Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Jackknife between group analysis
bga.jackknifeR Documentation

Jackknife between group analysis


Performs one-leave-out jackknife analysis of a between group analysis as described by Culhane et al., 20002


bga.jackknife(data, classvec, ...)



Input dataset. A matrix, data.frame If the input is gene expression data in a matrix or data.frame. The columns contain the cases (array samples) which will be jackknifed.


A factor or vector which describes the classes in the training dataset


further arguments passed to or from other methods


Performs a one-leave-out cross validation of between group analysis bga. Input is a training dataset. This can take 5-10 minutes to compute on standard data gene expression matrix.

In jackknife one leave out analysis, one case (column) is removed. The remaining dataset is subjected to bga. Then the class of the case that was removed is predicted using suppl. This analysis is repeated until all samples have been removed and predicted.


A list containing


The projected co-ordinates of each sample


A summary of number and percentage of correctly assigned samples


Aedin Culhane


Culhane et al., 2002 Between-group analysis of microarray data. Bioinformatics. 18(12):1600-8.

See Also

See Also bga, bga.suppl, suppl,bga, bca, plot.bga


# NOTE using a very reduced dataset (first 5 genes) to speed up results
# hence expect poor prediction accuracy
print("using only small subset of data")
if (require(ade4, quiet = TRUE)) {
bga.jackknife(khan$train[1:5,], khan$train.classes) }


R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
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> library(made4)
Loading required package: ade4
Loading required package: RColorBrewer
Loading required package: gplots

Attaching package: 'gplots'

The following object is masked from 'package:stats':


