Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Estimate Variable Importances for Multiple Exposures and...
multiPIMR Documentation

Estimate Variable Importances for Multiple Exposures and Outcomes


The parameter of interest is a type of causal attributable risk. One effect measure (and a corresponding plug-in standard error) will be calculated for each exposure-outcome pair. The default is to use a Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimator (TMLE). The other available estimators are Inverse Probability of Censoring Weighted (IPCW), Double-Robust IPCW (DR-IPCW), and Graphical Computation (G-COMP) estimators. PIM stands for Population Intervention Model.


multiPIM(Y, A, W = NULL,
         estimator = c("TMLE", "DR-IPCW", "IPCW", "G-COMP"),
         g.method = "main.terms.logistic", = NULL,
         g.num.folds = NULL, g.num.splits = NULL,
         Q.method = "sl", = "default",
         Q.num.folds = 5, Q.num.splits = 1,
         Q.type = NULL,
         adjust.for.other.As = TRUE,
         truncate = 0.05, = TRUE,
         check.input = TRUE,
         verbose = FALSE,
         extra.cands = NULL,
         standardize = TRUE,



a data frame of outcomes containing only numeric (integer or double) values. See details for the default method of determining, based on the values in Y, which regression types to allow for modelling Q. Must have unique names.


a data frame containing binary exposure variables. Binary means that all values must be either 0 (indicating unexposed, or part of target group) or 1 (indicating exposed or not part of target group). Must have unique names.


an optional data frame containing possible confounders of the effects of the variables in A on the variables in Y. No effect measures will be calculated for these variables. May contain numeric (integer or double), or factor values. Must be left as NULL if not required. See details.


the estimator to be used. The default is "TMLE", for the targeted maximum likelihood estimator. Alternatively, one may specify "DR-IPCW", for the Double-Robust Inverse Probability of Censoring-Weighted estimator, or "IPCW", for the regular IPCW estimator, or "G-COMP" for the Graphical Computation estimator. If the regular IPCW estimator is selected, all arguments which begin with the letter Q are ignored, since only g (the regression of each exposure on possible confounders) needs to be modeled in this case. Similarly, if the G-COMP estimator is selected, all arguments which begin with the letter g, as well as the truncate argument, will be ignored, since only Q needs to be modeled in this case. Note: an additional characteristic of the G-COMP estimator is that there are no plug-in standard errors available. If you want to use G-COMP and you need standard errors, the multiPIMboot function is available and will provide bootstrap standard errors.


a length one character vector indicating the regression method to use in modelling g. The default value, "main.terms.logistic", is meant to be used with the default TMLE estimator. If a different estimator is used, it is recommended to use super learning by specifying "sl". In this case, the arguments, g.num.folds and g.num.splits must also be specified. Other possible values for the g.method argument are: one of the elements of the vector all.bin.cands, or, if extra.cands is supplied, one of the names of the extra.cands list of functions. Ignored if estimator is "G-COMP".

character vector of length >= 2 indicating the candidate algorithms that the super learner fits for g should use. The possible values may be taken from the vector all.bin.cands, or from the names of the extra.cands list of functions, if it is supplied. Ignored if estimator is "G-COMP". or if g.method is not "sl". NOTE: The TMLE estimator is recommended, but if one is using either of the IPCW estimators, a reasonable choice is to specify g.method = "sl" and = default.bin.cands.


the number of folds to use in cross-validating the super learner fit for g (i.e. the v for v-fold cross-validation). Ignored if estimator is "G-COMP", or if g.method is not "sl".


the number of times to randomly split the data into g.num.folds folds in cross-validating the super learner fit for g. Cross-validation results will be averaged over all splits. Ignored if estimator is "G-COMP", or if g.method is not "sl".


character vector of length 1. The regression method to use in modelling Q. See details to find out which values are allowed. The default value, "sl", indicates that super learning should be used for modelling Q. Ignored if estimator is "IPCW".

