Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Find optimal single feature classifiers
messinaR Documentation

Find optimal single feature classifiers


Run the Messina algorithm to find features (eg. genes) that optimally distinguish between two classes of samples, subject to minimum performance requirements.


messina(x, y, min_sens, min_spec, f_train = 0.9, n_boot = 50, seed = NULL,
  progress = TRUE, silent = FALSE)



feature expression values, either supplied as an ExpressionSet, or as an object that can be converted to a matrix by as.matrix. In the latter case, features should be in rows and samples in columns, with feature names taken from the rows of the object.


a binary vector (TRUE/FALSE or 1/0) of class membership information for each sample in x.


the minimum acceptable sensitivity that a classifier separating the two groups of y must achieve.


the minimum acceptable specificity that a classifier separating the two groups of y must achieve.


the fraction of samples to be used in the training splits of the bootstrap rounds.


the number of bootstrap rounds to use.


an optional random seed for the analysis. If NULL, a random seed derived from the current state of the PRNG is used.


display a progress bar tracking the computation?


be completely silent (except for error and warning messages)?


Note: If you wish to use Messina to detect differential expression, and not construct classifiers, you may find the messinaDE function to be a more convenient interface.

Messina constructs single-feature threshold classifiers (see below) to separate two sample groups, that are in a sense the most robust single-gene classifiers that satisfy user-supplied performance requirements. It accepts as primary input a matrix or ExpressionSet of feature data x; a vector of sample class membership y; and minimum classifier target performance values min_sens, and min_spec. Messina then examines each feature of x in turn, and attempts to build a threshold classifier that satisfies the minimum performance requirements, based on that feature. The results of this classifier training and testing are then returned in a MessinaClassResult object.

The features measured in x must be numeric and contain no missing values, but apart from that are unrestricted – common use cases are mRNA measurements and protein abundance estimates. Messina is not sensitive to the data transformation used, although for mRNA abundance measurements a log-transform or similar is suggested to aid interpretability of the results. x containing discrete values can also be examined by Messina, though if the number of possible values of the members of x is very low, the algorithm is unlikely to be very powerful.


an object of class "MessinaClassResult" containing the results of the analysis.

Threshold classifiers

Messina trains single-feature threshold classifiers. These are classifiers that place unknown samples into one of two groups, based on whether the sample's measurement for a given feature is above or below a constant threshold value. They are the one-dimensional version of support vector machines (SVMs), where in this case the feature set is one-dimensional, and the 'support vector' (the threshold) is a zero-dimensional point. Threshold classifiers are defined by two properties: their threshold value, and their direction, which is the class assigned if a sample's measurement exceeds the threshold.


Mark Pinese


Pinese M, Scarlett CJ, Kench JG, et al. (2009) Messina: A Novel Analysis Tool to Identify Biologically Relevant Molecules in Disease. PLoS ONE 4(4): e5337. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0005337

See Also






## Load some example data

x = exprs(apColonData)
y = pData(apColonData)$SubType

## Subset the data to only tumour and normal samples
sel = y %in% c("normal", "tumor")
x = x[,sel]
y = y[sel]

## Run Messina to rank probesets on their classification ability, with
## classifiers needing to meet a minimum sensitivity of 0.95, and minimum
## specificity of 0.85.
fit = messina(x, y == "tumor", min_sens = 0.95, min_spec = 0.85)

## Display the results.


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> library(messina)
Loading required package: survival
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/messina/messina.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: messina
> ### Title: Find optimal single feature classifiers
> ### Aliases: messina
> ### ** Examples
> ## Load some example data
> library(antiProfilesData)
Loading required package: Biobase
Loading required package: BiocGenerics
Loading required package: parallel

Attaching package: 'BiocGenerics'

The following objects are masked from 'package:parallel':

    clusterApply, clusterApplyLB, clusterCall, clusterEvalQ,
    clusterExport, clusterMap, parApply, parCapply, parLapply,
    parLapplyLB, parRapply, parSapply, parSapplyLB

The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    IQR, mad, xtabs

The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    Filter, Find, Map, Position, Reduce, anyDuplicated, append,, cbind, colnames,, duplicated, eval, evalq,
    get, grep, grepl, intersect, is.unsorted, lapply, lengths, mapply,
    match, mget, order, paste, pmax,, pmin,, rank,
    rbind, rownames, sapply, setdiff, sort, table, tapply, union,
    unique, unsplit

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    Vignettes contain introductory material; view with
    'browseVignettes()'. To cite Bioconductor, see
    'citation("Biobase")', and for packages 'citation("pkgname")'.

