Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Mode of the Stable Distribution Function
StableModeR Documentation

Mode of the Stable Distribution Function


Computes the mode of the stable distribution, i.e., the maximum of its density function in the "0" parametrization, i.e., the maximum x_0 of dstable(x, alpha, beta, gamma = 1, delta = 0, pm = 0).

Finds the maximum of dstable numerically, using optimize.


stableMode(alpha, beta,
           beta.max = 1 - 1e-11,
           tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25)


alpha, beta

numeric parameters: value of the index parameter alpha in the range (0,2], and the skewness parameter beta, in the range [-1, 1].


for numerical purposes, values of beta too close to 1, are set to beta.max. Do not modify unless you know what you're doing.


numerical tolerance for optimize().


returns a numeric value, the location of the stable mode.


Diethelm Wuertz for the Rmetrics R-port; minor cleanup by Martin Maechler.

See Also

For definition and the “dpqr”-functions, StableDistribution, also for the references.


## beta = 0  <==>  symmetric  <==>  mode = 0
all.equal(stableMode(alpha=1, beta=0), 0)
al.s <- c(1e-100, seq(0,2, by = 1/32)[-1])
stopifnot(vapply(al.s, function(alp)
                 stableMode(alpha=alp, beta=0), 1.) == 0)

## more interesting: asymmetric (beta != 0):
stableMode(alpha=1.2, beta=0.1)

if(stabledist:::doExtras()) { # takes 2.5 seconds
 sm0.5 <- vapply(al.s, function(AA)
                 stableMode(alpha=AA, beta= 0.5), 1.)
 plot(al.s, sm0.5, type = "o", col=2, xlab = quote(alpha), ylab="mode",
      main = quote("Mode of stable"*{}(alpha, beta == 0.5, pm==0)))