either of the length 1 character values "default" or "all" or a character vector of length >= 2 containing elements of either all.bin.cands or of all.cont.cands, or of the names of the extra.cands list of functions, if it is supplied. See details. Ignored if estimator is "IPCW" or if Q.method is not "sl".


the number of folds to use in cross-validating the super learner fit for Q (i.e. the v for v-fold cross-validation). Ignored if estimator is "IPCW" or if Q.method is not "sl".


the number of times to randomly split the data into Q.num.folds folds in cross-validating the super learner fit for Q. Ignored if estimator is "IPCW" or if Q.method is not "sl".


either NULL or a length 1 character vector (which must be either "binary.outcome" or "continuous.outcome"). This provides a way to override the default mechanism for deciding which candidates will be allowed for modeling Q (see details). Ignored if estimator is "IPCW".


a single logical value indicating whether the other columns of A should be included (for TRUE) or not (for FALSE) in the g and Q models used to calculate the effect of each column of A on each column of Y. See details. Ignored if A has only one column.


either FALSE, or a single number greater than 0 and less than 0.5 at which the values of g(0, W) should be truncated in order to avoid instability of the estimator. Ignored if estimator is "G-COMP".

single logical value indicating whether final g and Q models should be returned by the function (in the slots and Default is TRUE. If memory is a concern, you will probably want to set this to FALSE.


currently ignored. If any of Y, A or (a non-null) W has missing values, multiPIM will throw an error.


a single logical value indicating whether all of the input to the function should be subjected to strict error checking. FALSE is not recommended.


a single logical value indicating whether messages about the progress of the evaluation should be printed out. Some of the candidate algorithms may print messages even when verbose is set to FALSE.


a named list of functions. This argument provides a way for the user to specify his or her own functions to use either as stand-alone regression methods, or as candidates for a super learner. See details.


should all predictor variables be standardized before certain regression methods are run. Passed to all candidates, but only used by some (at this point, lars, penalized.bin and penalized.cont)


currently ignored.


The parameter of interest is a type of attributable risk. This means that it is a measure (adjusted for known confounders) of the difference between the mean value of Y for the units in the target (or unexposed) group and the overall mean value of Y. Units which are in the target (or unexposed) group with respect to one of the variables in A are characterized as such by having the value 0 in the respective column of A. Members of the the non-target (or exposed) group should have a 1 in that column of A. Assuming all causal assumptions hold (see the paper), each parameter estimate can be thought of as estimating the hypothetical effect on the respective outcome of totally eliminating the respective exposure from the population (i.e. setting everyone to 0 for that exposure). For example, in the case of a binary outcome, a parameter estimate for exposure x and outcome y of -0.03 could be interpreted as follows: the effect of an intervention in which the entire population was set to exposure x = 0 would be to reduce the level of outcome y by 3 percentage points.

If check.input is TRUE (which is the default and is highly recommended), all of the arguments will be checked to make sure they have permissible values. Many of the arguments, especially those for which a single logical value (TRUE or FALSE) or a single character value (such as, for example, "all") is expected, are checked using the identical function, which means that if any of these arguments has any extraneous attributes (such as names), this may cause multiPIM to throw an error.

On the other hand, the arguments Y and A (and W if it is non-null) must have valid names attributes. multiPIM will throw an error if there is any overlap between the names of the columns of these data frames, or if any of the names cannot be used in a formula (for example, because it begins with a number and not a letter).

By default, the regression methods which will be allowed for fitting models for Q will be determined from the contents of Y as follows: if all values in Y are either 0 or 1 (i.e. all outcomes are binary), then “logistic”-type regression methods will be used (and only these methods will be allowed in the arguments Q.method and; however, if there are any values in Y which are not equal to 0 or 1 then it will be assumed that all outcomes are continuous, “linear”-type regression will be used, and the values allowed for Q.method and will change accordingly. This behavior can be overriden by specifying Q.type as either "binary.outcome" (for logistic-type regression), or as "continuous.outcome" (for linear-type regression). If Q.type is specified, Y will not be checked for binaryness.