> data(apColonData)
> x = exprs(apColonData)
> y = pData(apColonData)$SubType
> ## Subset the data to only tumour and normal samples
> sel = y %in% c("normal", "tumor")
> x = x[,sel]
> y = y[sel]
> ## Run Messina to rank probesets on their classification ability, with
> ## classifiers needing to meet a minimum sensitivity of 0.95, and minimum
> ## specificity of 0.85.
> fit = messina(x, y == "tumor", min_sens = 0.95, min_spec = 0.85)
Performance bootstrapping...
  0% [                                                            ]   2% [=                                                           ]   4% [==                                                          ]   6% [===                                                         ]   8% [====                                                        ]   9% [=====                                                       ]  11% [======                                                      ]  13% [=======                                                     ]  15% [=========                                                   ]  17% [==========                                                  ]  19% [===========                                                 ]  21% [============                                                ]  22% [=============                                               ]  24% [==============                                              ]  26% [===============                                             ]  28% [================                                            ]  30% [=================                                           ]  32% [===================                                         ]  34% [====================                                        ]  36% [=====================                                       ]  37% [======================                                      ]  39% [=======================                                     ]  41% [========================                                    ]  43% [=========================                                   ]  45% [==========================                                  ]  47% [============================                                ]  49% [=============================                               ]  51% [==============================                              ]  52% [===============================                             ]  54% [================================                            ]  56% [=================================                           ]  58% [==================================                          ]  60% [===================================                         ]  62% [=====================================                       ]  64% [======================================                      ]  66% [=======================================                     ]  67% [========================================                    ]  69% [=========================================                   ]  71% [==========================================                  ]  73% [===========================================                 ]  75% [============================================                ]  77% [==============================================              ]  79% [===============================================             ]  81% [================================================            ]  82% [=================================================           ]  84% [==================================================          ]  86% [===================================================         ]  88% [====================================================        ]  90% [=====================================================       ]  92% [=======================================================     ]  94% [========================================================    ]  96% [=========================================================   ]  97% [==========================================================  ]  99% [=========================================================== ] 100% [============================================================] 
> ## Display the results.
> fit
An object of class MessinaClassResult

Problem type:classification
  An object of class MessinaParameters
  5339 features, 38 samples.
  Objective type: sensitivity/specificity.  Minimum sensitivity: 0.95  Minimum specificity: 0.85
  Minimum group fraction: 0
  Training fraction: 0.9
  Number of bootstraps: 50
  Random seed: 

Summary of results:
  An object of class MessinaFits
  166 / 5339 features passed performance requirements (3.11%)
  Top features:
            Passed Requirements Classifier Type Threshold Value Direction
204719_at                  TRUE       Threshold        6.326002        -1
207502_at                  TRUE       Threshold        8.048459        -1
206784_at                  TRUE       Threshold       10.339348        -1
206134_at                  TRUE       Threshold       15.667098        -1
207003_at                  TRUE       Threshold       10.530530        -1
213921_at                  TRUE       Threshold        4.882769        -1
204259_at                  TRUE       Threshold        2.781876         1
209735_at                  TRUE       Threshold        6.470396        -1
205950_s_at                TRUE       Threshold       14.161574        -1
206422_at                  TRUE       Threshold       11.371876        -1
204719_at   7.228815
207502_at   6.366498
206784_at   6.205261
206134_at   6.043961
207003_at   6.013640
213921_at   5.706219
204259_at   4.928655
209735_at   4.927077
205950_s_at 4.368962
206422_at   3.950427
> plot(fit)
Warning message:
Stacking not well defined when ymin != 0 
null device 