Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Evaluate Performance of Kernel Parameters by Cross-validation
evaluateParametersR Documentation

Evaluate Performance of Kernel Parameters by Cross-validation


For a given data set, chromosome, class, and kernel function, this function helps in determining optimal settings for the kernel parameter(s). The performance of individual parameter setting is assessed by cross- validation.


evaluateParameters(data, class, chromosome, kernel, kernelparams = NULL,
                   paramMultipliers = 2^(-4:4), subset = NULL, 
                   newlabels = NULL, ncross = 10, verbose = TRUE)



Gene expression data in the MACAT list format. See data(stjude) for an example.


Sample class to be analyzed


Chromosome to be analyzed


Choose kernel to smooth scores along the chromosome. Available are 'kNN' for k-Nearest-Neighbors, 'rbf' for radial-basis-function (Gaussian), 'basePairDistance' for a kernel, which averages over all genes within a given range of base pairs around a position.


Additional parameters for the kernel as list, e.g., kernelparams=list(k=5) for taking the 5 nearest neighbours in the kNN-kernel. If NULL some defaults are set within the function.


Numeric vector. If you do cross-validation of the kernel parameters, specify these as multipliers of the given (standard) kernel parameter, depending on your kernel choice (see page 5 of the vignette). The multiplication results are the kernel argument settings, among which you want to search for the optimal one using cross-validation.


If a subset of samples is to be used, give vector of column- indices of these samples in the original matrix here.


If other labels than the ones in the MACAT-list-structure are to be used, give them as character vector/factor here. Make sure argument 'class' is one of them.


Integer. Specify how many folds in cross-validation.


Logical. Should progress be reported to STDOUT?


A list of class 'MACATevP' with 4 components:


List of assessed settings for the parameter [parameterName].


Average Residual Sum of Squares for the parameter settings in the same order as the first component.


Multiplier of the original parameters in the same order as the first components.


List of parameter settings considered optimal by cross- validation. Can be directly inserted under the argument 'kernelparams' of the 'evalScoring' function.


MACAT development team

See Also



evalkNN6 <- evaluateParameters(stjd, class="T", chromosome=6,kernel=kNN, 
if (interactive()&&capabilities("X11"))


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    parLapplyLB, parRapply, parSapply, parSapplyLB

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    IQR, mad, xtabs

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    Filter, Find, Map, Position, Reduce, anyDuplicated, append,, cbind, colnames,, duplicated, eval, evalq,
    get, grep, grepl, intersect, is.unsorted, lapply, lengths, mapply,
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> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/macat/evaluateParameters.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: evaluateParameters
> ### Title: Evaluate Performance of Kernel Parameters by Cross-validation
> ### Aliases: evaluateParameters plot.MACATevP
> ### Keywords: manip
> ### ** Examples
> data(stjd)
> evalkNN6 <- evaluateParameters(stjd, class="T", chromosome=6,kernel=kNN, 
+                                paramMultipliers=c(0.01,seq(0.2,2.0,0.2),2.5))
Compute observed test statistics...
Compute quantiles of empirical distributions...Done.

Evaluating parameter k = 1 ...
Iteration 1 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 2 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 3 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 4 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 5 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 6 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 7 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 8 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 9 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 10 ...Computing residuals for test scores...

Evaluating parameter k = 7 ...
Iteration 1 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 2 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 3 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 4 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 5 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 6 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 7 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 8 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 9 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 10 ...Computing residuals for test scores...

Evaluating parameter k = 14 ...
Iteration 1 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 2 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 3 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 4 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 5 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 6 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 7 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 8 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 9 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 10 ...Computing residuals for test scores...

Evaluating parameter k = 21 ...
Iteration 1 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 2 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 3 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 4 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 5 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 6 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 7 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 8 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 9 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 10 ...Computing residuals for test scores...

Evaluating parameter k = 28 ...
Iteration 1 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 2 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 3 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 4 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 5 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 6 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 7 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 8 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 9 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 10 ...Computing residuals for test scores...

Evaluating parameter k = 34 ...
Iteration 1 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 2 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 3 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 4 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 5 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 6 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 7 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 8 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 9 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 10 ...Computing residuals for test scores...

Evaluating parameter k = 41 ...
Iteration 1 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 2 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 3 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 4 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 5 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 6 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 7 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 8 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 9 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 10 ...Computing residuals for test scores...

Evaluating parameter k = 48 ...
Iteration 1 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 2 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 3 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 4 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 5 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 6 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 7 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 8 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 9 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 10 ...Computing residuals for test scores...

Evaluating parameter k = 55 ...
Iteration 1 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 2 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 3 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 4 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 5 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 6 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 7 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 8 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 9 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 10 ...Computing residuals for test scores...

Evaluating parameter k = 62 ...
Iteration 1 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 2 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 3 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 4 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 5 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 6 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 7 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 8 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 9 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 10 ...Computing residuals for test scores...

Evaluating parameter k = 68 ...
Iteration 1 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 2 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 3 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 4 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 5 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 6 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 7 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 8 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 9 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 10 ...Computing residuals for test scores...

Evaluating parameter k = 85 ...
Iteration 1 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 2 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 3 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 4 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 5 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 6 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 7 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 8 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 9 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
Iteration 10 ...Computing residuals for test scores...
> #if (interactive()&&capabilities("X11"))
>   plot(evalkNN6)
null device 