Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Piecewise Polynomial Spline Representation
polySplineR Documentation

Piecewise Polynomial Spline Representation


Create the piecewise polynomial representation of a spline object.


polySpline(object, ...)
as.polySpline(object, ...)



An object that inherits from class spline.


Optional additional arguments. At present no additional arguments are used.


An object that inherits from class polySpline. This is the piecewise polynomial representation of a univariate spline function. It is defined by a set of distinct numeric values called knots. The spline function is a polynomial function between each successive pair of knots. At each interior knot the polynomial segments on each side are constrained to have the same value of the function and some of its derivatives.


Douglas Bates and Bill Venables

See Also

interpSpline, periodicSpline, splineKnots, splineOrder


ispl <- polySpline(interpSpline( weight ~ height,  women, bSpline = TRUE))
print( ispl )   # print the piecewise polynomial representation
plot( ispl )    # plots over the range of the knots
points( women$height, women$weight )


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> library(splines)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_rel/result/splines/polySpline.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: polySpline
> ### Title: Piecewise Polynomial Spline Representation
> ### Aliases: polySpline as.polySpline
> ### Keywords: models
> ### ** Examples
> require(graphics)
> ispl <- polySpline(interpSpline( weight ~ height,  women, bSpline = TRUE))
> print( ispl )   # print the piecewise polynomial representation
polynomial representation of spline for weight ~ height
   constant   linear   quadratic       cubic
58      115 1.731918  0.00000000  0.26808191
59      117 2.536164  0.80424574 -0.34040957
60      120 3.123427 -0.21698298  0.09355638
61      123 2.970130  0.06368616 -0.03381595
62      126 2.996054 -0.03776168  0.04170740
63      129 3.045653  0.08736054 -0.13301367
64      132 2.821333 -0.31168048  0.49034728
65      135 3.669014  1.15936136 -0.82837545
66      139 3.502610 -1.32576498  0.82315452
67      142 3.320544  1.14369857 -0.46424262
68      146 4.215213 -0.24902928  0.03381595
69      150 3.818603 -0.14758144  0.32897883
70      154 4.510376  0.83935505 -0.34973127
71      159 5.139893 -0.20983876  0.06994625
72      164 4.930054  0.00000000  0.00000000
> plot( ispl )    # plots over the range of the knots
> points( women$height, women$weight )
null device 