Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Demonstrations of R Functionality
demoR Documentation

Demonstrations of R Functionality


demo is a user-friendly interface to running some demonstration R scripts. demo() gives the list of available topics.


demo(topic, package = NULL, lib.loc = NULL,
     character.only = FALSE, verbose = getOption("verbose"),
     echo = TRUE, ask = getOption("demo.ask"),
     encoding = getOption("encoding"))



the topic which should be demonstrated, given as a name or literal character string, or a character string, depending on whether character.only is FALSE (default) or TRUE. If omitted, the list of available topics is displayed.


a character vector giving the packages to look into for demos, or NULL. By default, all packages in the search path are used.


a character vector of directory names of R libraries, or NULL. The default value of NULL corresponds to all libraries currently known. If the default is used, the loaded packages are searched before the libraries.


logical; if TRUE, use topic as character string.


a logical. If TRUE, additional diagnostics are printed.


a logical. If TRUE, show the R input when sourcing.


a logical (or "default") indicating if devAskNewPage(ask = TRUE) should be called before graphical output happens from the demo code. The value "default" (the factory-fresh default) means to ask if echo == TRUE and the graphics device appears to be interactive. This parameter applies both to any currently opened device and to any devices opened by the demo code. If this is evaluated to TRUE and the session is interactive, the user is asked to press RETURN to start.


See source. If the package has a declared encoding, that takes preference.


If no topics are given, demo lists the available demos. The corresponding information is returned in an object of class "packageIQR".

See Also

source and devAskNewPage which are called by demo.


demo() # for attached packages

## All available demos:
demo(package = .packages(all.available = TRUE))

## Display a demo, pausing between pages
demo(lm.glm, package = "stats", ask = TRUE)

## Display it without pausing
demo(lm.glm, package = "stats", ask = FALSE)

## Not run: 
 ch <- "scoping"
 demo(ch, character = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

## Find the location of a demo
system.file("demo", "lm.glm.R", package = "stats")


R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
Copyright (C) 2016 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)

R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.

R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
Type 'contributors()' for more information and
'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.

Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
Type 'q()' to quit R.

> library(utils)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_rel/result/utils/demo.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: demo
> ### Title: Demonstrations of R Functionality
> ### Aliases: demo
> ### Keywords: documentation utilities
> ### ** Examples
> demo() # for attached packages
Demos in package 'base':

error.catching          More examples on catching and handling errors
is.things               Explore some properties of R objects and
                        is.FOO() functions. Not for newbies!
recursion               Using recursion for adaptive integration
scoping                 An illustration of lexical scoping.

Demos in package 'grDevices':

colors                  A show of R's predefined colors()
hclColors               Exploration of hcl() space

Demos in package 'graphics':

Hershey                 Tables of the characters in the Hershey vector
Japanese                Tables of the Japanese characters in the
                        Hershey vector fonts
graphics                A show of some of R's graphics capabilities
image                   The image-like graphics builtins of R
persp                   Extended persp() examples
plotmath                Examples of the use of mathematics annotation

Demos in package 'stats':

glm.vr                  Some glm() examples from V&R with several
lm.glm                  Some linear and generalized linear modelling
                        examples from `An Introduction to Statistical
                        Modelling' by Annette Dobson
nlm                     Nonlinear least-squares using nlm()
smooth                  `Visualize' steps in Tukey's smoothers

Use 'demo(package = .packages(all.available = TRUE))'
to list the demos in all *available* packages.

> ## All available demos:
> demo(package = .packages(all.available = TRUE))
Demos in package 'ABCoptim':

ABCoptim                ABC optimization demos

Demos in package 'AER':

Ch-Basics               Chapter 2: Basics
Ch-Intro                Chapter 1: Introduction
Ch-LinearRegression     Chapter 3: Linear Regression
Ch-Microeconometrics    Chapter 5: Models of Microeconometrics
Ch-Programming          Chapter 7: Programming Your Own Analysis
Ch-TimeSeries           Chapter 6: Time Series
Ch-Validation           Chapter 4: Diagnostics and Alternative Methods
                        of Regression

Demos in package 'ARPobservation':

CDR_reliability         Plot illustrating the reliability of continuous
                        recording data
MTS_measurands          Plots illustrating the two possible measurands
                        for momentary time sampling data
PIR_bias                Plot illustrating the bias of partial interval
                        recording data as a function of incidence
study_planning          Simulate hypothetical ABAB designs in order to
                        assess which measurement strategy to use

Demos in package 'AdMit':

AdMit                   Examples of the AdMit approach and functions
                        provided by the package AdMit.

