Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Multidimensional One, Two, Three and Four Person Parameters...
m4plR Documentation

Multidimensional One, Two, Three and Four Person Parameters Logistic Distributions


Density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation for the multidimensional one, two, three and four person parameters logistic distributions.


 pm4pl(theta = 0, S = 0, C = 0, D = 0, s = 1/1.702, b = 0, c = 0, d = 1,
       lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
 dm4pl(theta = 0, S = rep(0,length(theta)), C = rep(0,length(theta)),
       D = rep(0,length(theta)), b = 0, s = 1/1.702, c = 0, d = 1, log.p = FALSE)
 qm4pl(p = 0.05, S = 0, C = 0, D = 0, s = 1/1.702, b = 0, c = 0, d = 1,
       lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
 rm4pl(N = 100, S = 0, C = 0, D = 0, s = 1/1.702, b = 0, c = 0, d = 1)



numeric; vector of person proficiency (θ) levels scaled on a normal z score.


numeric; positive vector of personal fluctuation parameters (σ).


numeric; positive vector of personal pseudo-guessing parameters (χ, a probability between 0 and 1).


numeric; positive vector of personal inattention parameters (δ, a probability between 0 and 1).


numeric; number of observations.


numeric; vector of probability.


numeric; positive vector of item fluctuation parameters.


numeric; vector of item difficulty parameters.


numeric; positive vector of item pseudo-guessing parameters (a probability between 0 and 1).


numeric; positive vector of item inattention parameters (a probability between 0 and 1).


logical; if TRUE (default), probabilities are P(X_{j} <= x_{ij}), otherwise, P(X_{j} > x_{ij}).


logical; if TRUE, probabilities p are given as log(p).


The multidimensional 4 persons parameters logistic distribution (cdf) (Raiche et al., 2013) is equal to:

P(x_{ij} = 1|θ _j ,σ _j ,χ _j ,δ _j ,s_i ,b_i ,c_i ,d_i ) = (χ _j + c_i ) + {{(d_i - δ _j ) - (χ _j + c_i )} over {1 + e^{{{ - Da_i (θ _j - b_i )} over {√ {σ _j^2 + s_i^2 } }}} }}

where the parameters are defined in the section arguments and i and j are respectively the items and the persons indices. The σ_j, χ_j and δ_j parameters are respectively the personnal fluctuation, pseudo-guessing and inattention parameters. The multidimensional 4 persons parameters logistic model (M4PL) was described by Raiche, Magis and Blais (2008; Raiche, Magis and Beland, 2009; Raiche, Blais and Magis, 2009).



numeric; gives the distribution function (cdf).


numeric; gives the density (derivative of p4pl).


numeric; gives the quantile function (inverse of p4pl).


numeric; generates theta random deviates.


Gilles Raiche, Universite du Quebec a Montreal (UQAM),

Departement d'education et pedagogie,


Blais, J.-G., Raiche, G. and Magis, D. (2009). La detection des patrons de reponses problematiques dans le contexte des tests informatises. In Blais, J.-G. (Ed.): Evaluation des apprentissages et technologies de l'information et de la communication : enjeux, applications et modeles de mesure. Ste-Foy, Quebec: Presses de l'Universite Laval.

Raiche, G., Magis, D. and Beland, S. (2009). La correction du resultat d'un etudiant en presence de tentatives de fraudes. Communication presentee a l'Universite du Quebec a Montreal. Retrieved from

Raiche, G., Magis, D. and Blais, J.-G. (2008). Multidimensional item response theory models integrating additional inattention, pseudo-guessing, and discrimination person parameters. Communication at the annual international Psychometric Society meeting, Durham, New Hamshire. Retrieved from

Raiche, G., Magis, D., Blais, J.-G., and Brochu, P. (2013). Taking atypical response patterns into account: a multidimensional measurement model from item response theory. In M. Simon, K. Ercikan, and M. Rousseau (Eds), Improving large-scale assessment in education. New York, New York: Routledge.

