Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Print and summary method for Copas selection model
print.copasR Documentation

Print and summary method for Copas selection model


Print and summary method for objects of class copas.


## S3 method for class 'copas'
print(x, sign.rsb=x$sign.rsb, backtransf=x$backtransf,
      digits=max(3, .Options$digits - 3), ...)

## S3 method for class 'copas'
summary(object, level=0.95, sign.rsb=object$sign.rsb, ...)

## S3 method for class 'summary.copas'
print(x, digits = max(3, .Options$digits - 3),
      backtransf=x$backtransf, header=TRUE, ...)



An object of class copas or summary.copas.


An object of class copas.


The level used to calculate confidence intervals (between 0 and 1).


The significance level for the test of residual selection bias (between 0 and 1).


A logical indicating whether results should be back transformed in printouts and plots. If backtransf=TRUE (default), results for sm="OR" are printed as odds ratios rather than log odds ratio, for example.


Minimal number of significant digits, see print.default.


A logical indicating whether information on title of meta-analysis, comparison and outcome should be printed at the beginning of the printout.


other arguments to the function will be ignored (this option included only to conform with R standards)


The summary.copas function prints a summary of a Copas analysis, performed using the function copas. It complements the graphical summary of the results, generated using plot.copas.

Specifically it prints a table where the:

first column corresponds to the x-axis in plots 3 & 4 from plot.copas;

second column corresponds to the treatment effect displayed in plot 3 from plot.copas;

third and fourth columns give the confidence intervals for this treatment effect,

fifth colum gives the p-value for an overall treatment effect,

sixth column gives the p-value for residual publication bias (the y-axis of plot 4 from plot.copas (see help(plot.copas) under plot 4 for a further explanation of this p-value))

seventh column gives an approximate estimate of the number of studies the model suggests remain unpublished if the probability of publishing the study with the largest SE is as in column 1.

Below this is displayed the results of the Copas analysis for the smallest degree of selection for which the p-value for evidence of residual selection bias exceeds sign.rsb (default: 0.1). This is simply extracted from the corresponding row in the table above.

Lastly, the usual random effects estimate (based on the DerSimonian-Laird method) and 95% confidence interval is printed.

The function print.copas prints the summary information above together with the following information:

Range of gamma0 values used (see help(copas));

Range of gamma1 values used (see help(copas));

Largest SE of all studies in meta-analysis;

Range of probability publishing trial with largest SE;

The next table gives details relating to the summary of the contour plot. Specifically, it gives details from fitting a straight line to each treatment-contour in the contour plot. Column 1 (headed level) shows the treatment-contours; column 2 (nobs) shows the number of observations used by the contour plot command within the copas function to plot this contour line; column 3 (adj.r.square) shows the adjusted r-square from fitting a straight line to this contour; columns 4 & 5 show the slope and its standard error from fitting a straight line to this contour.


A list is returned by the function summary.copas with the following elements:


Results for points on orthogonal line (a list with elements TE, seTE, lower, upper, z, p, level).


Vector of probabilities of publishing the smallest study.


P-values for tests on presence of residual selection bias


Approximate number of studies the model suggests remain unpublished


Result of Copas selection model adjusted for selection bias (a list with elements TE, seTE, lower, upper, z, p, level).


The significance level for the test of residual selection bias.


P-value for test on presence of residual selection bias for adjusted effect given in adjust.


Approximate number of studies the model suggests remain unpublished for adjusted effect given in adjust


Results for usual random effects model (a list with elements TE, seTE, lower, upper, z, p, level).


A character string indicating underlying summary measure.


Label for confidence interval.


Title of meta-analysis / systematic review.


Comparison label.


Outcome label.


Version of R package metasens used to create object.


James Carpenter, Guido Schwarzer

See Also

copas, plot.copas metabias, metagen


## Load data
## Perform meta analysis, effect measure is odds ratio (OR)
meta1 <- metabin(event.e, n.e, event.c, n.c,
                 data=Fleiss93, sm="OR")
## Perform Copas analysis
cop1 <- copas(meta1)
summary(cop1, level=0.95)
