Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Assertions with a message
assertR Documentation

Assertions with a message


The function assert() was built from stopifnot(). It emits a message in case of errors, which can be a helpful hint for diagnosing the errors (stopifnot() only prints the possibly truncated source code of the expressions).

The infix operator %==% is simply an alias of the identical() function to make it slightly easier and intuitive to write test conditions. x %==% y is the same as identical(x, y).


assert(fact, ...)

x %==% y



a message for the assertions when any of them fails; treated the same way as expressions in ... if it is not a character string, which means you do not have to provide a message to this function


any number of R expressions, presumably to return vectors of TRUE's (if FALSE is returned anywhere, an error will show up)

x, y

two R objects to be compared


Invisible NULL if all expressions returned TRUE, otherwise an error is signalled and the user-provided message is emitted.


The internal implementation of stopifnot() is different with the function in R base: (1) the custom message fact is emitted if an error occurs (2) assert() requires the logical values to be non-empty (3) if ... contains a compound expression in {} which returns FALSE (e.g., if (TRUE) {1+1; FALSE}), the first and the last but one line of the source code from deparse() are printed in the error message, otherwise the first line is printed


assert("one equals one", 1 == 1)
assert("seq and : produce equal sequences", seq(1L, 10L) == 1L:10L)
assert("seq and : produce identical sequences", identical(seq(1L, 10L), 1L:10L))

# multile tests
assert("T is bad for TRUE, and so is F for FALSE", T != TRUE, F != FALSE)

# a mixture of tests
assert("Let's pray all of them will pass", 1 == 1, 1 != 2, letters[4] == "d", 
    rev(rev(letters)) == letters)

# logical(0) cannot pass assert(), although stopifnot() does not care
try(assert("logical(0) cannot pass", 1 == integer(0)))
stopifnot(1 == integer(0))  # it's OK!

# a compound expression
try(assert("this if statement returns TRUE", if (TRUE) {
    x = 1
    x == 2

# no message
assert(!FALSE, TRUE,
