Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Sample data set of class accuracy
acR Documentation

Sample data set of class accuracy


Illustrative output of function accBic. It stores the accuracy of classification of each chromosome into the inverted population and the frequency of the inversion as a for a range of Bic thresholds.




The format is: Formal class '"accuracy"' [package "inveRsion"] with 1 slots ..@ out: num bicInt prob ac [1,] 0.0000 0.3180 0.9045 [2,] 142.4209 0.3745 0.9610 [3,] 284.8419 0.3945 0.9810 [4,] 427.2628 0.4130 0.9995 [5,] 569.6838 0.4130 0.9995




R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
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> library(inveRsion)
Loading required package: haplo.stats


welcome to inevRsion package. 

type: manual() for full manual 
      vignette("inveRsion") for a quick start 

> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/inveRsion/ac.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: ac
> ### Title: Sample data set of class accuracy
> ### Aliases: ac
> ### Keywords: datasets
> ### ** Examples
> data(ac)
> ac
An object of class "accuracy"
Slot "out":
         bicInt   prob     ac
 [1,]    0.0000 0.3180 0.9045
 [2,]  142.4209 0.3745 0.9610
 [3,]  284.8419 0.3945 0.9810
 [4,]  427.2628 0.4130 0.9995
 [5,]  569.6838 0.4130 0.9995
 [6,]  712.1047 0.4130 0.9995
 [7,]  854.5257 0.4130 0.9995
 [8,]  996.9466 0.4130 0.9995
 [9,] 1139.3676 0.4130 0.9995
[10,] 1281.7885 0.4135 1.0000
[11,] 1424.2095 0.4135 1.0000
[12,] 1566.6304 0.4135 1.0000
[13,] 1709.0514 0.4135 1.0000
[14,] 1851.4723 0.4135 1.0000
[15,] 1993.8933 0.4135 1.0000
[16,] 2136.3142 0.4135 1.0000
[17,] 2278.7352 0.4135 1.0000
[18,] 2421.1561 0.4135 1.0000
[19,] 2563.5771 0.4445 0.9690

null device 