Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: plot method for class Les
plot,Les-methodR Documentation

plot method for class Les


The 'plot' method plots the estimates of the 'les' package along the genome. This includeds Lambda with confidence intervals and estimated regions.


plot(x, y, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'Les'
plot(x, y, chr, error="none", region=FALSE, limit=TRUE,
rug=FALSE, xlim, ylim=c(0, 1),  ...)



Object of class 'Les', as returned by 'estimate', 'threshold' or 'ci'.


Annotation object, currently not used.


Character or numeric specifying which chromosome to plot. Must have a match in 'chr' passed to 'Les'. A value is required if the probes are located on more than one chromosome.


Character string specifying if error estimates for Lambda should be plotted (default: "none"). Valid values are "none" for no error estimates and "ci" for confidence intervals computed by the 'ci' method.


Logical indicating whether the estimated regions should be included in the plot. The 'regions' method must have been called beforehand.


Logical specifying whether the estimated threshold Theta should be indicated on the y-axis if estimated (default: TRUE).


Logical whether the positions of the probes should be indicated along the x-axis (default: FALSE). For details see 'rug'.


Numeric vector with two elements specifying the range on the x-axis.


Numeric vector with two elements specifying the range on the y-axis.


Optional arguments used in order to customize the plot. See the ‘details’ section.


This method provides high-level plotting for the 'Les' class.

The plot method uses a special system in order to customize the graphical elements of the figure. It allows to refer to the different components with the name of the additional input argument; its value is a list containing named graphical parameters for the underlying plot function. The following list describes the possible names and their contribution.


Arguments for the axis and the labeling, passed to the plot function.


Arguments for the border lines at Lambda equal to 0 and 1, passed to the abline function.


Arguments for the confidence interval of Lambda, passed to the plotCI function of the gplots package.


Arguments for the representation of probes, passed to the points function.


Arguments for the horizontal line representing the threshold Theta, passed to the abline function.


Arguments for the representation of significant probes with Lambda equal or greater Theta, passed to the points function.


Arguments for the representation of the probe coverage along the genome, passed to the rug function.


Arguments for the representation of estimated LES, passed to the rect function. If 'col' is specified as a function it determines the color of each region depending on its input Lambda (default: gray()). If 'col' is a vector its elements are used to color the regions with recycling.


Julian Gehring

Maintainer: Julian Gehring <>

See Also

Package: les-package

Class: Les

Methods and functions: Les estimate threshold regions ci chi2 export plot



x <- Les(pos, pval)
x <- estimate(x, 200)
x <- threshold(x)
x <- regions(x)

plot(x, region=TRUE)


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> library(les)
Loading required package: fdrtool
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/les/plot.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: plot,Les-method
> ### Title: plot method for class Les
> ### Aliases: plot plot-methods plot,Les plot,Les-method
> ### Keywords: utilities methods hplot
> ### ** Examples
> data(spikeInStat)
> x <- Les(pos, pval)
> x <- estimate(x, 200)
> x <- threshold(x)
> x <- regions(x)
> plot(x, region=TRUE)
null device 