Loading required package: scatterplot3d
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/made4/bga.jackknife.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: bga.jackknife
> ### Title: Jackknife between group analysis
> ### Aliases: bga.jackknife
> ### Keywords: manip multivariate
> ### ** Examples
> data(khan)
> # NOTE using a very reduced dataset (first 5 genes) to speed up results
> # hence expect poor prediction accuracy
> dim(khan$train)
[1] 306  64
> print("using only small subset of data")
[1] "using only small subset of data"
> if (require(ade4, quiet = TRUE)) {
+ bga.jackknife(khan$train[1:5,], khan$train.classes) }
        projected.Axis1 projected.Axis2 projected.Axis3 closest.centre
EWS.T1  "0.1796938"     "0.03223652"    "-0.007871632"  "BL-NHL"      
EWS.T2  "-0.125328"     "-0.319135"     "-0.2287313"    "BL-NHL"      
EWS.T3  "0.01650144"    "-0.2214479"    "-0.03602944"   "EWS"         
EWS.T4  "0.2935052"     "-0.4814553"    "0.2344584"     "EWS"         
EWS.T6  "0.006695328"   "-0.1210627"    "0.08177354"    "BL-NHL"      
EWS.T7  "-0.1347209"    "-0.1625475"    "0.0938616"     "EWS"         
EWS.T9  "-0.1180192"    "0.1788036"     "-0.1873782"    "BL-NHL"      
EWS.T11 "-0.1195324"    "-0.1757967"    "-0.09588219"   "BL-NHL"      
EWS.T12 "0.1697188"     "-0.05806945"   "0.1671593"     "BL-NHL"      
EWS.T13 "0.05373105"    "-0.6032833"    "-0.6315504"    "EWS"         
EWS.T14 "0.08813719"    "-0.2153136"    "0.09667327"    "EWS"         
EWS.T15 "0.146521"      "0.04995045"    "-0.1953851"    "NB"          
EWS.T19 "-0.04370983"   "-0.315936"     "-0.07859392"   "EWS"         
EWS.C8  "-0.04759317"   "-0.2372032"    "0.3754341"     "BL-NHL"      
EWS.C3  "-0.01094925"   "-0.5422011"    "0.1952465"     "NB"          
EWS.C2  "-0.1101239"    "-0.5219158"    "0.402939"      "BL-NHL"      
EWS.C4  "0.1252794"     "-0.1825572"    "0.3817637"     "BL-NHL"      
EWS.C6  "0.0248968"     "-0.2263948"    "0.2265657"     "BL-NHL"      
EWS.C9  "0.0207777"     "0.2286145"     "-0.246718"     "BL-NHL"      
EWS.C7  "-0.1222711"    "-0.4859269"    "0.1965064"     "BL-NHL"      
EWS.C1  "-0.07323107"   "-0.6550264"    "0.3634392"     "BL-NHL"      
EWS.C11 "0.1996836"     "0.1170902"     "-0.08535846"   "BL-NHL"      
EWS.C10 "-0.04709414"   "-0.4456142"    "0.2857149"     "BL-NHL"      
BL.C5   "-0.3360787"    "0.3983337"     "-0.1581871"    "EWS"         
BL.C6   "-0.2633225"    "-0.157719"     "-0.1879632"    "EWS"         
BL.C7   "-0.2883659"    "0.2950372"     "0.005083449"   "EWS"         
BL.C8   "-0.3138421"    "-0.2549557"    "0.2324113"     "EWS"         
BL.C1   "-0.2978599"    "0.02127647"    "-0.1861221"    "EWS"         
BL.C2   "0.2838852"     "-0.2359142"    "-0.3283124"    "EWS"         
BL.C3   "-0.3192533"    "-0.3114449"    "0.1163196"     "EWS"         
BL.C4   "-0.1984428"    "-0.08848847"   "-0.255106"     "NB"          
NB.C1   "-0.07212391"   "0.4230518"     "0.1042882"     "NB"          
NB.C2   "-0.2567298"    "0.2357264"     "0.4167948"     "BL-NHL"      
NB.C3   "0.08101795"    "0.3793929"     "-0.018477"     "NB"          
NB.C6   "0.1689642"     "0.1048352"     "-0.8762314"    "NB"          
NB.C12  "-0.08278157"   "0.3260882"     "-0.2646231"    "BL-NHL"      
NB.C7   "-0.2419152"    "0.5501103"     "0.3514848"     "EWS"         
NB.C4   "0.05515949"    "0.2372994"     "-0.2090818"    "BL-NHL"      
NB.C5   "0.1359181"     "0.2843813"     "0.5645355"     "NB"          
NB.C10  "0.1000748"     "0.3690235"     "0.2335781"     "NB"          
NB.C11  "0.2211195"     "0.1625705"     "-0.6989649"    "NB"          
