Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Estimate allelic frequency distributions in bins along the...
binnedAFsR Documentation

Estimate allelic frequency distributions in bins along the genome


This function is used to give estimates of the ditribution of observed allelic freuqencies in a regions of the genome, use in conjunction with h5dapply


binnedAFs(data, sampledata, normalise = TRUE, binWidth = 0.05, minCov = 10, minCount = 2)



A list object returned by a call to h5dapply or h5readBlock.


Sample metadata describing the cohort, can be extracted from an HDF5 tally file using the getSampleData function.


Boolean flag to specify whether the counts or percentages of observed allelic frequencies should be returned.


Width of bins in allelic frequency space, defaults to 0.05.


Minimum required coverage for a position to be considered.


Minimum required number of mismatches for a position to be considered.


A matrix of AF bins times samples.


Paul Theodor Pyl


tallyFile <- system.file( "extdata", "example.tally.hfs5", package = "h5vcData" )
sampleData <- getSampleData( tallyFile, "/ExampleStudy/16" )
afs <- h5dapply(
  filename = tallyFile,
  group = "/ExampleStudy/16",
  names = c("Counts", "Coverages"),
  range = c(29e6, 29.05e6),
  blocksize = 1e4,
  FUN = binnedAFs,
  sampledata = sampleData


R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
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> library(h5vc)
Loading required package: grid
Loading required package: gridExtra
Loading required package: ggplot2
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/h5vc/binnedAFs.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: binnedAFs
> ### Title: Estimate allelic frequency distributions in bins along the
> ###   genome
> ### Aliases: binnedAFs
> ### ** Examples
> library(h5vc)
> tallyFile <- system.file( "extdata", "example.tally.hfs5", package = "h5vcData" )
> sampleData <- getSampleData( tallyFile, "/ExampleStudy/16" )
> afs <- h5dapply(
+   filename = tallyFile,
+   group = "/ExampleStudy/16",
+   names = c("Counts", "Coverages"),
+   range = c(29e6, 29.05e6),
+   blocksize = 1e4,
+   FUN = binnedAFs,
+   sampledata = sampleData
+ )
> afs[[3]]
     PT5ControlDNA PT5PrimaryDNA PT5RelapseDNA PT8ControlDNA PT8EarlyStageDNA
0.05   0.432330827   0.691056911    0.00000000   0.536312849      0.550943396
0.1    0.406015038   0.241869919    0.50847458   0.318435754      0.332075472
0.15   0.082706767   0.036585366    0.28813559   0.078212291      0.049056604
0.2    0.022556391   0.004065041    0.03389831   0.030726257      0.007547170
0.25   0.007518797   0.002032520    0.00000000   0.008379888      0.011320755
0.3    0.000000000   0.000000000    0.00000000   0.000000000      0.003773585
0.35   0.003759398   0.004065041    0.00000000   0.000000000      0.003773585
0.4    0.011278195   0.002032520    0.00000000   0.000000000      0.000000000
0.45   0.015037594   0.000000000    0.00000000   0.000000000      0.007547170
0.5    0.003759398   0.000000000    0.01694915   0.002793296      0.015094340
0.55   0.007518797   0.002032520    0.00000000   0.002793296      0.007547170
0.6    0.003759398   0.000000000    0.03389831   0.002793296      0.000000000
0.65   0.003759398   0.000000000    0.00000000   0.000000000      0.011320755
0.7    0.000000000   0.000000000    0.00000000   0.000000000      0.000000000
0.75   0.000000000   0.000000000    0.00000000   0.000000000      0.000000000
0.8    0.000000000   0.000000000    0.00000000   0.000000000      0.000000000
0.85   0.000000000   0.000000000    0.00000000   0.000000000      0.000000000
0.9    0.000000000   0.002032520    0.00000000   0.000000000      0.000000000
0.95   0.000000000   0.002032520    0.01694915   0.000000000      0.000000000
1      0.000000000   0.012195122    0.10169492   0.019553073      0.000000000
0.05    0.00000000
0.1     0.20895522
0.15    0.31343284
0.2     0.19402985
0.25    0.05970149
0.3     0.04477612
0.35    0.00000000
0.4     0.07462687
0.45    0.02985075
0.5     0.02985075
0.55    0.01492537
0.6     0.02985075
0.65    0.00000000
0.7     0.00000000
0.75    0.00000000
0.8     0.00000000
0.85    0.00000000
0.9     0.00000000
0.95    0.00000000
1       0.00000000
null device 