Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Produce augmented pathways
integrate_mirR Documentation

Produce augmented pathways


This function takes each pathway of the input list of signaling pathways and adds the miRNAs that are related to it.


integrate_mir(original_pathways, targets_db)



A list of graph::graphNEL objects where each of the nodes is named with '<gene_ID>'. Gene IDs used to identify the nodes must be the same gene IDs used to identify the genes on the miRNA-target interactions data.frame, targets_db. i.e. If the genes are identified by Entrez ID on the original_pathways graph::graphNEL list, then the targets_db data.frame must identify the genes by Entrez ID as well. Nodes of each graph::graphNEL represent the genes involved in the pathway and edges represent the biological interactions (activation or repression) among those genes (activation or repression).


A data.frame with columns: 'miRNA' which names the miRNAs and 'Target.ID' which gives the gene ID of the target gene. The Gene IDs used to identify the "Target.ID" column must be the same gene IDs used on the nodes of the original_pathways. i.e. If the genes are identified by Entrez ID on the original_pathways graph::graphNEL list, then the targets_db data.frame must identify the genes by Entrez ID as well.


Gene signaling pathways augmented with miRNA interactions. This is a list of graph::graphNEL objects where each of the nodes is named with '<gene_ID>'. Nodes of each graph::graphNEL represent genes and miRNAs involved in the pathway and edges represent the biological interactions (activation or repression) among them.


Diana Diaz <dmd at wayne dot edu>


kegg_pathways <- kegg_pathways[1:5] #delete this for augmenting all pathways.
augmented_pathways <- integrate_mir(kegg_pathways, mirTarBase)


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> library(mirIntegrator)

> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/mirIntegrator/integrate_mir.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: integrate_mir
> ### Title: Produce augmented pathways
> ### Aliases: integrate_mir
> ### ** Examples
> data(kegg_pathways)
> data(mirTarBase)
> kegg_pathways <- kegg_pathways[1:5] #delete this for augmenting all pathways.
> augmented_pathways <- integrate_mir(kegg_pathways, mirTarBase)
null device 