See Also

grm4pl, ggrm4pl, pggrm4pl


## ....................................................................
# Approximation of p4pl() by pm4pl()
 theta  <- 0
 S      <- 0; C <- 0; D <- 0
 a      <- 1.702; s <- sqrt(1/a^2); b <- 0; c <- 0; d <- 1
 p.4pl  <-  p4pl(theta,a=a,b,c,d);
 p.m4pl <- pm4pl(theta,S,C,D,s,b,c,d)
 print(c(p4pl=p.4pl, m4pl=p.m4pl))

# Comparison of p4pl() and pm4pl() according to diverse values of theta
#  while person parameters vary
 theta  <- seq(-4,4,length=100); N <- length(theta)
 S      <- rep(0.9,N); C <- rep(0,N); D <- rep(0.9,N)
 a      <- 1.702; s <- 1/1.702
 p.4pl  <- p4pl(theta=theta, a=a, b=b, c=c, d=d)
 p.m4pl <- pm4pl(theta=theta, S=S, C=C, D=D, s=s, b=b, c=c, d=d)
 print(c(difference.maximale = max(p.4pl - p.m4pl)))
 round(rbind(theta=theta, p4pl=p.4pl, m4pl=p.m4pl, dif=p.4pl-p.m4pl),3)
 plot(theta,p.4pl,type="l", col="black", ylab="Probability")
 lines(theta,p.m4pl,col="red"); max(p.4pl-p.m4pl)
# Recovery of probability by quantile
 pm4pl(theta=3,b=0); pm4pl(theta=qm4pl(p=0.20))

# Density function dm4pl()
# Comparison 01 between d4pl() and dm4pl()
 theta  <- seq(-4,4, length=100)
 # theta <- 0 # We can also experiment with an unique value of theta
 N      <- length(theta)
 S      <- rep(0,N); C <- rep(0,N); D <- rep(0,N)
 a      <- 1.702
 d.4pl  <- d4pl(theta=theta,a=a)
 d.m4pl <- dm4pl(theta=theta,S=0,s=1/a)
 stats  <- round(cbind(theta=theta, d4pl=d.4pl, m4pl=d.m4pl, dif=d.4pl-d.m4pl),3)
 print(max(d.4pl - d.m4pl))
 plot(theta,d.4pl,type="l", col="black", ylab="Density")

# Comparison 02 between d4pl() and dm4pl()
 theta  <- seq(-4,4, length=10)
 N      <- length(theta)
 S      <- rep(.3,N); C <- rep(0,N); D <- rep(0,N)
 a      <- 1.702
 d.4pl  <- d4pl(theta=theta,a=a)
 d.m4pl <- dm4pl(theta=theta, S=S, C=C, D=D, s=1/a)
 stats  <- round(cbind(theta=theta, d4pl=d.4pl, m4pl=d.m4pl, dif=d.4pl-d.m4pl),3)
 print(max(d.4pl - d.m4pl))
 plot(theta,d.4pl,type="l", col="black", ylab="Density")

# Comparison of q4pl and qm4pl
#  followed by recovery of quantiles
 pm4pl(theta=1, ); p4pl(theta=1, a=1.702)
 qm4pl(p=0.99,); q4pl(p=0.99, a=1.702)
 qm4pl(pm4pl(theta=1)); q4pl(p4pl(theta=1, a=1.702), a=1.702)
 qm4pl(p=seq(0.01,0.99, length=10))

# Generation of theta values by rm4pl()
# ... Exemple 01 - A 4pl() equivalent distribution must be recovered when a=1.702
 res   <- rm4pl(N=1000)
 stats <- c(mean=sapply(res, mean), sd=sapply(res, sd), skewness=sapply(res, skewness),
            kurtosis=3-sapply(res, kurtosis))
 # pdf of this distribution
 theta   <- seq(-4,4,length=100); C=rep(0,N); D=rep(0,N)
 density <- dm4pl(theta,C=C,D=D)
 plot(theta, density, type="l")

# ... Exemple 02 - Distribution with D != 0
 S     <- 1/1.702
 B     <- 0
 C     <- 0.00
 D     <- 0.90
 res   <- rm4pl(N=1000, S=S, C=C, D=D)
 stats <- c(mean=sapply(res, mean), sd=sapply(res, sd), skewness=sapply(res, skewness),
            kurtosis=3-sapply(res, kurtosis))
 # pdf of this distribution
 theta   <- seq(-4,4,length=100)
 density <- dm4pl(theta, S=S, C=C, D=D)
 plot(theta, density, type="l")
## ....................................................................
