Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Mixed Model Representations
merModLmerTest-classR Documentation

Mixed Model Representations


The merModLmerTest contains merMod class of lme4 package and overloads anova and summary functions.

Objects from the Class

Objects can be created via the lmer functions.

See Also



(m <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (1|Subject) + (0+Days|Subject),
             data = sleepstudy))

## type 3 anova table with  denominator degrees of freedom
## calculated based on Satterthwaite's approximation

## type 1 anova table with denominator degrees of freedom
## calculated based on Satterthwaite's approximation
## Not run: 
anova(m, type=1)

## End(Not run)

## type3 anova table with additional F statistics and denominator degrees of freedom
## calculated based on Kenward-Roger's approximation
## Not run: 
if(requireNamespace("pbkrtest", quietly = TRUE))
anova(m, ddf="Kenward-Roger")

## End(Not run)

## anova table, that is returned by lme4 package
anova(m, ddf="lme4")

## summary of merModLmerTest object. Returns the same as merMod object but with an 
## additional column of p values for the t test. 
