Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Gaussian Process model
gpR Documentation

Gaussian Process model


Gaussian Process model.


gp(formula, data, inputs, cov, estim = TRUE, ...)



A formula with a left-hand side specifying the response name, and the right-hand side the trend covariates (see examples below). Factors are not allowed neither as response nor as covariates.


A data frame containing the response, the inputs specified in inputs, and all the trend variables required in formula.


A character vector giving the names of the inputs.


A covariance kernel object or call.


Logical. If TRUE, the model parameters are estimated by Maximum Likelihood. The initial values can then be specified using the parCovIni and varNoiseIni arguments of mle,covAll-method passed though dots. If FALSE, a simple Generalised Least Squares estimation will be used, see gls,covAll-method. Then the value of varNoise must be given and passed through dots in case noise is TRUE.


Other arguments passed to the estimation method. This will be the mle,covAll-method if estim is TRUE or gls,covAll-method if estim is FALSE. In the first case, the arguments will typically include varNoiseIni. In the second case, they will typically include varNoise. Note that a logical noise can be used in the "mle" case. In both cases, the arguments y, X, F can not be used since they are automatically passed.


A list object which is given the S3 class "gp". The list content is very likely to change, and should be used through methods.


When estim is TRUE, the covariance object in cov is expected to provide a gradient when used to compute a covariance matrix, since the default value of compGrad mle.


Y. Deville, D. Ginsbourger, O. Roustant

See Also

mle for a detailed example.


## ==================================================================
## Example 1. Data sampled from a GP model with a known covTS object
## ==================================================================
myCov <- covTS(inputs = c("Temp", "Humid"),
               kernel = "k1matern5_2",
               dep = c(range = "input"),
               value = c(range = 0.4))
## change coefficients (variances)
coef(myCov) <- c(0.5, 0.8, 2, 16)
d <- myCov@d; n <- 20
## design matrix
X <- matrix(runif(n*d), nrow = n, ncol = d)
colnames(X) <- inputNames(myCov)
## generate the GP realization
C <- covMat(myCov, X = X)
L <- t(chol(C))
zeta <- L %*% rnorm(n)
## GP modelling with constant mean
F <- matrix(1, nrow = n, ncol = 1)
varNoise <- 0.05
epsilon <- rnorm(n, sd = sqrt(varNoise))
beta <- 10
y <- F %*% beta + zeta + epsilon
## Towards prediction 
fit <- gls(myCov, X = X, y = y, F = F, varNoise = varNoise)

## parIni: add noise to true parameters
parCovIni <- coef(myCov)
parCovIni[] <- 0.9 * parCovIni[] +  0.1 * runif(length(parCovIni))
coefLower(myCov) <- rep(1e-2, 4)
coefUpper(myCov) <- c(5, 5, 20, 20)
est <- gp(y ~ 1, data = data.frame(y = y, X),
          inputs = colnames(X), cov = myCov, 
          noise = TRUE, varNoiseLower = 1e-2, 
          parCovIni = parCovIni) 

## =======================================================================
## Example 2. Predicting an additive function with an additive GP model
## =======================================================================

## Not run: 
    addfun6d <- function(x){
       res <- x[1]^3 + cos(pi * x[2]) + abs(x[3]) * sin(x[3]^2) +
           3 * x[4]^3 + 3 * cos(pi * x[5]) + 3 * abs(x[6]) * sin(x[6]^2)

    ## 'Fit' is for the learning set, 'Val' for the validation set
    nFit <- 50   
    nVal <- 200
    d <- 6 
    inputs <- paste("x", 1L:d, sep = "")

    ## create design matrices with DiceDesign package 
    dataFitIni <- DiceDesign::lhsDesign(nFit, d)$design 
    dataValIni <- DiceDesign::lhsDesign(nVal, d)$design 
    dataFit <- DiceDesign::maximinSA_LHS(dataFitIni)$design
    dataVal <- DiceDesign::maximinSA_LHS(dataValIni)$design

    colnames(dataFit) <- colnames(dataVal) <- inputs
    testfun <- addfun6d
    dataFit <- data.frame(dataFit, y = apply(dataFit, 1, testfun))
    dataVal <- data.frame(dataVal, y = apply(dataVal, 1, testfun))

