Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Estimates the maximum number of cases to be checked during...
estimate_exhaustiveR Documentation

Estimates the maximum number of cases to be checked during exhaustive search.


Estimates the maximum number of cases to be checked during exhaustive search.


estimate_exhaustive(min_preserved = sum(group_sizes), condition,
  cases_per_second = 100, print_info = TRUE, max_removed = NULL,
  group_sizes = NULL, props = NULL)



Assumes that at least a total of this many subjects will be preserved.


A factor vector containing condition labels.


Assumes that this number of cases are checked out per second, for estimating the time it takes to run the exhaustive search; default: 100.


If TRUE, prints partial calculations as well for the number of cases and estimated time when removing 1, 2, ... subjects.


A named integer vector, containing the maximum number of subjects that can be removed from each group. Specify 0 for groups if you want to preserve all of their subjects. If you do not specify a value for a group, it defaults to one less than the group size. Values outside the valid range of 0..(N-1) (where N is the number of subjects in the group) are corrected without a warning.


A particular set of group sizes that we know a matched solution for; min_preserved need not be specified if this one is.


The desired proportions (percentage) of the sample for each condition; if this and group_sizes are both specified, the maximum number of cases to considered by the exhaustive search can be calculated more precisely.


The maximum number of cases: an integer if not greater than the maximum integer size (.Machine$integer.max), otherwise a Big Integer (see the gmp package).


estimate_exhaustive(58, as.factor(c(rep("ALN", 25), rep("TD", 44))))
estimate_exhaustive(84, as.factor(c(rep("ASD", 51), rep("TD", 44))))
