Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Plot results of OPC analysis of a surface
OPC3dR Documentation

Plot results of OPC analysis of a surface


A function that produces a three-dimensional rendering of face orientation on a surface. The OPC function will identify the orientations of mesh faces and assign them to patches. It must be performed prior to using the OPC3d function.


OPC3d(OPC_Output_Object, binColors = hsv(h = (seq(10, 290, 40)/360), s = 0.9,
  v = 0.85), patchOutline = FALSE, outlineColor = "black",
  maskDiscard = FALSE, legend = TRUE, legendScale = 1,
  legendTextCol = "black", legendLineCol = "black", leftOffset = 1,
  fieldofview = 0)



An object that stores the output of the OPC function


Allows the user to change the colors filled in for each directional bin


logical whether or not to outline the patches


parameter designating which color to outline the patches in


logical indicating whether to discard the unused patches


Logical indicating whether or not a legend should be displayed


cex style scaling factor for the legend


parameter designating color for the legend text


parameter designating the color for the legend lines


numeric parameters disginating how far to offset the surface


Passes an argument to par3d changing the field of view in dregrees of the resulting rgl window


This function will assign a uniform color to all faces on the mesh surface that share one of the 8 orientations identified by the OPC function. The function returns a colored shade3d of the mesh so that patches can be visually inspected. Future versions will include the option to black out patches not included in the orientation patch count.

Several legend plotting options are availble including customizing the line and text colors using color names with legendTextCol and legendLineCol, both default to black. legendScale works like cex for setting the size of the relative size of the legend.

leftOffset will determine how far the plotted surface is moved to the left to avoid obstructing the legend. Users shold choose between -1 and 1.

fieldofview is set to a default of 0, which is an isometric projection. Increasing it alters the degree of parallax in the perspective view, up to a maximum of 179 degrees.

colors will support any vector of 8 colors, in any coloration scheme. Default draws from the hsv color space to evenly space color information, however user can supply a list of RGB values, character strings, or integers in place.
