Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Gaussian process ranking and estimation of gene expression...
gpregeR Documentation

Gaussian process ranking and estimation of gene expression time-series


Fits two GPs with the an RBF (+ noise diagonal) kernel on each profile. One GP kernel is initialised wih a short lengthscale hyperparameter, signal variance as the observed variance and a zero noise variance. It is optimised via scaled conjugate gradients (netlab). The other GP has fixed hyperparameters with a zero inverse-width, zero signal variance and noise variance as the observed variance. The log-ratio of marginal likelihoods of the two hypotheses acts as a score of differential expression for the profile. Comparison via ROC curves is performed against BATS (Angelini, 2007). See Kalaitzis & Lawrence (2011) for a detailed discussion of the ranking algorithm and dataset used.


  gprege(data, inputs, gpregeOptions)



The matrix of gene expression profiles; one profile per row.


Inputs (timepoints) to the GP.


Options list for gprege with fields


Logical. TRUE operates in a user interactive mode. Used for examining individual gene expression profiles.


A binary vector. TRUE specifies whether the corresponding profile comes from a differentially expressed gene (usually from a ground truth).


A numeric vector. Range of indices of profiles on which the function should operate. Useful for selective exploration of specific profiles, e.g. only genes marked as differentially expressed in a ground truth list.


A numeric vector. New timepoints to interpolate for each profile, based on the estimated function values.


A scalar. The number of iterations for scaled-conjugate gradients (SCG) optimisation.


Logical. Display gradient and LML information on each SCG iteration.


The matrix of hyperparameter configurations as its rows. Each row has the following format: [inverse-lengthscale percent-signal-variance percent-noise-variance] The first row corresponds to a (practically constant) function with a very large lengthscale. Such a function will account for 0 percent of the observed variance in the expression profile (hence 0 for signal) and explain it as noise (hence 1 for noise). Subsequent rows (initialisations for SCG optimisation) correspond to functions of various lengthscales that explain all the observed variance as signal. A reasonable lengthscale would be roughly in line with the time-point sampling intervals.


A scalar. The search resolution. Used for interactive mode (explore == 1).


A scalar. Number of contour levels in the exhaustive plot. Used for interactive mode (explore == 1).


A scalar. the maximum lengthscale to search for. Used for interactive mode (explore == 1).



Output list with fields:


A numeric vector of the vertical lengthscales of the optimised RBF kernel; one for each profile.


A numeric vector. Similar to signalvar, but for the noise hyperparameter.


A numeric vector. Similar to signalvar and noisever, but for the horizontal lengthscales of the RBF.


A numeric vector of log-marginal likelihoods of the GP; one for each profile.


A matrix of the extended dataset with interpolated values as the augmenting columns.


A numeric vector of the ranking scores, based on the log-ratio of marginal likelihoods.

See Also

gpOptions, gpCreate, gpExpandParam, gpOptimise, gpExtractParam, gpLogLikelihood, gpPosteriorMeanVar.


  ## see demTp63Gp1.R
  data(FragmentDellaGattaData) ## Load demo data.
  ## Setup other gprege options.
  gpregeOptions = list(indexRange=(1:2), explore=TRUE, exhaustPlotRes=30, exhaustPlotLevels=10,
    exhaustPlotMaxWidth=100, iters=100, labels=DGatta_labels_byTSNI, display=FALSE)
  ## Matrix of different hyperparameter configurations as rows:
  ## [inverse-lengthscale   percent-signal-variance   percent-noise-variance].
  gpregeOptions$inithypers <- matrix( c(
	   1/1000,	1e-3,	0.999
	  ,1/20,	0.999,	1e-3
    ), ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
  gpregeOutput <- gprege(data=exprs_tp63_RMA, inputs=matrix(seq(0,240,by=20), ncol=1), gpregeOptions=gpregeOptions)


R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
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> library(gprege)
Loading required package: gptk
Loading required package: Matrix
Loading required package: fields
Loading required package: spam
Loading required package: grid
Spam version 1.3-0 (2015-10-24) is loaded.
Type 'help( Spam)' or 'demo( spam)' for a short introduction 
and overview of this package.
Help for individual functions is also obtained by adding the
suffix '.spam' to the function name, e.g. 'help( chol.spam)'.

Attaching package: 'spam'

The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    backsolve, forwardsolve

Loading required package: maps

 # maps v3.1: updated 'world': all lakes moved to separate new #
 # 'lakes' database. Type '?world' or 'news(package="maps")'.  #

> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/gprege/gprege.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: gprege
> ### Title: Gaussian process ranking and estimation of gene expression
> ###   time-series
> ### Aliases: gprege
> ### ** Examples
>   ## see demTp63Gp1.R
>   data(FragmentDellaGattaData) ## Load demo data.
>   ## Setup other gprege options.
>   gpregeOptions = list(indexRange=(1:2), explore=TRUE, exhaustPlotRes=30, exhaustPlotLevels=10,
+     exhaustPlotMaxWidth=100, iters=100, labels=DGatta_labels_byTSNI, display=FALSE)
>   ## Matrix of different hyperparameter configurations as rows:
>   ## [inverse-lengthscale   percent-signal-variance   percent-noise-variance].
>   gpregeOptions$inithypers <- matrix( c(
+ 	   1/1000,	1e-3,	0.999
+ 	  ,1/20,	0.999,	1e-3
+     ), ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
>   gpregeOutput <- gprege(data=exprs_tp63_RMA, inputs=matrix(seq(0,240,by=20), ncol=1), gpregeOptions=gpregeOptions)

 Profile  1 				Label:  0
Length-scale         Signal               Noise
 84.73945             0.22901              0.03297

Init.le              LML                  Best
 32                   2.95540268          
 4                    16.69472737          <--

Total        Estim.sig + noise   
 0.200493             0.261986           

Log-ratio (max(LML[2:end]) - LML[1])
============= EXHAUSTIVE LML SEARCH =====================
Length-scale         Signal               Noise
72.68966             0.16579              0.03470

Max LML              Estim. sig + noise  
16.32234561          0.200493            

ENTER to continue

 Profile  2 				Label:  0
Length-scale         Signal               Noise
 185.38880            0.37661              0.10492

Init.le              LML                  Best
 32                   0.25444534          
 4                    6.37127488           <--

Total        Estim.sig + noise   
 0.246752             0.481528           

Log-ratio (max(LML[2:end]) - LML[1])
============= EXHAUSTIVE LML SEARCH =====================
Length-scale         Signal               Noise
62.44828             0.15310              0.09366

Max LML              Estim. sig + noise  
5.08007151           0.246752            

ENTER to continue
null device 