Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: 'print.Bootstrap' or 'summary.Bootstrap' a Bootstrap object
summary.BootstrapR Documentation

print.Bootstrap or summary.Bootstrap a Bootstrap object


Generic Print/Summary method for Bootstrap class output visualization.


## S4 method for signature 'Bootstrap'



Bootstrap class object.


according to the call


console output text with increasing detail of Bootstrap object.


M L Zingaretti, J A Demey, J L Vicente-Villardon, J R Demey






R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
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> library(kimod)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/kimod/Bootstrap-summary.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: summary.Bootstrap
> ### Title: 'print.Bootstrap' or 'summary.Bootstrap' a Bootstrap object
> ### Aliases: summary,Bootstrap-method summary.Bootstrap
> ### ** Examples
> {
+  data(NCI60Selec)
+  fit<-DiStatis(NCI60Selec,Scale=TRUE,Center=TRUE)
+  A<-Bootstrap(fit)
+  summary(A)
+ }
The calculations were performed using the scalar product between the tables
The Projection of all variables will be made when the number of variables is less than 50
Ratios Boot:
                      Dim1        Dim2
BR.BT_549       10.8543144 -1.55282618
BR.HS578T       17.9740108 -0.67969410
BR.MCF7         -9.6251056 -1.73726157
BR.MDA_MB_231    7.1965218 -1.67004678
BR.T47D         -1.9797415 -1.72654946
CNS.SF_268      12.1006514 -0.95927827
CNS.SF_295      12.2676260  0.01955013
CNS.SF_539      17.5514225  0.23267422
CNS.SNB_19       8.0838829  0.86726265
CNS.SNB_75      16.6202968  1.39438451
CNS.U251        10.4456823  0.02917812
CO.COLO205     -17.4197364 -1.75438599
CO.HCC_2998    -11.1581733 -1.76508453
CO.HCT_116      -8.3773639 -1.77973220
CO.HCT_15      -13.6483472 -1.76525286
CO.HT29        -10.0836673 -1.80741089
CO.KM12        -13.7128839 -1.74029098
CO.SW_620      -16.7027018 -1.79117709
LC.A549          2.5249669 -1.83357176
LC.EKVX          7.2732695 -1.47370418
LC.HOP_62        6.7778663 -1.64855103
LC.HOP_92        9.2652239 -1.25987525
LC.NCI_H226     14.2315505 -1.57468245
LC.NCI_H23       2.1561592 -1.22627872
LC.NCI_H322M     0.9004067 -1.83190495
LC.NCI_H460     -3.7335651 -0.94521887
LC.NCI_H522     -3.3235009  0.07151958
LE.CCRF_CEM    -41.5360802  1.17197572
LE.HL_60       -47.5699312  1.12645750
LE.K_562       -34.7577972  1.30494467
LE.MOLT_4      -43.1086561  0.90749724
LE.RPMI_8226   -30.0339832  1.43705584
LE.SR          -21.7660000  0.27132847
ME.LOXIMVI       2.4458627  1.77538469
ME.M14           4.0823158  1.86026041
ME.MALME_3M      5.3079218  1.86239972
ME.MDA_MB_435    1.4795751  1.85126176
ME.MDA_N         1.3718545  1.81874948
ME.SK_MEL_2      2.4359867  1.80878583
ME.SK_MEL_28     4.8237253  1.83764957
ME.SK_MEL_5     -0.4221908  1.81979269
ME.UACC_257      1.2173044  1.83471739
ME.UACC_62       4.7489822  1.84585245
OV.IGROV1       -1.1967382 -1.77882743
OV.NCI_ADR_RES   2.2252760 -1.73529926
OV.OVCAR_3       0.1649936 -1.65927487
OV.OVCAR_4       3.3216281 -1.78989126
OV.OVCAR_5       3.4555448 -1.77004641
OV.OVCAR_8       4.2297962 -1.86249413
OV.SK_OV_3       6.0004962 -1.84753380
PR.DU_145        4.1146231 -1.74470939
PR.PC_3          2.2819891 -1.70646580
RE.786_0        10.0457301 -1.75653076
RE.A498         17.9488798 -1.74791669
RE.ACHN         11.6135931 -1.71750678
RE.CAKI_1        9.4642436 -1.75563742
RE.RXF_393      14.5315077 -1.78641481
RE.SN12C         8.6849798 -1.65338287
RE.TK_10         7.2381818 -1.75624059
RE.UO_31        13.9796066 -1.80211673
 [1] "BR.BT_549"     "BR.HS578T"     "BR.MDA_MB_231" "CNS.SF_268"   
 [5] "CNS.SF_295"    "CNS.SF_539"    "CNS.SNB_19"    "CNS.SNB_75"   
 [9] "CNS.U251"      "LC.EKVX"       "LC.HOP_62"     "LC.HOP_92"    
[13] "LC.NCI_H226"   "ME.M14"        "ME.MALME_3M"   "ME.SK_MEL_28" 
[17] "ME.UACC_62"    "OV.OVCAR_4"    "OV.OVCAR_5"    "OV.OVCAR_8"   
[21] "OV.SK_OV_3"    "PR.DU_145"     "RE.786_0"      "RE.A498"      
[25] "RE.ACHN"       "RE.CAKI_1"     "RE.RXF_393"    "RE.SN12C"     
[29] "RE.TK_10"      "RE.UO_31"     

