Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Representing selection bias
selBiasR Documentation

Representing selection bias


Represents the issue of selection bias in a clinical trial.


selBias(type, eta, method, alpha = 0.05)



character string, should be one of "CS" or "DS", see Details.


numeric specifying the magnitude of selection bias.


character string, should be one of "sim" or "exact", see Details.


significance level.


Selection bias can be an issue in the design of a clinical trial. The selBias function is a constructor function for an S4 object of the class selBias representing the issue of third order selection bias in a clinical trial. It supports two possible modes, method="sim" and method="exact". This representation is particularly useful in interaction with the assess function.


Represents the simulated type-I-error rate given the level alpha, the selection effect eta and the biasing strategy type. When calling assess for a selBias object with method="sim", one test decision is computed for each sequence of randSeq. The type-I-error rate (power) is the proportion of falsely (correctly) rejected null hypotheses.


Represents the exact type-I-error proabability given the level alpha, the selection effect eta and the biasing strategy type. When calling assess for a selBias object with method="exact", the exact p-value of each randomization sequence is computed. So far, this is only supported for normal endpoints. Then the type-I-error probability is the sum of the corresponding quantiles of the doubly noncentral t-distribution.


S4 object of class selBias, a formal representation of the issue of selection bias in a clinical trial.


D. Blackwell and J.L. Hodges Jr. (1957) Design for the control of selection bias. Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 25, 449-60.

M. Proschan (1994) Influence of selection bias on the type-I-error rate under random permuted block designs. Statistica Sinica, 4, 219-31.

See Also

Compute exact or simulated type-I-error: assess.

Other issues: chronBias, combineBias, corGuess, imbal, issue, setPower