Demos in package 'AmericanCallOpt':

example                 Examples of option pricing functions with
                        sample parameter inputs.

Demos in package 'AquaEnv':

DSAdynamicmodel         an example of a dynamic pH model according to
                        the DSA (Hofmann2008) and fractional
                        stoichiometry (Hofmann et al. in prep.) using
TAfitting               examples for usage of the AquaEnv function
basicfeatures           introducing the basic features of AquaEnv
dynamicmodel            an example of a dynamic model using AquaEnv
                        dynamic model using AquaEnv: implicit pH
                        dynamic model using AquaEnv: explicit pH
                        modelling (Hofmann2008, DSA)
                        dynamic model using AquaEnv: fractional
                        stoichiometry (Hofmann et al. in prep.)
titration               examples for the usage of the AquaEnv function

Demos in package 'BAS':

BAS.USCrime             BMA using the UScrime data
BAS.hald                BMA using the hald data with 4 variables

Demos in package 'BB':

multiStart              Examples using multiStart to start BBsolve at
                        different initial guesses
nlmin                   Examples of spg, sane, dfsane with optim
nlsolve                 Simple examples to illustrate sane, dfsane

Demos in package 'BGLR':

BA                      BayesA
BB                      BayesB
BL                      Bayesian LASSO
BRR                     Bayesian Ridge Regression
BRR_windows             Bayesian Ridge Regression with sliding windows
BayesC                  BayesC-pi
Bernoulli               Probit regression
RKHS                    Reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces
RKHS_KA                 Reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces with kernel
censored                Regression for censored samples
ordinal                 Ordinal regression
read_bed                Read a BED file
read_ped                Read a PED file
write_bed               Write a BED file

Demos in package 'BLR':

cross_validation        Cross validation
fit_bL                  Bayesian LASSO

Demos in package 'BMS':

BMS.growth              Interactive demo: basic BMA applications

Demos in package 'BNDataGenerator':

asia                    BN structure learning using bnlearn with asia
topology                BN structure learning using bnlearn with

Demos in package 'BTSPAS':

demo-TSPDE-WHchinook    Time Stratified Petersen with Diagonal Entries
                        separating YoY Wild vs Hatchery chinook fish
demo-TSPDE-WHchinook2   Time Stratified Petersen with Non-Diagonal
                        Entries, YoY and Age1 Chinook Fish
demo-TSPDE-WHsteel      Time Stratified Petersen with Diagaonal Entries
                        separating YoY and age 1+ Hatchery vs Wild
demo-TSPDE-cov          Time Stratified Petersen with Diagonal Entries
                        with covariates for logit(p)
demo-TSPDE-error        Error messages when calling TSPDE
                        Time Stratified Petersen with Diagonal Entries
                        and spline fit to logit P
demo-TSPDE              Time Stratified Petersen with Diagonal Entries
                        Time Stratified Petersen with Non-Diagonal
                        Entries, log-normal model of the travel times,
                        and some p(j) fixed to zero
demo-TSPNDE             Time Stratified Petesen with Non-Diagonal
                        Time Stratified Petersen with Non-Diagonal
                        Entries, Non-parametric model of travl times,
                        some p(j) fixed to zero, and prior
                        specification on movement.
                        Time Stratified Petersen with Non-Diagonal
                        Entries, Non-Parametric model of the travel
                        times, and some p(j) fixed to zero
demo-TSPNDENP-error     Error messages when calling
                        Time Stratified Petersen with Non-Diagonal
                        Entries, Non-parametric model of travl times,
                        some p(j) fixed to zero, and prior
                        specification on movement; adjustment for
                        estimated fall back allowed after release.
                        Time Stratified Petersen with Non-Diagonal
                        Entries, Non-parameteric model with prior info
                        on movement. Small model for quick testing.
demo-TSPNDENP-small     Time Stratified Petersen with Non-Diagonal
                        Entries, Non-parameteric model. Small model for
                        quick testing.

Demos in package 'BTYD':

bgbb_donations          Demonstration of BG/BB estimation and plotting
bgnbd_cdnow             Demonstration of BG/NBD estimation and plotting
pnbd_cdnow              Demonstration of Pareto/NBD estimation and
                        plotting functions
spend_cdnow             Demonstration of gamma-gamma (spend model)
                        estimation and plotting functions

Demos in package 'BayesBridge':

all                     Run various functions in BayesBridge package.