    ## Creation of "CovTS" object with one range by input
    myCov <- covTS(inputs = inputs, d = d, kernel = "k1matern3_2", 
                   dep = c(range = "input"))

    ## Creation of a gp object
    fitgp <- gp(formula = y ~ 1, data = dataFit, inputs = inputs,
                cov = myCov, noise = TRUE, 
                parCovIni = rep(1, 2*d),
                parCovLower = c(rep(1e-4, 2*d)),
                parCovUpper = c(rep(5, d), rep(10,d)),
                control = list(maxit = 300, REPORT = 10))
    predTS <- predict(fitgp, newdata = as.matrix(dataVal[ , inputs]), type = "UK")$mean

    ## Classical tensor product kernel as a reference for comparison
    fitRef <- DiceKriging::km(formula = ~1,
                              design = dataFit[ , inputs],
                              response = dataFit$y,  covtype="matern3_2")
    predRef <- predict(fitRef,
                       newdata = as.matrix(dataVal[ , inputs]),
                       type = "UK")$mean
    ## Compare TS and Ref
    RMSE <- data.frame(TS = sqrt(mean((dataVal$y - predTS)^2)),
                       Ref = sqrt(mean((dataVal$y - predRef)^2)),
                       row.names = "RMSE")

    Comp <- data.frame(y = dataVal$y, predTS, predRef)
    plot(predRef ~ y, data = Comp, col = "black", pch = 4,
         xlab = "True", ylab = "Predicted",
         main = paste("Prediction on a validation set (nFit = ",
                      nFit, ", nVal = ", nVal, ").", sep = ""))
    points(predTS ~ y, data = Comp, col = "red", pch = 20)
    abline(a = 0, b = 1, col = "blue", lty = "dotted")
    legend("bottomright", pch = c(4, 20), col = c("black", "red"),
           legend = c("Ref", "Tensor Sum"))

## End(Not run)

## Example 3: a 'covMan' kernel with 3 implementations

d <- 4

## -- Define a 4-dimensional covariance structure with a kernel in R

myGaussFunR <- function(x1, x2, par) { 
    h <- (x1 - x2) / par[1]
    SS2 <- sum(h^2)
    d2 <- exp(-SS2)
    kern <- par[2] * d2
    d1 <- 2 * kern * SS2 / par[1]            
    attr(kern, "gradient") <- c(theta = d1,  sigma2 = d2)

myGaussR <- covMan(kernel = myGaussFunR,
                   hasGrad = TRUE,
                   d = d,
                   parLower = c(theta = 0.0, sigma2 = 0.0),
                   parUpper = c(theta = Inf, sigma2 = Inf),
                   parNames = c("theta", "sigma2"),
                   label = "Gaussian kernel: R implementation")

## -- The same, still in R, but with a kernel admitting matrices as arguments

myGaussFunRVec <- function(X1, X2, par) { 
    # X1, X2 : matrices with same number of columns 'd' (dimension)
    n <- nrow(X1)
    d <- ncol(X1)     
    SS2 <- 0  
    for (j in 1:d){
        Aj <- outer(X1[ , j], X2[ , j], "-")
        Hj2 <- (Aj / par[1])^2
        SS2 <- SS2 + Hj2
    D2 <- exp(-SS2)
    kern <- par[2] * D2
    D1 <- 2 * kern * SS2 / par[1] 
    attr(kern, "gradient") <- list(theta = D1,  sigma2 = D2)

myGaussRVec <- covMan(
    kernel = myGaussFunRVec,
    hasGrad = TRUE,
    acceptMatrix = TRUE,
    d = d,
    parLower = c(theta = 0.0, sigma2 = 0.0),
    parUpper = c(theta = Inf, sigma2 = Inf),
    parNames = c("theta", "sigma2"),
    label = "Gaussian kernel: vectorised R implementation"

