Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: create_sd_matrix
create_sd_matrixR Documentation



We observed that the standard deviation of the oligos that share the same seed do change relative to their average score. In principle we could plot this information on a graph (x-axis = average of the oligos that share the same seed, y-axes = standard deviation of the oligos). We do provide this utility method to condense this information in a matrix (that reports the quantiles of the standard deviation for every score interval).


create_sd_matrix(screen, seedColName="seed7", scoreColName="score")



data frame containing the results of the siRNA experiment.


name of the column that contains the seeds sequences of the screen (character vector)


name of the column that contains the score of the screen (character vector)


matrix that reports the quantiles of the standard deviation for every score interval.


Andrea Franceschini


	# to speed up the example we use only the first 100 rows
	uuk_screen_reduced = uuk_screen[1:100,]

	screen = add_seed(uuk_screen_reduced)
	sd_matrix = create_sd_matrix(screen)


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> library(scsR)
Error in library(scsR) : there is no package called 'scsR'
Execution halted