Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Selecting top weighted variables (genes) from result of MCIA...
topVarR Documentation

Selecting top weighted variables (genes) from result of MCIA or CIA


The user level function calls topVar.mcia or topVar.cia. This function provides a method selecting top weighted variables (genes) on an axis (either positive side or negative side or both).


	topVar(x, axis = 1, end = "both", topN = 5)



an object of class mcia or cia


an interger to sepecify which axis to check


which end of the axis to check, could be positive, negative or both. Any unambiguous substring can be given.


An integer. The number of top weighted variable to return.


Returns a data.frame contains selected variables.


Chen Meng


	mcoin <- mcia(NCI60_4arrays)
	topVar(mcoin, axis = 1, end = "both", topN = 3)


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> library(omicade4)
Loading required package: ade4
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/omicade4/topVar.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: topVar
> ### Title: Selecting top weighted variables (genes) from result of MCIA or
> ###   CIA
> ### Aliases: topVar
> ### ** Examples
> 	data(NCI60_4arrays)
> 	mcoin <- mcia(NCI60_4arrays)
> 	topVar(mcoin, axis = 1, end = "both", topN = 3)
  ax1_agilent_positive ax1_agilent_negative ax1_hgu133_positive
1        S100B.agilent       SCNN1A.agilent        GPNMB.hgu133
2      ST8SIA1.agilent       FAM83B.agilent        S100B.hgu133
3     C10orf90.agilent        NSUN7.agilent       S100A1.hgu133
  ax1_hgu133_negative ax1_hgu133p2_positive ax1_hgu133p2_negative
1        GSTO2.hgu133     C6orf218.hgu133p2       TSPAN8.hgu133p2
2         EGFR.hgu133        CSPG4.hgu133p2          DSP.hgu133p2
3         AREG.hgu133       POU3F2.hgu133p2        LAMA3.hgu133p2
  ax1_hgu95_positive ax1_hgu95_negative
1         PLP1.hgu95       IGFBP4.hgu95
2        SOX10.hgu95      S100A14.hgu95
3         ACP5.hgu95       FERMT1.hgu95
null device 