[[1]] <- loadValues(tr[[1]])
> tr[[1]]
1000 x 1500 siRNA-to-gene relations.
10 x 5 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
rownames       geneID_0001 geneID_0002 geneID_0003 geneID_0004 geneID_0005
  siRNAID_0001           .           .           .           .           .
  siRNAID_0002           .           .           .           .           .
  siRNAID_0003           .           .           .           .           .
  siRNAID_0004           .           .           .           .           .
  siRNAID_0005           .           .           .           .           .
  siRNAID_0006           .           .           .           .           .
  siRNAID_0007           .           .           .           .           .
  siRNAID_0008           .           .           .           .           .
  siRNAID_0009           .           .           .           .           .
  siRNAID_0010           .           .           .           .           .
> # Fit gespeR models with cross validation
> <- lapply(1:length(phenos), function(i) {
+   gespeR(phenotypes = phenos[[i]],
+          target.relations = tr[[i]],
+          mode = "cv",
+          alpha = 0.5,
+          ncores = 1)
+ })
> summary([[1]])
Length  Class   Mode 
     1 gespeR     S4 
Source: local data frame [1,500 x 2]

            ID   Scores
        <fctr>    <dbl>
1  geneID_0900 4.356215
2  geneID_0569 3.592164
3  geneID_0666 3.089913
4  geneID_0477 2.892258
5  geneID_1158 2.634101
6  geneID_1406 2.389005
7  geneID_0412 2.284040
8  geneID_0442 1.933519
9  geneID_1216 1.894390
10 geneID_1231 1.828290
..         ...      ...
> plot([[1]])
`stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
Warning message:
Removed 1156 rows containing non-finite values (stat_bin). 
> # Extract scores
> ssp([[1]])
1000 SSP Phenotypes

Source: local data frame [1,000 x 2]

             ID      Scores
         <fctr>       <dbl>
1  siRNAID_0001 -0.93028719
2  siRNAID_0002 -1.12820384
3  siRNAID_0003 -1.05265043
4  siRNAID_0004  0.80792721
5  siRNAID_0005 -1.41533349
6  siRNAID_0006  1.64265769
7  siRNAID_0007 -0.15733945
8  siRNAID_0008  0.74758974
9  siRNAID_0009 -0.95904664
10 siRNAID_0010 -0.04401824
..          ...         ...
> gsp([[1]])
1500 GSP Phenotypes

Source: local data frame [1,500 x 2]

            ID Scores
        <fctr>  <dbl>
1  geneID_0001     NA
2  geneID_0002     NA
3  geneID_0003     NA
4  geneID_0004     NA
5  geneID_0005     NA
6  geneID_0006     NA
7  geneID_0007     NA
8  geneID_0008     NA
9  geneID_0009     NA
10 geneID_0010     NA
..         ...    ...
> head(scores([[1]]))
Source: local data frame [6 x 2]

           ID Scores
       <fctr>  <dbl>
1 geneID_0001     NA
2 geneID_0002     NA
3 geneID_0003     NA
4 geneID_0004     NA
5 geneID_0005     NA
6 geneID_0006     NA
> # Fit gespeR models with stability selection
> res.stab <- lapply(1:length(phenos), function(i) {
+   gespeR(phenotypes = phenos[[i]],
+          target.relations = tr[[i]],
+          mode = "stability",
+          nbootstrap = 100,
+          fraction = 0.67,
+          threshold = 0.75,
+          EV = 1,
+          weakness = 0.8,
+          ncores = 1)
+ })
> summary(res.stab[[1]])
Length  Class   Mode 
     1 gespeR     S4 
> res.stab[[1]]
Source: local data frame [1,500 x 3]

            ID    Scores Stability
        <fctr>     <dbl>     <dbl>
1  geneID_0446 -8.684445      1.00
2  geneID_0477  4.615701      1.00
3  geneID_0514 -6.455992      1.00
4  geneID_0666  4.947212      1.00
5  geneID_0728 -6.249060      1.00
6  geneID_0900  6.010351      1.00
7  geneID_0255 -5.310925      0.99
8  geneID_0569  5.902296      0.99
9  geneID_0923 -4.739375      0.99
10 geneID_1216  2.930437      0.99
..         ...       ...       ...
> plot(res.stab[[1]])
> # Extract scores
> ssp(res.stab[[1]])
1000 SSP Phenotypes

Source: local data frame [1,000 x 2]

             ID      Scores
         <fctr>       <dbl>
1  siRNAID_0001 -0.93028719
2  siRNAID_0002 -1.12820384
3  siRNAID_0003 -1.05265043
4  siRNAID_0004  0.80792721
5  siRNAID_0005 -1.41533349
6  siRNAID_0006  1.64265769
7  siRNAID_0007 -0.15733945
8  siRNAID_0008  0.74758974
9  siRNAID_0009 -0.95904664
10 siRNAID_0010 -0.04401824
..          ...         ...
> gsp(res.stab[[1]])
1500 GSP Phenotypes

Source: local data frame [1,500 x 2]

            ID Scores
        <fctr>  <dbl>
1  geneID_0001     NA
2  geneID_0002     NA
3  geneID_0003     NA
4  geneID_0004     NA
5  geneID_0005     NA
6  geneID_0006     NA
7  geneID_0007     NA
8  geneID_0008     NA
9  geneID_0009     NA
10 geneID_0010     NA
..         ...    ...
> head(scores(res.stab[[1]]))
Source: local data frame [6 x 2]

           ID Scores
       <fctr>  <dbl>
1 geneID_0001     NA
2 geneID_0002     NA
3 geneID_0003     NA
4 geneID_0004     NA
5 geneID_0005     NA
6 geneID_0006     NA
> # Compare concordance between stability selected GSPs and SSPs
> conc.gsp <- concordance(lapply(res.stab, gsp))
> conc.ssp <- concordance(lapply(res.stab, ssp))
> pl.gsp <- plot(conc.gsp) + ggtitle("GSPs\n")
> pl.ssp <- plot(conc.ssp) + ggtitle("SSPs\n")
> if (require(grid)) {
+   grid.newpage()
+   pushViewport(viewport(layout = grid.layout(1, 2) ) )
+   print(pl.gsp, vp = viewport(layout.pos.row = 1, layout.pos.col = 1))
+   print(pl.ssp, vp = viewport(layout.pos.row = 1, layout.pos.col = 2))
+ } else {
+   plot(pl.gsp)
+   plot(pl.ssp)
+ }
Loading required package: grid
null device 