Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Variant calling
callVariantsR Documentation

Variant calling


These functions implement various attempts at variant calling.


callVariantsPaired( data, sampledata, cl = vcConfParams() )

  minStrandCov = 5,
  maxStrandCov = 200,
  minStrandAltSupport = 2,
  maxStrandAltSupportControl = 0,
  minStrandDelSupport = minStrandAltSupport,
  maxStrandDelSupportControl = maxStrandAltSupportControl,
  minStrandInsSupport = minStrandAltSupport,
  maxStrandInsSupportControl = maxStrandAltSupportControl,
  minStrandCovControl = 5,
  maxStrandCovControl = 200,
  bases = 5:8,
  returnDataPoints = TRUE,
  annotateWithBackground = TRUE,
  mergeCalls = TRUE,
  mergeAggregator = mean,
  pValueAggregator = max



A list with elements Counts (a 4d integer array of size [1:12, 1:2, 1:k, 1:n]), Coverage (a 3d integer array of size [1:2, 1:k, 1:n]), Deletions (a 3d integer array of size [1:2, 1:k, 1:n]), Reference (a 1d integer vector of size [1:n]) – see Details.


A data.frame with k rows (one for each sample) and columns Type, Column and (SampleGroup or Patient). The tally file should contain this information as a group attribute, see getSampleData for an example.


A list with parameters used by the variant calling functions. Such a list can be produced, for instance, by a call to vcConfParams.


Minimum coverage per strand in the case sample.


Maximum coverage per strand in the case sample.


Minimum coverage per strand in the control sample.


Maximum coverage per strand in the control sample.


Minimum support for the alternative allele per strand in the case sample. This should be 1 or higher.


Maximum support for the alternative allele per strand in the control sample. This should usually be 0.


Minimum support for the deletion per strand in the case sample. This should be 1 or higher.


Maximum support for the deletion per strand in the control sample. This should usually be 0.


Minimum support for the insertion per strand in the case sample. This should be 1 or higher.


Maximum support for the insertion per strand in the control sample. This should usually be 0.


Indices for subsetting in the bases dimension of the Counts array, 5:8 extracts only those calls made in the middle one of the sequencing cycle bins.


Boolean flag to specify that a data.frame with the variant calls should be returned, otherwise only position are returned as a numeric vector. If returnDataPoints == FALSE only the variant positions are returned.


Boolean flag to specify that the background mismatch / deletion frequency estimated from all control samples in the cohort should be added to the output. A simple binomial test will be performed as well. Only usefull if returnDataPoints == TRUE


Boolean flag to specify that adjacent calls should be merged where appropriate (used by callDeletionsPaired). Only usefull applied if returnDataPoints == TRUE


Aggregator function for merging adjacent calls, defaults to mean, which means that a deletion larger than 1bp will be annotated with the means of the counts and coverages


Aggregator function for combining the p-values of adjacent calls when merging, defaults to max. Is only applied if annotateWithBackground == TRUE


data is a list of datasets which has to at least contain the Counts and Coverages for variant calling respectively Deletions for deletion calling. This list will usually be generated by a call to the h5dapply function in which the tally file, chromosome, datasets and regions within the datasets would be specified. See ?h5dapply for specifics. In order for callVariantsPaired to return the correct locations of the variants there must be the h5dapplyInfo slot present in data as well. This is itself a list (being automatically added by h5dapply and h5readBlock respectively) and contains the slots Group (location in the HDF5 file) and Blockstart, which are used to set the chromosome and the genomic positions of variants.

vcConfParams is a helper function that builds a set of variant calling parameters as a list. This list is provided to the calling functions e.g. callVariantsPaired and influences their behavior.

callVariantsPaired implements a simple pairwise variant callign approach applying the filters specified in cl, and might additionally computes an estimate of the background mismatch rate (the mean mismatch rate of all samples labeled as 'Control' in the sampledata and annotate the calls with p-values for the binom.test of the observed mismatch counts and coverage at each of the samples labeled as 'Case'.


