Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Moment and inverse moment Bayes factors for linear models.
mombfR Documentation

Moment and inverse moment Bayes factors for linear models.


mombf computes moment Bayes factors to test whether a subset of regression coefficients are equal to some user-specified value. imombf computes inverse moment Bayes factors. zellnerbf computes Bayes factors based on the Zellner-Siow prior (used to build the moment prior).


mombf(lm1, coef, g, prior.mode, baseDensity='normal', nu=3, theta0,
logbf=FALSE, B=10^5)
imombf(lm1, coef, g, prior.mode, nu = 1, theta0 , method='adapt',
nquant=100, B = 10^5)



Linear model fit, as returned by lm1.


Vector with indexes of coefficients to be tested. e.g. coef==c(2,3) and theta0==c(0,0) tests coef(lm1)[2]=coef(lm1)[3]=0.


Vector with prior parameter values. See dmom and dimom for details.


If specified, g is determined by calling g2mode.


Density upon which the Mom prior is based. baseDensity=='normal' results in the normal Mom prior, baseDensity=='t' in the t Mom prior with nu degrees of freedom.


For mombf, nu specifies the degrees of freedom of the t Mom prior. It is ignored unless baseDensity=='t'. nu defaults to 3. For imombf, nu specifies the degrees of freedom for the inverse moment prior (see dimom for details). Defaults to nu=1, which Cauchy-like tails.


Null value for the regression coefficients. Defaults to 0.


If logbf==TRUE the natural logarithm of the Bayes factor is returned.


Numerical integration method to compute the bivariate integral (only used by imombf). For method=='adapt', the inner integral is evaluated (via integrate) at a series of nquant quantiles of the residual variance posterior distribution, and then averaged as described in Johnson (1992). Set method=='MC' to use Monte Carlo integration.


Number of quantiles at which to evaluate the integral for known sigma. Only used if method=='adapt'.


Number of Monte Carlo samples to estimate the T Mom and the inverse moment Bayes factor. Only used in mombf if baseDensity=='t'. Only used in imombf if method=='MC'.


These functions actually call momunknown and imomunknown, but they have a simpler interface. See dmom and dimom for details on the moment and inverse moment priors. The Zellner-Siow g-prior is given by dmvnorm(theta,theta0,n*g*V1).


mombf returns the moment Bayes factor to compare the model where theta!=theta0 with the null model where theta==theta0. Large values favor the alternative model; small values favor the null. imombf returns inverse moment Bayes factors. zellnerbf returns Bayes factors based on the Zellner-Siow g-prior.


David Rossell


See for technical reports. For details on the quantile integration, see Johnson, V.E. A Technique for Estimating Marginal Posterior Densities in Hierarchical Models Using Mixtures of Conditional Densities. Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 87, No. 419. (Sep., 1992), pp. 852-860.

See Also

momunknown, imomunknown and zbfunknown for another interface to compute Bayes factors. momknown, imomknown and zbfknown to compute Bayes factors assuming that the dispersion parameter is known, and for approximate Bayes factors for GLMs. mode2g for prior elicitation.


##compute Bayes factor for Hald's data
lm1 <- lm(hald[,1] ~ hald[,2] + hald[,3] + hald[,4] + hald[,5])

# Set g so that prior mode for standardized effect size is at 0.2
prior.mode <- .2^2
V <- summary(lm1)$cov.unscaled
gmom <- mode2g(prior.mode,prior='normalMom')
gimom <- mode2g(prior.mode,prior='iMom')

# Set g so that interval (-0.2,0.2) has 5% prior probability
# (in standardized effect size scale)
priorp <- .05; q <- .2
gmom <- c(gmom,priorp2g(priorp=priorp,q=q,prior='normalMom'))
gimom <- c(gmom,priorp2g(priorp=priorp,q=q,prior='iMom'))

mombf(lm1,coef=2,g=gmom) #moment BF
imombf(lm1,coef=2,g=gimom,B=10^5) #inverse moment BF
zellnerbf(lm1,coef=2,g=1) #BF based on Zellner's g-prior
