Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Export augmented pathways to pdf
pathways2pdfR Documentation

Export augmented pathways to pdf


This function creates a pdf file with plottings of a list of augmented pathways.


pathways2pdf(original_pathways, augmented_pathways, pathway_names, file)



A list of graph::graphNEL objects where each of the nodes is named with '<gene_ID>'. Nodes of each graph::graphNEL represent the genes involved in the pathway and edges represent the biological interactions (activation or repression) among those genes (activation or repression).


A list of graph::graphNEL objects where each of the nodes is named with '<gene_ID>'. Nodes of each graph::graphNEL represent genes and miRNAs involved in the pathway and edges represent the biological interactions (activation or repression) among them.


A list of names of the pathways named by '<pathway_ID>'.


The name of the file where the plots will be saved.


A pdf file with the plottings of the augmented pathways.


Diana Diaz <dmd at wayne dot edu>


#The following instruction writes a pfd with three pathways
             names_pathways[18:20], "three_pathways.pdf")
#The following instruction writes a pfd with all the pathways:
#NOTE: It may take time.
# pathways2pdf(kegg_pathways,augmented_pathways,
#              names_pathways, "all_pathways.pdf")


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> library(mirIntegrator)

> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/mirIntegrator/pathways2pdf.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: pathways2pdf
> ### Title: Export augmented pathways to pdf
> ### Aliases: pathways2pdf
> ### ** Examples
> data(augmented_pathways)
> data(kegg_pathways)
> data(names_pathways)
> #The following instruction writes a pfd with three pathways
> pathways2pdf(kegg_pathways[18:20],augmented_pathways[18:20],
+              names_pathways[18:20], "three_pathways.pdf")
Warning messages:
1: In arrows(head_from[1], head_from[2], head_to[1], head_to[2], col = edgeColor,  :
  zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped
2: In arrows(head_from[1], head_from[2], head_to[1], head_to[2], col = edgeColor,  :
  zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped
3: In par(opar) : graphical parameter "cin" cannot be set
4: In par(opar) : graphical parameter "cra" cannot be set
5: In par(opar) : graphical parameter "csi" cannot be set
6: In par(opar) : graphical parameter "cxy" cannot be set
7: In par(opar) : graphical parameter "din" cannot be set
8: In par(opar) : graphical parameter "page" cannot be set
> #The following instruction writes a pfd with all the pathways:
> #NOTE: It may take time.
> # pathways2pdf(kegg_pathways,augmented_pathways,
> #              names_pathways, "all_pathways.pdf")
Error in : cannot shut down device 1 (the null device)
Execution halted