NB.C9   "0.09287289"    "0.3175016"     "0.208423"      "NB"          
NB.C8   "0.07025343"    "0.246857"      "0.6906177"     "NB"          
RMS.C4  "-0.1112484"    "0.2594798"     "0.1772258"     "EWS"         
RMS.C3  "0.0859698"     "0.2083831"     "-0.01015805"   "BL-NHL"      
RMS.C9  "0.02546633"    "0.3453482"     "-0.0834719"    "BL-NHL"      
RMS.C2  "0.03651873"    "0.04518854"    "0.450465"      "NB"          
RMS.C5  "-0.3106005"    "0.1482998"     "-0.001127675"  "RMS"         
RMS.C6  "-0.4309918"    "0.02587858"    "0.04920602"    "RMS"         
RMS.C7  "-0.1013133"    "-0.3613495"    "0.355274"      "BL-NHL"      
RMS.C8  "-1.00568"      "0.2170205"     "-0.2338543"    "RMS"         
RMS.C10 "0.1433004"     "0.552715"      "-0.05142717"   "NB"          
RMS.C11 "-1.286855"     "-0.1830049"    "0.008736643"   "RMS"         
RMS.T1  "-1.039903"     "-0.3569595"    "-0.05238069"   "RMS"         
RMS.T4  "-1.254748"     "-0.3043582"    "-0.01637328"   "RMS"         
RMS.T2  "-0.7605771"    "-0.2943144"    "0.2629191"     "RMS"         
RMS.T6  "-0.4168394"    "-0.1562053"    "-0.3047386"    "RMS"         
RMS.T7  "-1.028674"     "-0.5278885"    "0.3033742"     "RMS"         
RMS.T8  "1.70252"       "-0.4094267"    "-0.2917236"    "RMS"         
RMS.T5  "-0.4234762"    "-0.06268887"   "0.08741641"    "RMS"         
RMS.T9  "-0.1365803"    "-0.4133518"    "-0.7096112"    "EWS"         
RMS.T3  "0.1138166"     "-0.4632831"    "-0.2457821"    "EWS"         
RMS.T10 "-1.190226"     "-0.1443788"    "-0.01427886"   "RMS"         
RMS.T11 "-0.5447798"    "0.143907"      "0.1980633"     "RMS"         
        predicted true.class
EWS.T1  "RMS"     "EWS"     
EWS.T2  "BL-NHL"  "EWS"     
EWS.T3  "EWS"     "EWS"     
EWS.T4  "EWS"     "EWS"     
EWS.T6  "BL-NHL"  "EWS"     
EWS.T7  "NB"      "EWS"     
EWS.T9  "BL-NHL"  "EWS"     
EWS.T11 "BL-NHL"  "EWS"     
EWS.T12 "BL-NHL"  "EWS"     
EWS.T13 "EWS"     "EWS"     
EWS.T14 "NB"      "EWS"     
EWS.T15 "NB"      "EWS"     
EWS.T19 "EWS"     "EWS"     
EWS.C8  "BL-NHL"  "EWS"     
EWS.C3  "RMS"     "EWS"     
EWS.C2  "BL-NHL"  "EWS"     
EWS.C4  "BL-NHL"  "EWS"     
EWS.C6  "BL-NHL"  "EWS"     
EWS.C9  "BL-NHL"  "EWS"     
EWS.C7  "BL-NHL"  "EWS"     
EWS.C1  "BL-NHL"  "EWS"     
EWS.C11 "BL-NHL"  "EWS"     
EWS.C10 "BL-NHL"  "EWS"     
BL.C5   "EWS"     "BL-NHL"  
BL.C6   "EWS"     "BL-NHL"  
BL.C7   "EWS"     "BL-NHL"  
BL.C8   "EWS"     "BL-NHL"  
BL.C1   "EWS"     "BL-NHL"  
BL.C2   "EWS"     "BL-NHL"  
BL.C3   "EWS"     "BL-NHL"  
BL.C4   "NB"      "BL-NHL"  
NB.C1   "NB"      "NB"      
NB.C2   "RMS"     "NB"      
NB.C3   "NB"      "NB"      
NB.C6   "NB"      "NB"      
NB.C12  "BL-NHL"  "NB"      
NB.C7   "BL-NHL"  "NB"      
NB.C4   "BL-NHL"  "NB"      
NB.C5   "NB"      "NB"      
NB.C10  "NB"      "NB"      
NB.C11  "NB"      "NB"      
NB.C9   "NB"      "NB"      
NB.C8   "NB"      "NB"      
RMS.C4  "BL-NHL"  "RMS"     
RMS.C3  "RMS"     "RMS"     
RMS.C9  "BL-NHL"  "RMS"     
RMS.C2  "NB"      "RMS"     
RMS.C5  "RMS"     "RMS"     
RMS.C6  "RMS"     "RMS"     
RMS.C7  "BL-NHL"  "RMS"     
RMS.C8  "BL-NHL"  "RMS"     
RMS.C10 "BL-NHL"  "RMS"     
RMS.C11 "RMS"     "RMS"     
RMS.T1  "RMS"     "RMS"     
RMS.T4  "RMS"     "RMS"     
RMS.T2  "RMS"     "RMS"     
RMS.T6  "EWS"     "RMS"     
RMS.T7  "EWS"     "RMS"     
RMS.T8  "RMS"     "RMS"     
RMS.T5  "RMS"     "RMS"     
RMS.T9  "NB"      "RMS"     
RMS.T3  "RMS"     "RMS"     
RMS.T10 "EWS"     "RMS"     
RMS.T11 "BL-NHL"  "RMS"     

  No.correct No.incorrect     %correct 
       22.00        42.00        34.38 

null device 