The values allowed for Q.method (which should have length 1) are: either "sl" if one would like to use super learning, or one of the elements of the vector all.bin.cands (for the binary outcome case), or of all.cont.cands (for the continuous outcome case), if one would like to use only a particular regression method for all modelling of Q. If Q.method is given as "sl", then the candidates used by the super learner will be determined from the value of If the value of is "default", then the candidates listed in either default.bin.cands or default.cont.cands will be used. If the value of is "all", then the candidates listed in either all.bin.cands or all.cont.cands will be used. The function will automatically choose the candidates which correspond to the correct outcome type (binary or continuous). Alternatively, one may specify explicitly as a vector of names of the candidates to be used.

If A has more than one column, the adjust.for.other.As argument can be used to specify whether the other columns of A should possibly be included in the g and Q models which will be used in calculating the effect of a certain column of A on each column of Y.

With the argument extra.cands, one may supply alternative R functions to be used as stand-alone regression methods, or as super learner candidates, within the multiPIM function. extra.cands should be given as a named list of functions. See Candidates for the form (e.g. arguments) that the functions in this list should have. In order to supply your own stand alone regression method for g or Q, simply specify g.method or Q.method as the name of the function you want to use (i.e. the corresponding element of the names attribute of extra.cands). To add candidates to a super learner, simply use the corresponding names of your functions (from the names attribute of extra.cands) when you supply the or arguments. Note that you may mix and match between your own extra candidates and the built-in candidates given in the all.bin.cands and all.cont.cands vectors. Note also that extra candidates must be explicitly specified as g.method, Q.method, or as elements of or – Specifying as "all" will not cause any extra candidates to be used.


Returns an object of class "multiPIM" with the following elements:


a matrix of dimensions ncol(A) by ncol(Y) with rownames equal to names(A) and colnames equal to names(Y), with each element being the estimated causal attributable risk for the exposure given by its row name vs. the outcome given by its column name.

a matrix with the same dimensions as param.estimates containing the corresponding plug-in standard errors of the parameter estimates. These are obtained from the influence curve. Note: plug-in standard errors are not available for estimator = "G-COMP". This field will be set to NA in this case.


a copy of the call to multiPIM which generated this object.


this will be set to ncol(A).


this will be set to ncol(Y).


the names attribute of the W data frame, if one was supplied. If no W was supplied, this will be NA.


the estimator used.


the method used for modelling g.

in case super learning was used for g, the candidates used in the super learner. Will be NA if g.method was not "sl".


if super learning was used for g, this will be a named character vector with ncol(A) elements. The ith element will be the name of the candidate which "won" the cross validation in the g model for the ith column of A.

array with dim attribute c(ncol(A), g.num.splits, length( containing cross-validated risks from super learner modeling for g for each exposure-split-candidate triple. Has informative dimnames attribute. Note: the values are technically not risks, but log likelihoods (i.e. winning candidate is the one for which this is a max, not a min).

a list of length nrow(A) containing the objects returned by the candidate functions used in the final g models (see Candidates).


the number of folds used for cross validation in the super learner for g. Will be NA if g.method was not "sl".


the number of splits used for cross validation in the super learner for g. Will be NA if g.method was not "sl".


the method used for modeling Q. Will be NA if double.robust was FALSE.

in case super learning was used for Q, the candidates used in the super learner. Will be NA if double.robust was FALSE or if Q.method was not "sl".


if super learning was used for Q, this will be a named character vector with ncol(Y) elements. The ith element is the name of the candidate which "won" the cross validation in the super learner for the Q model for the ith column of Y.

array with dim attribute c(ncol(A), ncol(Y), Q.num.splits, length( containing cross-validated risks from super learner modeling for Q. Has informative dimnames attribute. Note: the values will be log likelihoods when Q.type is "binary.outcome" (see note above for, and they will be mean squared errors when Q.type is "continuous.outcome".

