Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Draw Lines in a Grid Viewport
grid.linesR Documentation

Draw Lines in a Grid Viewport


These functions create and draw a series of lines.


grid.lines(x = unit(c(0, 1), "npc"),
          y = unit(c(0, 1), "npc"),
          default.units = "npc",
          arrow = NULL, name = NULL,
          gp=gpar(), draw = TRUE, vp = NULL)
linesGrob(x = unit(c(0, 1), "npc"),
          y = unit(c(0, 1), "npc"),
          default.units = "npc",
          arrow = NULL, name = NULL,
          gp=gpar(), vp = NULL)
polylineGrob(x = unit(c(0, 1), "npc"),
             y = unit(c(0, 1), "npc"),
             id=NULL, id.lengths=NULL,
             default.units = "npc",
             arrow = NULL, name = NULL,
             gp=gpar(), vp = NULL)



A numeric vector or unit object specifying x-values.


A numeric vector or unit object specifying y-values.


A string indicating the default units to use if x or y are only given as numeric vectors.


A list describing arrow heads to place at either end of the line, as produced by the arrow function.


A character identifier.


An object of class gpar, typically the output from a call to the function gpar. This is basically a list of graphical parameter settings.


A logical value indicating whether graphics output should be produced.


A Grid viewport object (or NULL).


A numeric vector used to separate locations in x and y into multiple lines. All locations with the same id belong to the same line.


A numeric vector used to separate locations in x and y into multiple lines. Specifies consecutive blocks of locations which make up separate lines.


Arguments passed to polylineGrob.


The first two functions create a lines grob (a graphical object describing lines), and grid.lines draws the lines (if draw is TRUE).

The second two functions create or draw a polyline grob, which is just like a lines grob, except that there can be multiple distinct lines drawn.


A lines grob or a polyline grob. grid.lines returns a lines grob invisibly.


Paul Murrell

See Also

Grid, viewport, arrow


# Using id (NOTE: locations are not in consecutive blocks)
grid.polyline(x=c((0:4)/10, rep(.5, 5), (10:6)/10, rep(.5, 5)),
             y=c(rep(.5, 5), (10:6/10), rep(.5, 5), (0:4)/10),
             id=rep(1:5, 4),
             gp=gpar(col=1:5, lwd=3))
# Using id.lengths
grid.polyline(x=outer(c(0, .5, 1, .5), 5:1/5),
             y=outer(c(.5, 1, .5, 0), 5:1/5),
             id.lengths=rep(4, 5),
             gp=gpar(col=1:5, lwd=3))


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> library(grid)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_rel/result/grid/grid.lines.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: grid.lines
> ### Title: Draw Lines in a Grid Viewport
> ### Aliases: grid.lines linesGrob grid.polyline polylineGrob
> ### Keywords: dplot
> ### ** Examples
> grid.lines()
> # Using id (NOTE: locations are not in consecutive blocks)
> grid.newpage()
> grid.polyline(x=c((0:4)/10, rep(.5, 5), (10:6)/10, rep(.5, 5)),
+              y=c(rep(.5, 5), (10:6/10), rep(.5, 5), (0:4)/10),
+              id=rep(1:5, 4),
+              gp=gpar(col=1:5, lwd=3))
> # Using id.lengths
> grid.newpage()
> grid.polyline(x=outer(c(0, .5, 1, .5), 5:1/5),
+              y=outer(c(.5, 1, .5, 0), 5:1/5),
+              id.lengths=rep(4, 5),
+              gp=gpar(col=1:5, lwd=3))
null device 