Demos in package 'BayesVarSel':

BayesVarSel.Hald        Bayesian Variable Selection over the hald data
                        with 4 variables

Demos in package 'BiasedUrn':

ApproxHypergeo          Compares different noncentral hypergeometric
                        distributions with same mean rather than same
CompareHypergeo         Compares different noncentral hypergeometric
OddsPrecision           Measures precision of odds function
SampleWallenius         Makes random variates from Wallenius noncentral
                        hypergeometric distribution
UrnTheory               Vignette explaining the distributions of biased

Demos in package 'Bmix':

DPreg                   DP regression with categorical and continuous
                        covariates (both PL and Gibbs)
alpha                   changing concentration parameter example
bar1D                   Dynamic BAR stick-breaking mixture density
                        estimation in 1-D
bar2D                   Dynamic BAR stick-breaking mixture density
                        estimation in 2-D
pines                   Pine-trees example

Demos in package 'Bolstad2':

BayesCPH                Bayesian Cox Proportional Hazard model
BayesLogisticReg        Bayesian Logistic Regression
BayesPoissonReg         Bayesian Poisson Regression
hiermeanReg             Hierarchical Modelling
normGibbs               Gibbs sampling from a normal distribution

Demos in package 'CCAGFA':

CCAGFAexample           Illustration of the CCA/BIBFA/GFA model on
                        simulated data

Demos in package 'CDNmoney':

MonetaryAggregates      Show calculation of Canadian monetary
                        aggregates from component data

Demos in package 'CHCN':

CreateCHCN              Download everything.

Demos in package 'CHNOSZ':

NaCl                    equilibrium constant for aqueous NaCl
ORP                     oxidation-reduction potential of redox
                        standards as a function of temperature
buffer                  ionized proteins as a chemical activity buffer
                        (1. thiol peroxidases 2. sigma factors)
copper                  another example of mosaic(): complexation of
                        copper with glycine species
dehydration             log K of dehydration reactions; SVG file
                        contains tooltips and links
density                 density of H2O, inverted from IAPWS-95
findit                  detailed example of usage of findit()
ionize                  ionize.aa(): contour plots of net charge and
                        ionization properties of LYSC_CHICK
mosaic                  Eh-pH diagram for iron oxides, sulfides and
                        carbonate with two sets of changing basis
nucleobase              relative stabilities of nucleobases and some
                        amino acids
revisit                 detailed example of usage of revisit()
solubility              solubility of calcite or CO2(gas) as a function
                        of pH
sources                 cross-check the reference list with the
                        thermodynamic database
wjd                     run.wjd() with proteins: cell periphery of
yeastgfp                logfO2-logaH2O diagrams for model proteins
                        based on YeastGFP localizations

Demos in package 'CIDnetworks':

dolphin                 A fitting demonstration with the Dolphin social

Demos in package 'CPE':

phcpe                   demonstration of CPE package

Demos in package 'CRM':

crm                     demonstration of crm function
crmsim                  demonstration of crm simulator

Demos in package 'ChainLadder':

ChainLadder             Overview of the ChainLadder package
DatabaseExamples        Demo showing how the ChainLadder package can be
                        used in connection with a database, e.g. Access
MSOffice                Demo showing how R and ChainLadder can be used
                        for auto reporting
MackChainLadder         Detailed demo of the MackChainLadder function
MultiChainLadder        Detailed demo of the MultiChainLadder function
clarkDemo               Demo of David Clark's "LDF" and "Cape Cod"
                        methods (functions 'ClarkLDF' and
                        'ClarkCapeCod', respectively)

Demos in package 'ChemometricsWithR':

chapter10               Scripts from Chapter 10
chapter11               Scripts from Chapter 11
chapter2                Scripts from Chapter 2
chapter3                Scripts from Chapter 3
chapter4                Scripts from Chapter 4
chapter5                Scripts from Chapter 5
chapter6                Scripts from Chapter 6
chapter7                Scripts from Chapter 7
chapter8                Scripts from Chapter 8
chapter9                Scripts from Chapter 9

Demos in package 'ClickClust':

