Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Manipulate icons under Windows
tk2icoR Documentation

Manipulate icons under Windows


Create, load and work with Windows icons. Change icons fo Windows, use icons in the taskbar under Windows 9X/2000/XP, ... These function are only useful for Windows, but they silently return NULL on other platforms for writing compatible code (Windows icons instructions can be simply ignored).


tk2ico.create(iconfile, res = 0, size = 16)
tk2ico.list(file = "shell32.dll")
tk2ico.sizes(file = "shell32.dll", res = "application")
tk2ico.load(file = "shell32.dll", res = "application", size = 16)
tk2ico.set(win, icon, pos = NULL, type = c("all", "small", "big"))
tk2ico.setFromFile(win, iconfile)

## Deprecated functions since drop of winico.dll support
tk2ico.hicon(icon), convert = TRUE)
tk2ico.text(icon) <- value
tk2ico.pos(icon) <- value
tk2ico.taskbar.add(icon, pos = 0, text = tk2ico.text(icon),
    leftmenu = NULL, rightmenu = NULL)
tk2ico.taskbar.modify(icon, pos = NULL, text = NULL)



a file with a .ico, or .exe extension, containing one or more Windows icons


a file having icon resources (.exe, or .dll)


the name of the resource from where the icon should be extracted


the size of the icon to use. For windows icons, 16 should be fine usually


a Tk window, or an integer representing the handle (HWND) of a foreign window whose icon will be changed (take care, the function returns TRUE even if the handle is wrong!


an icon object.


do we convert the result into a data.frame?


a position (starting from 0) pointing to an icon in a multi-icon object. Note that pos is not used in tk2ico.set() if type = "all" (in this case, best icons matching both "small" and "large" sizes are searched in the icon resource.


do we change only the small, the large, or both icons?


a string with the new text for the icon in tk2ico.text() or a numerical value indicating the new default position in the icon resource for tk2ico.pos().


change a text for an icon.


a "tkwin" object to display when the user left-clicks on the taskbar icon (usually, a Tk popup menu), or NULL for nothing.


idem as 'lefmenu' but for a right-click on the taskbar icon.


An icon object, which is a reference to an image resource in Tcl. Its classes are c("tclObj", "tclIcon"). Do not forget to destroy it using tk2ico.destroy() when you do not need it any more!

If tk2ico.load() fails, it returns NULL instead of a Tcl object.


This is Windows-specific. It was implemented using the winico Tcl library in tcltk2 <= 1.2-0. Now it switches to the ico Tcl package, which is supported on all platforms. Hence, in future versions of this package, it will be also available for Linux/Unix and Max OS X. Under other platforms these functions currently just return NULL without error or warning. So, code that must run on different platforms could use these functions all the time, as soon as they correctly deal with possible NULL return. The functions tk2ico.hicon(),, tk2ico.text(), tk2ico.pos(), tk2ico.taskbar.add(), tk2ico.taskbar.delete() and tk2ico.taskbar.modify() are deprecated (and by the way, they issue an error, because the corresponding Tcl code is not available in the 'ico' Tcl package) and will be removed in futures versions of the tcltk2 package.


Philippe Grosjean

See Also

tk2dde, tk2reg


## Not run: 
## These cannot be run by examples() but should be OK when pasted
## into an interactive R session with the tcltk package loaded

### Examples of tk2ico - icon manipulation under Windows
tt2 <- tktoplevel()
## Load a system icon (there are: "application", "asterisk", "error",
## "exclamation", "hand", "question", "information", "warning", and "winlogo".
Warn <- tk2ico.load(res = "warning")
## Change the icon of my window tt2
tk2ico.set(tt2, Warn)
## Do not forget to destroy icon to free resource when not needed any more

### Otherwise, the list of icons in a file are:
## and for a given icon, the various sizes are:
tk2ico.sizes(res = 4)

### One can set icon of a window from an .ico or .exe file directly
tk2ico.setFromFile(tt, default = file.path(R.home("bin"), "Rgui.exe"))
tk2ico.setFromFile(tt2, system.file("gui", "SciViews.ico", package = "tcltk2"))

### When done, dispose of the window and clean the workspace

## End(Not run)
