Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Geographic display of survey data statistics
mapStats-packageR Documentation

Geographic display of survey data statistics


mapStats will calculate statistics (mean, total, quantiles, variance, and standard deviation) for survey variables, by geography level (e.g. state, county), and optional class variables (such as year, if multiple years are included). The statistics for each variable are then plotted on a shapefile with color codes. Statistics may be calculated either weighted or unweighted. The function calcStats, which is called by mapStats, can also be used on its own to calculate variable statistics.


Package: mapStats
Type: Package
Version: 1.19
Date: 2015-01-227
License: GPL (>=2)

To use the package, one should have a survey data.frame with a geographic variable, and a shapefile that displays the boundaries of this geographic variable (such as a map of the United States). The function mapStats is used to call function calcStats (which can also be used on its own outside of the wrapper function) to calculate the desired statistics, and then calls plotStats to display these statistics on the provided shapefile. A list of the calculated statistics is returned by mapStats.


Samuel Ackerman Maintainer: Samuel Ackerman <>
