Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Class "MeSHHyperGParams"
MeSHHyperGParams-classR Documentation

Class "MeSHHyperGParams"


A parameter class for representing all parameters needed for running the 'meshHyperGTest' method with one of the MeSH categories ("Anatomy", "Organisms", "Diseases", "Chemicals and Drugs", "Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment", "Psychiatry and Psychology", "Phenomena and Processes", "Disciplines and Occupations", "Anthropology, Education, Sociology and Social Phenomena", "Technology and Food and Beverages", "Humanities", "Information Science", "Persons", "Health Care", "Publication Type", "Geographical Locations").

Objects from the Class

Objects can be created by calls of the form new("MeSHHyperGParams", ...).



Object of class "ANY": A vector of gene identifiers. Numeric and character vectors are probably the only things that make sense. These are the gene ids for the selected gene set.


Object of class "ANY": A vector of gene ids in the same format as geneIds defining a subset of the gene ids on the chip that will be used as the universe for the hypergeometric calculation.


A string giving the name of the gene-MeSH annotation package like


A string giving the name of the MeSH category like A, B, C, D, ...and so on.


A string giving the name of the MeSH database like gendoo, gene2pubmed, ...and so on.


A numeric values between zero and one used as a p-value or FDR cutoff for hypergeometric test depending on pAdjust. The default is set to 0.05.


A string which can be one of the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure (a.k.a. q-value) ("BH"), Q-value ("QV"), empirical Bayes method ("lFDR"), and unadjusted p-value ("none") for multiple testing correction.


geneIds(p), geneIds(p) <- value

Accessor methods for the geneIds.

universeGeneIds(p), universeGeneIds(p) <- value

Accessor methods for the geneIds.

annotation(p), annotation(p) <- value

Accessor methods for the gene-MeSH annotation data.


An accessor method for the choice of a method for multiple testing correction.


An accessor method for the choice of a threshold when conducting enrichment analysis.


Gota Morota, Koki Tsuyuzaki, Takeru Nakazato, Itoshi Nikaido

Maintainer: Koki Tsuyuzaki <>

See Also

meshr-package, MeSHHyperGResult-class, meshHyperGTest, category, database
