Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Mixed effect parametric excess hazard models
mexhaz-packageR Documentation

Mixed effect parametric excess hazard models


Fit an (excess) hazard regression model using different shapes for the baseline hazard (Weibull, piecewise constant and exponential of a B-spline), with the possibility to include time-dependent and/or non-linear effect(s) of variable(s) and a random effect defined at the cluster level. The time-dependent effect of a covariate is modelled by adding interaction terms between the covariate and a function of time of the same class as the one used for the baseline hazard (in particular, with the same knots for piecewise constant hazards; and with the same degree and the same knots for B-spline functions). The random effect is assumed to be normally distributed with mean 0 and standard deviation sigma. The optimisation process uses adaptive Gaussian quadrature to calculate the cluster-specific marginal likelihoods. The logarithm of the full marginal likelihood, defined as the sum of the logarithms of the cluster-specific marginal likelihoods, is then maximised using optimisation routines such as nlm or optim. Functions to compute and plot the predicted (excess) hazard and (net) survival are provided.


Package: mexhaz
Type: Package
Version: 1.1
Date: 2016-03-24
License: GPL (>=2)


Hadrien Charvat, Aurelien Belot


Charvat H, Remontet L, Bossard N, Roche L, Dejardin O, Rachet B, Launoy G, Belot A; CENSUR Working Survival Group. A multilevel excess hazard model to estimate net survival on hierarchical data allowing for non-linear and non-proportional effects of covariates. Stat Med 2016. (doi: 10.1002/sim.6881)



## Fit of a mixed-effect excess hazard model, with the baseline hazard
## described by a Weibull distribution (without covariables)

Mod_weib_mix <- mexhaz(formula=Surv(time=timesurv,
event=vstat)~1, data=simdatn1, base="weibull",
expected="popmrate", verbose=0, random="clust")

## Examples of syntax for various models (not run) 

## Fit of a fixed-effect excess hazard model, with the baseline hazard
## described by a Weibull distribution and with effects of age (agecr),
## deprivation index (depindex) and sex (IsexH) using the optim
## procedure and the BFGS method (see help of optim).

# Mod_weib <- mexhaz(formula=Surv(time=timesurv,
# event=vstat)~agecr+depindex+IsexH, data=simdatn1, base="weibull",
# expected="popmrate", verbose=1000, fnoptim="optim",
# method="BFGS")

## Fit of a mixed-effect excess hazard model, with the baseline hazard
## described by a cubic B-spline with two knots at 1 and 5 year and with
## effects of age (agecr), deprivation index (depindex) and sex (IsexH)

# Mod_bs3_2mix <- mexhaz(formula=Surv(time=timesurv,
# event=vstat)~agecr+depindex+IsexH, data=simdatn1, base="",
# degree=3, knots=c(1,5), expected="popmrate", random="clust",
# verbose=1000)

## Fit of a fixed-effect overall hazard model, with the baseline hazard
## described by a piecewise constant function with the following vector
## of knots (defining the endpoints of the intervals on which the hazard
## is constant): (1,3,5,8), and with effects of age (agecr), deprivation
## index (depindex) and sex (IsexH)

# Mod_pw <- mexhaz(formula=Surv(time=timesurv, event=vstat)~
# agecr+depindex+IsexH, data= simdatn1, base="pw.cst", knots=c(1,3,5,8),
# verbose=1000)

## Fit of a fixed-effect excess hazard model, with the baseline hazard
## described by a cubic B-spline with two knots at 1 and 5 year and with
## effects of age (agecr), deprivation index (depindex) and sex (IsexH)

# Mod_bs3_2 <- mexhaz(formula=Surv(time=timesurv,
# event=vstat)~agecr+depindex+IsexH, data=simdatn1, base="",
# egree=3, knots=c(1,5), expected="popmrate", verbose=1000)

## Fit of a mixed-effect excess hazard model, with the baseline hazard
## described by a cubic B-spline with two knots at 1 and 5 year and with
## effects of age (agecr), deprivation index (depindex) and sex (IsexH)

# Mod_bs3_2mix <- mexhaz(formula=Surv(time=timesurv,
# event=vstat)~agecr+depindex+IsexH, data=simdatn1, base="",
# degree=3, knots=c(1,5), expected="popmrate", random="clust",
# verbose=1000)

## Fit of a mixed-effect excess hazard model, with the baseline hazard
## described by a cubic B-spline with two knots at 1 and 5 year, with
## effects of age (agecr), deprivation index (depindex) and sex (IsexH)
## and with a time-dependent effect for age (agecr) and sex (IsexH).

# Mod_bs3_2mixnph <- mexhaz(formula=Surv(time=timesurv,
# event=vstat)~agecr+depindex+IsexH + nph(agecr+IsexH), data=simdatn1,
# base="", degree=3, knots=c(1,5), expected="popmrate",
# random="clust", verbose=1000)