## -- The same, with inlined C code
## (see also another example with Rcpp by typing: ?kergp).

if (require(inline)) {

    kernCode <- "
       SEXP kern, dkern;
       int nprotect = 0, d;
       double SS2 = 0.0, d2, z, *rkern, *rdkern;

       d = LENGTH(x1);
       PROTECT(kern = allocVector(REALSXP, 1)); nprotect++;
       PROTECT(dkern = allocVector(REALSXP, 2)); nprotect++;
       rkern = REAL(kern);
       rdkern = REAL(dkern);

       for (int i = 0; i < d; i++) {
          z = ( REAL(x1)[i] - REAL(x2)[i] ) / REAL(par)[0];
          SS2 += z * z; 

       d2 = exp(-SS2);
       rkern[0] = REAL(par)[1] * d2;
       rdkern[1] =  d2; 
       rdkern[0] =  2 * rkern[0] * SS2 / REAL(par)[0];

       SET_ATTR(kern, install("gradient"), dkern);
       return kern;
    myGaussFunC <- cfunction(sig = signature(x1 = "numeric", x2 = "numeric",
                                          par = "numeric"),
                             body = kernCode)

    myGaussC <- covMan(kernel = myGaussFunC,
                       hasGrad = TRUE,
                       d = d,
                       parLower = c(theta = 0.0, sigma2 = 0.0),
                       parUpper = c(theta = Inf, sigma2 = Inf),
                       parNames = c("theta", "sigma2"),
                       label = "Gaussian kernel: C/inline implementation")


## == Simulate data for covMan and trend ==

n <- 100; p <- d + 1
X <- matrix(runif(n * d), nrow = n)
colnames(X) <- inputNames(myGaussRVec)
design <- data.frame(X)
coef(myGaussRVec) <- myPar <- c(theta = 0.5, sigma2 = 2)
C <- covMat(object = myGaussRVec, X = X,
            compGrad = FALSE,  index = 1L, checkNames = FALSE)

L <- t(chol(C))
y <- L %*% rnorm(n)
F <- matrix(runif(n * p), nrow = n, ncol = p)
beta <- (1:p) / p
y <- tcrossprod(F, t(beta)) + y

## == ML estimation. ==
tRVec <- system.time(
    resRVec <- gp(formula = y ~ ., data = data.frame(y = y, design),
                  inputs = names(design), cov = myGaussRVec,
                  compGrad = TRUE, 
                  parCovIni = c(0.5, 0.5), varNoiseLower = 1e-4,
                  parCovLower = c(1e-5, 1e-5), parCovUpper = c(Inf, Inf))

pRVec <- predict(resRVec, newdata = design, type = "UK")    
tAll <- tRVec
coefAll <- coef(resRVec)
## compare time required by the 3 implementations
## Not run: 
    tR <- system.time(
        resR <- gp(formula = y ~ ., data = data.frame(y = y, design),
                   inputs = names(design), cov = myGaussR,
                   compGrad = TRUE, 
                   parCovIni = c(0.5, 0.5), varNoiseLower = 1e-4,
                   parCovLower = c(1e-5, 1e-5), parCovUpper = c(Inf, Inf))
    tAll <- rbind(tRVec = tAll, tR)
    coefAll <- rbind(coefAll, coef(resR))
    if (require(inline)) {
        tC <- system.time(
            resC <- gp(formula = y ~ ., data = data.frame(y = y, design),
                       inputs = names(design), cov = myGaussC,
                       compGrad = TRUE, 
                       parCovIni = c(0.5, 0.5), varNoiseLower = 1e-4,
                       parCovLower = c(1e-5, 1e-5), parCovUpper = c(Inf, Inf))
        tAll <- rbind(tAll, tC)
        coefAll <- rbind(coefAll, coef(resC))

## End(Not run)

## rows must be identical 
