Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Threshold value estimation using two-stage plans
twostageTER Documentation

Threshold value estimation using two-stage plans


This package implements a variety of nonparametric methods for computing one-stage and two-stage confidence intervals and point estimates of threshold values.


Package: twostageTE
Type: Package
Version: 1.0
Date: 2013-05-23
License: GPL-2

The user interacts with the package by utilizing two functions: stageOneAnalysis and stageTwoAnalysis. These functions take the sampled explanatory variable and corresponding responses at the first and second stage, respectively, and outputs point estimate and confidence intervals based on different user specific procedures.


Shawn Mankad Maintainer: Shawn Mankad <>


Shawn Mankad, George Michailidis, Moulinath Banerjee (2015). Threshold Value Estimation Using Adaptive Two-Stage Plans in R. Journal of Statistical Software, 67(3), 1-19. doi:10.18637/jss.v067.i03


## Simulating the (wiggly) isotonic Sine function ##
sampleData=function(n, lower, upper) {
x=runif(n, lower, upper)
y=(1/40)*sin(6*pi*x) + 1/4 + x/2 + (1/4)*x^2
+ rnorm(n=length(x), sd=0.1)
return(list(X=x, Y=y))
threshold = (1/40)*sin(6*pi*d0) + 1/4 + d0/2 + (1/4)*d0^2

n2=Budget - n1
samp = sampleData(n1, lower=0, upper=1)
X = samp$X
Y = samp$Y
## Two Stage IR+IR ##
stageOne_IR=stageOneAnalysis(X, Y, threshold, type="IR-wald", 0.99)
samp2 = sampleData(n2, lower=stageOne_IR$L1, upper=stageOne_IR$U1)
X2 = samp2$X
Y2 = samp2$Y
twoStageIR = stageTwoAnalysis(stageOne_IR, X2, Y2, type="IR-wald", 0.95)
## Two Stage LR+LR ##
stageOne_LR=stageOneAnalysis(X, Y, threshold, type="IR-likelihood", 0.99)
samp2 = sampleData(n2, lower=stageOne_LR$L1, upper=stageOne_LR$U1)
X2 = samp2$X
Y2 = samp2$Y
twoStageLR = stageTwoAnalysis(stageOne_LR, X2, Y2, 
    type="IR-likelihood", 0.95)
## Two Stage IR+Local Linear ##
X2 = c(rep(stageOne_IR$L1,37),rep(stageOne_IR$U1,38))
Y2=X2^2+rnorm(n=length(X2), sd=0.1)
twoStageLinear=stageTwoAnalysis(stageOne_IR, explanatory = X2, response = Y2,
    type = "locLinear", level = 0.95)