BackwardSelection       ClickClust Backward state selection
ClickPlot1              ClickClust Constructing click-plot 1
ClickPlot2              ClickClust Constructing click-plot 2
ConfidenceIntervals     ClickClust Confidence intervals calculation
DataSimulation          ClickClust Shows how to simulate data
EMalgorithm1            ClickClust EM algorithm without initial state
EMalgorithm2            ClickClust EM algorithm with initial state
ForwardSelection        ClickClust Forward state selection
ReadData                ClickClust Shows how to read data
StatePrediction         ClickClust State prediction
demoClickClust          ClickClust Tests main functions
msnbc323                ClickClust Analysis of msnbc323 dataset
utility                 ClickClust Illustrative example

Demos in package 'CollocInfer':

ChemoEx                 Sample Example System from Chemostat
                        predator-predy dynamics.
ChemoRMEx               Real world data from chemostat experiments fit
                        to the Rosenzweig-MacArthur data.
FhN.diagnostics         Sample diagnostics for model building
FhNEx2                  Sample Continous System FitzHugh-Nagumo
HenonEx                 Sample Discrete System Henon Map
NorthShore              Sample Forced Linear System of groundwater from
                        Vancouver's North Shore
RMEx                    Sample Example Rosensweig-MacArthur system with
                        two prey species
SEIREX                  Sample partially observed SEIR system measured
                        on the log scale

Demos in package 'CompareCausalNetworks':

simulation              Simulates a data set and runs various methods
                        on it.

Demos in package 'CondReg':

compare_wealth          Code for comparing wealth growth of investing
                        with different strategies

Demos in package 'DATforDCEMRI':

DAT                     Analyzes a simulated data set with the
                        DAT.checkData and DAT functions

Demos in package 'DEoptim':

DEoptim                 some examples of the DEoptim function.
benchmarks              some common optimization benchmarks, comparing
                        various strategies (e.g. DE vs. JADE)

Demos in package 'DFIT':

IPR                     Shows the working of the functions that relate
                        to the Item Parameter Replication Monte Carlo
IRTSE                   Shows the working of the functions that relate
                        to asymptotic covariance of IRT item estimates
MantelHaenszel          Shows the working of the functions that relate
                        to the Mantel-Haenszel statistic when an
                        underlying IRT model is assumed to hold
NCDIF                   Shows the working of the functions that relate
                        to the DFIT indices (NCDIF, CDIF and DTF)
RajuAreas               Shows the working of the functions that
                        calculate Raju's Signed and Unsigned Area
                        Measures for DIF
powerExample            Shows how to calculate power for the NCDIF
                        index with the functions in the DFIT package.
                        It also shows how to use them to assess the
                        bias of NCDIF estimates.

Demos in package 'DNAcopy':

DNAcopy                 Demo of DNAcopy package analysis and plotting

Demos in package 'DeconRNASeq':

DeconRNASeq             An application of DeconRNASeq to two example
                        data: one is from the data set with 10 mixing
                        samples from five different tissues, the other
                        is GSE19830

Demos in package 'DendSer':

fib                     Fibroblast data
pottery                 Pottery data
sleep                   Sleep data
toy                     Toy data

Demos in package 'DescTools':

describe                demonstrates some of the descriptive
                        capabilities of DescTools
plots                   shows how to create some special plots

Demos in package 'DiceEval':

IRSN5D                  DiceEval in use on a 5 dimensional example
                        provided by IRSN

Demos in package 'DiffusionRgqd':

first.passage           How to generate first passage time densities
                        for time inhomogeneous quadratic diffusion
transition.density      How to generate transition densities for
                        quadratic diffusions using DiffusionRgqd.

Demos in package 'DistatisR':

demoDistatisRAbdi2005   Analyzes the distances between 6 faces computed
                        by 4 algorithms
                        Analyzes the data of a sorting task from Abdi
                        et al. 2007 Sorting Beer experiments

Demos in package 'DivE':

Example_Script          example of two workflows, using DiveMaster and
                        using the component functions. It collates the
                        examples in the documentation in one place.

Demos in package 'EBMAforecast':

EBMAforecast            Ensemble forecasting of civil conflict in the
                        Pacific rim
presForecast            Ensemble forecasting of U.S. Presidential

Demos in package 'EBSeq':

EBSeq                   demo

Demos in package 'EBSeqHMM':

EBSeqHMM                demo

Demos in package 'EBarrays':

ebarrays                Simple Usage of EBarrays functions

Demos in package 'EBcoexpress':

EBcoexpress             An application of EBcoexpress to an example
                        data set with 30 genes