 [1] "BR.MCF7"      "CO.COLO205"   "CO.HCC_2998"  "CO.HCT_116"   "CO.HCT_15"   
 [6] "CO.HT29"      "CO.KM12"      "CO.SW_620"    "LC.NCI_H460"  "LC.NCI_H522" 
[11] "LE.CCRF_CEM"  "LE.HL_60"     "LE.K_562"     "LE.MOLT_4"    "LE.RPMI_8226"
[16] "LE.SR"       

 [1] "BR.BT_549"     "BR.HS578T"     "BR.MDA_MB_231" "CNS.SF_268"   
 [5] "CNS.SF_295"    "CNS.SF_539"    "CNS.SNB_19"    "CNS.SNB_75"   
 [9] "CNS.U251"      "LC.EKVX"       "LC.HOP_62"     "LC.HOP_92"    
[13] "LC.NCI_H226"   "ME.M14"        "ME.MALME_3M"   "ME.SK_MEL_28" 
[17] "ME.UACC_62"    "OV.OVCAR_4"    "OV.OVCAR_5"    "OV.OVCAR_8"   
[21] "OV.SK_OV_3"    "PR.DU_145"     "RE.786_0"      "RE.A498"      
[25] "RE.ACHN"       "RE.CAKI_1"     "RE.RXF_393"    "RE.SN12C"     
[29] "RE.TK_10"      "RE.UO_31"     

 [1] "BR.MCF7"      "CO.COLO205"   "CO.HCC_2998"  "CO.HCT_116"   "CO.HCT_15"   
 [6] "CO.HT29"      "CO.KM12"      "CO.SW_620"    "LC.NCI_H460"  "LC.NCI_H522" 
[11] "LE.CCRF_CEM"  "LE.HL_60"     "LE.K_562"     "LE.MOLT_4"    "LE.RPMI_8226"
[16] "LE.SR"       

  1 - sum(SumNum)/sum(SumDenom)
1                     0.7479136
Representation Quality boot:
                    LI       LS
BR.MCF7       48.73514 65.34575
BR.MDA_MB_231 63.86100 76.98456
BR.HS578T     43.83889 58.26709
BR.BT_549     31.33843 57.43694
BR.T47D       15.85464 32.07248
CNS.SF_268    53.97690 75.31698
      Inertia-Mean Inertia-Sd        LI        LS
Dim 1    15.693408 0.21141044 15.276515 16.110300
Dim 2    11.596881 0.16482380 11.271855 11.921906
Dim 3     2.682080 0.06487273  2.554154  2.810006
Dim 4     2.559890 0.05633208  2.448806  2.670974
Dim 5     2.469440 0.05269889  2.365520  2.573360
Dim 6     2.387897 0.04156387  2.305935  2.469859
null device 