Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Two-person DNA mixture published by Wang et al. (2006)
wangR Documentation

Two-person DNA mixture published by Wang et al. (2006)


Two-person DNA mixture typed on 13 STR loci.

The data is stored in a comma separated spread sheet file (.csv). The location of the file is returned by running the code below: cat(paste(find.package("mixsep"),"data",sep=.Platform$file.sep)) It can be copied to the desktop by makeShortcut(wang2desktop=TRUE)


A spread sheet with three columns: Locus, Allele and Area.


T Wang, N Xue and JD Birdwell (2006). 'Least-Square Deconvolution: A Framework for Interpreting Short Tandem Repeat Mixtures'. Journal of Forensic Science 51 (6): 1284-1297.


  ## Not run: 
  makeShortcut(TRUE) ## copies wang.csv to the desktop
## End(Not run)
