Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Specifying a smooth term in the gcrq formula.
psR Documentation

Specifying a smooth term in the gcrq formula.


Function used to define the smooth term (via P-splines) within the gcrq formula. The function actually does not evaluate a (spline) smooth, but simply it passes relevant information to proper fitter functions.


ps(x, monotone = 0, lambda = 0, pdiff = 3, ndx = NULL, deg = 3, 
    var.pen = NULL)



The quantitative covariate supposed to have a nonlinear relationships with the quantiles. In growth charts this variable is typically the age.


Numeric value to set up monotonicity restrictions on the fitted smooth function

  • '0' = no constrain;

  • '1' = non decreasing smooth function;

  • '-1' = non increasing smooth function.


A supplied smoothing parameter for the smooth term. If it is a vector, cross validation is performed to select the ‘best’ value.


The difference order of the penalty. Default to 3.


The number of intervals of the covariate range used to build the B-spline basis. If NULL, default, the empirical rule of Ruppert is used, namely min(n/4,40).


The degree of the spline polynomial. Default to 3.


A character indicating the varying penalty. See Details.


When lambda=0 an unpenalized fit is obtained. The fit gets smoother as lambda increases, and for a very large value of lambda it approaches to a polynomial of degree pdiff-1. It is also possible to put a varying penalty to set a different amount of smoothing. For instance for a constant smoothing (var.pen=NULL) the penalty is lambda sum_k Δ^2_k where Delta_k is the k-th difference (of order pdiff) of the spline coefficients. When a varying penalty is set, the penalty becomes lambda sum_k Δ^2_k w_k. The weights w_k depend on var.pen; for instance var.pen="((1:k)^2)" results in w_k=k^2. See model m5 in examples of gcrq.


The function simply returns the covariate with added attributes relevant to smooth term.


Vito M. R. Muggeo


For a general discussion on using B-spline and penalties in regression model see

Eilers PHC, Marx BD. (1996) Flexible smoothing with B-splines and penalties. Statistical Sciences, 11:89-121.

See Also



##see ?gcrq
