Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Heterogeneity Measures In Meta-Analysis
hetmeta-packageR Documentation

Heterogeneity Measures In Meta-Analysis


The hetmeta package contains functions useful to assess the presence and to quantifying the impact of statistical heterogeneity. Several measures of heterogeneity are implemented in the hetmeta function.

All the functions in the packages requires a meta-analytic model of class rma.uni that can be easily obtained using the metafor package. See metafor-package for a comprehensive and detailed description.

Functions and data included in the package

The main function is hetmeta, which calculates the measures of heterogeneity in an object of class "hetmeta" (see hetmetaObject). The methods print.hetmeta and confint.hetmeta defines function for printing results and deriving confidence intervals.


Alessio Crippa,


Crippa A, Khudyakov P, Wang M, Orsini N, Spiegelman D. A new measure of between-studies heterogeneity in meta-analysis. 2016. Stat. Med. In Press.

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Rebecca HJ, Thompson J. Detecting and describing heterogeneity in meta-analysis. Stat. Med. 17.8 (1998): 841-856.

Higgins JPT, Thompson SG. Quantifying heterogeneity in a meta-analysis. Stat. Med. 2002; 21(11):1539-1558.
