Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Compute Pretty Axis Tick Scales
axisTicksR Documentation

Compute Pretty Axis Tick Scales


Compute pretty axis scales and tick mark locations, the same way as traditional R graphics do it. This is interesting particularly for log scale axes.


axisTicks(usr, log, axp = NULL, nint = 5)
 .axisPars(usr, log = FALSE, nintLog = 5)



numeric vector of length 2, with c(min, max) axis extents.


logical indicating if a log scale is (thought to be) in use.


numeric vector of length 3, c(mi, ma, n.), with identical meaning to par("?axp") (where ? is x or y), namely “pretty” axis extents, and an integer code n..

nint, nintLog

positive integer value indicating (approximately) the desired number of intervals. nintLog is used only for the case log = TRUE.


axisTicks(usr, *) calls .axisPars(usr, ..) when axp is missing (or NULL).


axisTicks() returns a numeric vector of potential axis tick locations, of length approximately nint+1.

.axisPars() returns a list with components


numeric vector of length 2, c(min., max.), of pretty axis extents.


integer (code), with the same meaning as par("?axp")[3].

See Also

axTicks; axis, and par (from the graphics package).


##--- Demonstrating correspondence between graphics'
##--- axis() and the graphics-engine agnostic  axisTicks() :

plot(10*(0:10)); (pu <- par("usr"))
aX <- function(side, at, ...)
    axis(side, at = at, labels = FALSE, lwd.ticks = 2, col.ticks = 2,
         tck = 0.05, ...)
aX(1, print(xa <- axisTicks(pu[1:2], log = FALSE)))  # x axis
aX(2, print(ya <- axisTicks(pu[3:4], log = FALSE)))  # y axis

axisTicks(pu[3:4], log = FALSE, n = 10)

plot(10*(0:10), log = "y"); (pu <- par("usr"))
aX(2, print(ya <- axisTicks(pu[3:4], log = TRUE)))  # y axis

plot(2^(0:9), log = "y"); (pu <- par("usr"))
aX(2, print(ya <- axisTicks(pu[3:4], log = TRUE)))  # y axis


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> library(grDevices)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_rel/result/grDevices/axisTicks.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: axisTicks
> ### Title: Compute Pretty Axis Tick Scales
> ### Aliases: axisTicks .axisPars
> ### Keywords: dplot
> ### ** Examples
> ##--- Demonstrating correspondence between graphics'
> ##--- axis() and the graphics-engine agnostic  axisTicks() :
> require("graphics")
> plot(10*(0:10)); (pu <- par("usr"))
[1]   0.6  11.4  -4.0 104.0
> aX <- function(side, at, ...)
+     axis(side, at = at, labels = FALSE, lwd.ticks = 2, col.ticks = 2,
+          tck = 0.05, ...)
> aX(1, print(xa <- axisTicks(pu[1:2], log = FALSE)))  # x axis
[1]  2  4  6  8 10
> aX(2, print(ya <- axisTicks(pu[3:4], log = FALSE)))  # y axis
[1]   0  20  40  60  80 100
> axisTicks(pu[3:4], log = FALSE, n = 10)
 [1]   0  10  20  30  40  50  60  70  80  90 100
> plot(10*(0:10), log = "y"); (pu <- par("usr"))
Warning message:
In xy.coords(x, y, xlabel, ylabel, log) :
  1 y value <= 0 omitted from logarithmic plot
[1]  0.60 11.40  0.96  2.04
> aX(2, print(ya <- axisTicks(pu[3:4], log = TRUE)))  # y axis
[1]  10  20  50 100
> plot(2^(0:9), log = "y"); (pu <- par("usr"))
[1]  0.6400000 10.3600000 -0.1083708  2.8176408
> aX(2, print(ya <- axisTicks(pu[3:4], log = TRUE)))  # y axis
[1]   1   2   5  10  20  50 100 200 500
null device 