Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Projecting supplementary tables on object of class...
sup.moaR Documentation

Projecting supplementary tables on object of class moa-class.


Projecting supplementary tables on moa-class


    sup.moa(X, sup, nf = 2, ks.stat=FALSE, ks.B = 1000, ks.cores = NULL)



An object of class moa-class


A list of data.frames contains supplementary data.


The number of principal components used in the projection.


The logical indicates if the p-value should be calculated using K-S statistic (the method used in "ssgsea" in GSVA package). Default is FALSE, which means using the z-score method.


An integer to indicate the number of bootstrapping samples to calculated the p-value of KS statistic.


An integer indicate the number of cores to be used in bootstrapping. It is passed to function mclapply in the parallel package.


Projecting supplementary tables on moa-class, for details see reference.


An object of class moa.sup-class.


Chen Meng


Herve Abdi, Lynne J. Williams, Domininique Valentin and Mohammed Bennani-Dosse. STATIS and DISTATIS: optimum multitable principal component analysis and three way metric multidimensional scaling. WIREs Comput Stat 2012. Volume 4, Issue 2, pages 124-167 Haenzelmann, S., Castelo, R. and Guinney, J. GSVA: Gene set variation analysis for microarray and RNA-Seq data. BMC Bioinformatics, 14:7, 2013. Barbie, D.A. et al. Systematic RNA interference reveals that oncogenic KRAS-driven cancers require TBK1. Nature, 462(5):108-112, 2009.


    # library(mogsa)
    # loading gene expression data and supplementary data
    # check the dimension of each supplementary data to see how many gene set annotated the data
    sapply(NCI60_4array_supdata, dim)
    # run analysis
    ana <- moa(NCI60_4arrays, proc.row = "center_ssq1", = "inertia", statis = TRUE)
    plot(ana, value="eig")
    # projectin supplementary data
    smoa <- sup.moa(ana, sup=NCI60_4array_supdata, nf=3)
    # heatmap visualize the gene set scores
    heatmap(slot(smoa, "score"))


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> library(mogsa)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/mogsa/sup.moa.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: sup.moa
> ### Title: Projecting supplementary tables on object of class 'moa-class'.
> ### Aliases: sup.moa
> ### Keywords: data projection supplementary data
> ### ** Examples
>     # library(mogsa)
>     # loading gene expression data and supplementary data
>     data(NCI60_4array_supdata)
>     data(NCI60_4arrays)
>     # check the dimension of each supplementary data to see how many gene set annotated the data
>     sapply(NCI60_4array_supdata, dim)
     agilent hgu133 hgu133p2 hgu95
[1,]     300    298      268   288
[2,]     150    150      150   150
>     # run analysis
>     ana <- moa(NCI60_4arrays, proc.row = "center_ssq1", = "inertia", statis = TRUE)
>     plot(ana, value="eig")
>     # projectin supplementary data
>     smoa <- sup.moa(ana, sup=NCI60_4array_supdata, nf=3)
>     # heatmap visualize the gene set scores
>     heatmap(slot(smoa, "score"))
null device 