a list of length ncol(A), each element of which is another list of length ncol(Y) containing the objects returned by the candidate functions used for the Q models. I.e.[[i]][[j]] contains the Q model information for exposure i and outcome j.


the number of folds used for cross validation in the super learner for Q. Will be NA if double.robust was FALSE or if Q.method was not "sl".


the number of splits used for cross validation in the super learner for Q. Will be NA if double.robust was FALSE or if Q.method was not "sl".


either "continuous.outcome" or "binary.outcome", depending on the contents of Y or on the value of the Q.type argument, if supplied.


logical value indicating whether the other columns of A were included in models used to calculate the effect of each column of A on each column of Y. Will be set to NA when A has only one column.


the value of the truncate argument. Will be set to NA if estimator was "G-COMP".


logical value indicating whether it was necessary to trunctate. FALSE when truncate is FALSE. Will be set to NA if estimator was "G-COMP".


the value of the standardize argument.


this slot will be NULL for objects returned by the multiPIM function. See multiPIMboot for details on what this slot is actually used for.


total time (in seconds) taken to generate this multiPIM result.


time in seconds taken for running g models.


time in seconds taken for running Q models.

if g.method is "sl", time in seconds taken for running cross-validation of g models.

if Q.method is "sl", time in seconds taken for running cross-validation of Q models.

if g.method is "sl", named vector containing time taken, with each element corresponding to a super learner candidate for g.

if Q.method is "sl", named vector containing time taken, with each element corresponding to a super learner candidate for Q.


Stephan Ritter, with design contributions from Alan Hubbard and Nicholas Jewell.


Ritter, Stephan J., Jewell, Nicholas P. and Hubbard, Alan E. (2014) “R Package multiPIM: A Causal Inference Approach to Variable Importance Analysis” Journal of Statistical Software 57, 8: 1–29.

Hubbard, Alan E. and van der Laan, Mark J. (2008) “Population Intervention Models in Causal Inference.” Biometrika 95, 1: 35–47.

Young, Jessica G., Hubbard, Alan E., Eskenazi, Brenda, and Jewell, Nicholas P. (2009) “A Machine-Learning Algorithm for Estimating and Ranking the Impact of Environmental Risk Factors in Exploratory Epidemiological Studies.” U.C. Berkeley Division of Biostatistics Working Paper Series, Working Paper 250.

van der Laan, Mark J. and Rose, Sherri (2011) Targeted Learning, Springer, New York. ISBN: 978-1441997814

Sinisi, Sandra E., Polley, Eric C., Petersen, Maya L, Rhee, Soo-Yon and van der Laan, Mark J. (2007) “Super learning: An Application to the Prediction of HIV-1 Drug Resistance.” Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology 6, 1: article 7.

van der Laan, Mark J., Polley, Eric C. and Hubbard, Alan E. (2007) “Super learner.” Statistical applications in genetics and molecular biology 6, 1: article 25.

See Also

multiPIMboot for running multiPIM with automatic bootstrapping to get standard errors.

summary.multiPIM for printing summaries of the results.

Candidates to see which candidates are currently available, and for information on writing user-defined super learner candidates and regression methods.


num.columns <- 3
num.obs <- 250


## use rbinom with size = 1 to make a data frame of binary data

A <-*num.obs, 1, .5),
                          nrow = num.obs, ncol = num.columns))

## let Y[,i] depend only on A[,i] plus some noise
## (start with the noise then add a multiple of A[,i] to Y[,i])

Y <-*num.obs),
                          nrow = num.obs, ncol = num.columns))
for(i in 1:num.columns)
  Y[,i] <- Y[,i] + i * A[,i]

## make sure the names are unique

names(A) <- paste("A", 1:num.columns, sep = "")
names(Y) <- paste("Y", 1:num.columns, sep = "")

result <- multiPIM(Y, A)

