Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: nonRecursive trimming procedure.
nonRecursiveR Documentation

nonRecursive trimming procedure.


nonRecursive takes a data frame of RT data and returns trimmed rt data that fall below a set standard deviation above the each participant's mean for each condition. The SD used for trimming is proportional to the number of trials in the data being passed, as described in van Selst & Jolicoeur (1994).


nonRecursive(data, minRT, omitErrors = TRUE, digits = 3)



A data frame. It must contain columns named "participant", "condition", "rt", and "accuracy". The RT can be in seconds (e.g., 0.654) or milliseconds (e.g., 654). Typically, "condition" will consist of strings. "accuracy" must be 1 for correct and 0 for error responses.


The lower criteria for acceptable response time. Must be in the same form as rt column in data frame (e.g., in seconds OR milliseconds). All RTs below this value are removed before proceeding with SD trimming.


If set to TRUE, error trials will be removed before conducting trimming procedure. Final data returned will not be influenced by errors in this case.


How many decimal places to round to after trimming?


Van Selst, M. & Jolicoeur, P. (1994). A solution to the effect of sample size on outlier elimination. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 47 (A), 631-650.


# load the example data that ships with trimr

# perform the trimming, returning mean RT
trimmedData <- nonRecursive(data = exampleData, minRT = 150)
