Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Plotting the change in pathways order
plot_changeR Documentation

Plotting the change in pathways order


Function for plotting a lines plot of the difference in pathways' order. The resultant plot shows the comparison between the order of the original pathways and the order of the augmented pathways. It also contains a line with the order difference (order of the augmented pathways minus order of the original pathways). The order of a biological pathway is the number of genes that are involved in it.


plot_change(original_pathways, augmented_pathways, pathway_names)



A list of graph::graphNEL objects where each of the nodes is named with '<gene_ID>'. Nodes of each graph::graphNEL represent the genes involved in the pathway and edges represent the biological interactions (activation or repression) among those genes (activation or repression).


A list of graph::graphNEL objects where each of the nodes is named with '<gene_ID>'. Nodes of each graph::graphNEL represent genes and miRNAs involved in the pathway and edges represent the biological interactions (activation or repression) among them.


A list of names of the pathways named by '<pathway_ID>'.


A lines plot of the comparison of pathways order.


Diana Diaz <dmd at wayne dot edu>


plot_change(kegg_pathways,augmented_pathways, names_pathways)


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> library(mirIntegrator)

> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/mirIntegrator/plot_change.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: plot_change
> ### Title: Plotting the change in pathways order
> ### Aliases: plot_change
> ### ** Examples
> data(augmented_pathways)
> data(kegg_pathways)
> data(names_pathways)
> plot_change(kegg_pathways,augmented_pathways, names_pathways)
Warning message:
Removed 3 rows containing missing values (geom_path). 
null device 