The result is either a list of positions with SNVs / deletions or a data.frame containing the calls themselves which might contain annotations. Adjacent calls might be merged and calls might be annotated with p-values depending on configuration parameters.

When the configuration parameter returnDataPoints is FALSE the functions return the positions of potential variants as a list containing one integer vector of positions for each sample, if no positions were found for a sample the list will contain NULL instead. In the case of returnDatapoints == TRUE the functions return either NULL if no poisitions were found or a data.frame with the following slots:


The chromosome the potential variant / deletion is on


The starting position of the variant / deletion


The end position of the variant / deletions (equal to Start for SNVs and single basepair deletions)


The Case sample in which the variant was observed


The alternate allele for SNVs (skipped for deletions, would be "-")


The reference allele for SNVs (skipped for deletions since the tally file might not contain all the information necessary to extract it)


Support for the variant in the Case sample on the forward strand


Support for the variant in the Case sample on the reverse strand


Coverage of the variant position in the Case sample on the forward strand


Coverage of the variant position in the Case sample on the reverse strand


Support for the variant in the Control sample on the forward strand


Support for the variant in the Control sample on the reverse strand


Coverage of the variant position in the Control sample on the forward strand


Coverage of the variant position in the Control sample on the reverse strand

If the annotateWithBackground option is set the following extra columns are returned


The averaged frequency of mismatches / deletions at the position of all samples of type Control on the forward strand


The averaged frequency of mismatches / deletions at the position of all samples of type Control on the reverse strand


The p.value of the test binom.test( caseCountFwd, caseCoverageFwd, p = backgroundFrequencyFwd, alternative = "greater")


The p.value of the test binom.test( caseCountRev, caseCoverageRev, p = backgroundFrequencyRev, alternative = "greater")

The function callDeletionsPaired merges adjacent single-base deletion calls if the option mergeCalls is set to TRUE, in that case the counts and coverages ( e.g. caseCountFwd ) are aggregated using the function supplied in the mergeAggregator option of the configuration list (defaults to mean) and the p-values pValueFwd and pValueFwd (if annotateWithBackground is TRUE), are aggregated using the function supplied in the pValueAggregator option (defaults to max).


Paul Pyl


  library(h5vc) # loading library
  tallyFile <- system.file( "extdata", "example.tally.hfs5", package = "h5vcData" )
  sampleData <- getSampleData( tallyFile, "/ExampleStudy/16" )
  position <- 29979629
  windowsize <- 1000
  vars <- h5dapply( # Calling Variants
    filename = tallyFile,
    group = "/ExampleStudy/16",
    blocksize = 500,
    FUN = callVariantsPaired,
    sampledata = sampleData,
    cl = vcConfParams(returnDataPoints=TRUE),
    names = c("Coverages", "Counts", "Reference", "Deletions"),
    range = c(position - windowsize, position + windowsize)
  vars <- rbind, vars ) # merge the results from all blocks by row
  vars # We did find a variant


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> library(h5vc)
Loading required package: grid
Loading required package: gridExtra
Loading required package: ggplot2
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/h5vc/callVariants.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: callVariants
> ### Title: Variant calling
> ### Aliases: callVariantsPaired vcConfParams callDeletionsPaired
> ### ** Examples
>   library(h5vc) # loading library
>   tallyFile <- system.file( "extdata", "example.tally.hfs5", package = "h5vcData" )
>   sampleData <- getSampleData( tallyFile, "/ExampleStudy/16" )
>   position <- 29979629
>   windowsize <- 1000
>   vars <- h5dapply( # Calling Variants
+     filename = tallyFile,
+     group = "/ExampleStudy/16",
+     blocksize = 500,
+     FUN = callVariantsPaired,
+     sampledata = sampleData,
+     cl = vcConfParams(returnDataPoints=TRUE),
+     names = c("Coverages", "Counts", "Reference", "Deletions"),
+     range = c(position - windowsize, position + windowsize)
+   )
>   vars <- rbind, vars ) # merge the results from all blocks by row
>   vars # We did find a variant
null device 