Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: a class that stores multiple ncdfFlowSet objects
ncdfFlowList-classR Documentation

a class that stores multiple ncdfFlowSet objects


It is a list of ncdfFlowSet objects

constuctor for ncdfFlowList


ncdfFlowList(x, samples = NULL)

## S4 method for signature 'ncdfFlowList'



list of ncdfFlowSet objects


integer see samples slot of ncdfFlowList class. or character that specifiy the order to samples. If not given then reconstruct the index.





Objects from the Class

Objects can be created by coercing a list of ncdfFlowSet objects as("ncdfFlowList",nclist = .... #a list of ncdfFlowSet objects)



A list containing the ncdfFlowSet objects.


A integer vector containing the index of the ncdfFlowSet object to which each sample belongs. The name of the vector is the sample names that determine the order of samples exposed to the user, which can be different from the physical storing order.

See Also



nc1 <- ncdfFlowSet(GvHD[1])
nc2 <- ncdfFlowSet(GvHD[2])
nc3 <- ncdfFlowSet(GvHD[3])
list1 <- list(nc1, nc2, nc3)
#coerce from list to ncdfFlowList
nclist <- ncdfFlowList(list1)
#coerce(collapse) from ncdfFlowList to a single flowFrame
collapsedData <- as(nclist, "flowFrame")


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> library(ncdfFlow)
Loading required package: flowCore
Loading required package: flowViz
Loading required package: lattice
Loading required package: RcppArmadillo
Loading required package: BH
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/ncdfFlow/ncdfFlowList-class.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: ncdfFlowList-class
> ### Title: a class that stores multiple ncdfFlowSet objects
> ### Aliases: ncdfFlowList ncdfFlowList-class show,ncdfFlowList-method
> ### ** Examples
> data(GvHD)
> nc1 <- ncdfFlowSet(GvHD[1])
write s5a01 to empty cdf slot...
> nc2 <- ncdfFlowSet(GvHD[2])
write s5a02 to empty cdf slot...
> nc3 <- ncdfFlowSet(GvHD[3])
write s5a03 to empty cdf slot...
> list1 <- list(nc1, nc2, nc3)
> #coerce from list to ncdfFlowList
> nclist <- ncdfFlowList(list1)
> nclist
An  ncdfFlowList  with 3 ncdfFlowSet 
containing 3  unique samples.
> #coerce(collapse) from ncdfFlowList to a single flowFrame
> collapsedData <- as(nclist, "flowFrame")
> collapsedData
flowFrame object 'anonymous'
with 10260 cells and 9 observables:
             name              desc range minRange maxRange
$P1         FSC-H        FSC-Height  1024        0     1023
$P2         SSC-H        SSC-Height  1024        0     1023
$P3         FL1-H         CD15 FITC  1024        1    10000
$P4         FL2-H           CD45 PE  1024        1    10000
$P5         FL3-H        CD14 PerCP  1024        1    10000
$P6         FL2-A              <NA>  1024        0     1023
$P7         FL4-H          CD33 APC  1024        1    10000
$P8          Time Time (51.20 sec.)  1024        0     1023
Original Original    Original Frame    NA        1        3
2 keywords are stored in the 'description' slot
null device 