Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Auxiliary for Setting the ERGMM Prior
ergmm.priorR Documentation

Auxiliary for Setting the ERGMM Prior


Auxiliary function as user interface for ergmm prior specification. Typically only used when calling ergmm. It is used to supply the parameters of the prior distribution of the model, to overwrite those specified in the model formula, and to supply miscellaneous prior parameters.


ergmm.prior(..., adjust.beta.var = TRUE)



Prior distribution parameters. See terms.ergmm for more information.


A shortcut: whether the prior variance for each covariate coefficient should be divided by the mean square of that covariate. This adjustment affects those variances specified in the formula or by default, but not those specified through the prior= argument.


A list with the arguments as elements.

See Also

ergmm, terms.ergmm
