Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Color bias adjust of Illumina Infinium methylation data
lumiMethyCR Documentation

Color bias adjust of Illumina Infinium methylation data


Color bias adjust of Illumina Infinium methylation data, which is an object in MethyLumiM class.


lumiMethyC(methyLumiM, method = c("quantile", "ssn", "none"), verbose = TRUE, overwriteBigMatrix=FALSE, ...)



a MethyLumiM object includes Illumina Infinium methylation data


color bias adjustment methods or user provided function, see "details" for more information of user defined function.


a boolean to decide whether to print out some messages


whether to overwrite the result to the BigMatrix data, only valid when the input data is BigMatrix-based


other parameters used by corresponding method


The first two arguments of the user defined function should be two intensity matrix (pool of methylated and unmethylated probe intensities) of red and green channel respectively. The return of the user defined function should be a list including color adjusted matrix of red and green channel. For example: return(list(red=redData, green=grnData)). "redData" and "grnData" are two color adjusted matrix.


Return an object (same class as input methyLumiM) with updated "methylated" and "unmethylated" data matrix after background level adjustment.


Pan DU

See Also

See Also adjColorBias.quantile and adjColorBias.ssn


# before adjustment
# plot in 2D plot of one selected sample
plotColorBias2D(example.lumiMethy, selSample = 1)
lumiMethy.adj = lumiMethyC(example.lumiMethy)
# after adjustment
# plot in 2D plot of one selected sample
plotColorBias2D(lumiMethy.adj, selSample = 1)


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> library(lumi)
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    clusterApply, clusterApplyLB, clusterCall, clusterEvalQ,
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    parLapplyLB, parRapply, parSapply, parSapplyLB

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    IQR, mad, xtabs

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    Filter, Find, Map, Position, Reduce, anyDuplicated, append,, cbind, colnames,, duplicated, eval, evalq,
    get, grep, grepl, intersect, is.unsorted, lapply, lengths, mapply,
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Setting options('download.file.method.GEOquery'='auto')
Setting options('GEOquery.inmemory.gpl'=FALSE)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/lumi/lumiMethyC.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: lumiMethyC
> ### Title: Color bias adjust of Illumina Infinium methylation data
> ### Aliases: lumiMethyC
> ### Keywords: methods
> ### ** Examples
> data(example.lumiMethy)
> # before adjustment
> plotColorBias1D(example.lumiMethy)
> # plot in 2D plot of one selected sample
> plotColorBias2D(example.lumiMethy, selSample = 1)
> lumiMethy.adj = lumiMethyC(example.lumiMethy)
Perform quantile color balance adjustment ...
Processing sample Treat1 ...
Processing sample Treat2 ...
Processing sample Treat3 ...
Processing sample Treat4 ...
Processing sample Ctrl1 ...
Processing sample Ctrl2 ...
Processing sample Ctrl3 ...
Processing sample Ctrl4 ...
Processing sample Treat1.rep ...
Processing sample Treat2.rep ...
Processing sample Treat3.rep ...
Processing sample Treat4.rep ...
Processing sample Ctrl1.rep ...
Processing sample Ctrl2.rep ...
Processing sample Ctrl3.rep ...
Processing sample Ctrl4.rep ...
> # after adjustment
> plotColorBias1D(lumiMethy.adj)
> # plot in 2D plot of one selected sample
> plotColorBias2D(lumiMethy.adj, selSample = 1)
null device 