Demos in package 'EDR':

edr_ex0                 Example with one dimensional EDR
edr_ex1                 Example with one dimensional EDR
edr_ex2                 Example with 2-dimensional EDR
edr_ex3                 A more complicated example with 2-dimensional
edr_ex4                 Example with 2-dimensional EDR and estimation
                        of MSEP and MAEP by edrcv

Demos in package 'EGRET':

FlowHistory             Examples of flow history plots
WRTDSanalysis           Examples of plots for checking WRTDS model
checkData               Examples of plots for checking data

Demos in package 'EMCluster':

RRand                   EMCluster Test RRand().
allinit                 EMCluster Test all initialization method.
allinit_ss              EMCluster Test for semi-supervised clustering.
emcluster               EMCluster Test emclust() with emgroup().
emstep                  EMCluster Test e.step() and m.step().
lmt                     EMCluster Test likelihood mixture test, lmt().
logit                   EMCluster Test for logit of post z and mixing
myiris                  EMCluster Test iris data set.
ppcontour               EMCluster Test for project.on.2d() and
shortem                 EMCluster Test shortemcluster().
starts_via_svd          EMCluster Test a function starts.via.svd().

Demos in package 'EditImputeCont':

example                 a complete example

Demos in package 'EvalEst':

eval.estimation         Show some methods for evaluating estimation

Demos in package 'FAOSTAT':

FAOSTATdemo             Demonstration for the FAOSTAT package

Demos in package 'FDb.InfiniumMethylation.hg18':

                        R code showing how the package was built
                        R function to turn a GRanges into a FeatureDb
hm27.SNP.colors         Color-to-allele mapping for the hm27 SNP
                        control probes

Demos in package 'FDb.InfiniumMethylation.hg19':

                        R code showing how the package was built
                        R function to turn a GRanges into a FeatureDb
hm27.SNP.colors         Color-to-allele mapping for the hm27 SNP
                        control probes

Demos in package 'FKF':

FKF-Ex                  shows usage of FKF package

Demos in package 'FastGP':

FastGPdemo              Examples and benchmarks of main matrix
                        operations and elliptical slice sampling in

Demos in package 'FinancialInstrument':

FIdemo2                 FinancialInstrument more ways to define
demo                    FinancialInstrument demo

Demos in package 'FisherEM':

FisherEM                runs the demo of the main function of FisherEM.

Demos in package 'GEOmap':

GMAP                    Shows examples of GEOmap
WMAP                    Shows examples of GEOmap
geolcoso                Geology of Coso Geothermal field
weathermap              Wethermap with two fronts

Demos in package 'GGMselect':

convertGraph            Execution of convertGraph
penalty                 Execution of penalty
selectFast              Execution of selectFast
selectMyFam             Execution of selectMyFam
selectQE                Execution of selectQE
simulateGraph           Execution of simulateGraph

Demos in package 'GLAD':

tkdaglad                Graphical user interface to analyze array CGH
tkglad                  Graphical user interface to analyze array CGH

Demos in package 'GMD':

GMD-demo                demo script for the package `GMD'

Demos in package 'GMMBoost':

OrdinalBoost-knee       The analysis of knee data using the
                        OrdinalBoost function.
bGAMM-soccer            The analysis of soccer data using the bGAMM

Demos in package 'GPFDA':

co2                     Real data example of Gaussian Process, three
                        different covariance structure, including one
                        customized covariance matrix.
gpfr                    Gaussian Process with functional mean.
gpr_ex1                 First exmaple of Gaussian Process, using only
                        one covariate. (linear + pow.ex)
gpr_ex2                 Second exmaple of Gaussian Process, using two
                        covariate with larger sample size. (linear +

Demos in package 'GSIF':

cookfarm_3DT_RF         3D+T random forests (regression) applied to the
                        cookfarm data set
cookfarm_3DT_kriging    3D+T kriging applied to the cookfarm data set

Demos in package 'GaDiFPT':

Logistic                R example script for the package GaDiFPT:
                        generic diffusion with time-dependent
                        coefficients through a constant boundary
OrnUhl                  R example script for the package GaDiFPT:
                        Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process through a constant
OrnUhlCurrent           R example script for the package GaDiFPT:
                        Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with additional
                        current through a constant boundary
Wiener                  R example script for the package GaDiFPT:
                        Wiener process through a constant boundary
Wiener1                 R example script for the package GaDiFPT:
                        Wiener process through a periodic boundary
WienerDrift             R example script for the package GaDiFPT:
                        Wiener process with drift through a linear

Demos in package 'GenABEL':

ge03d2                  Demonstrate functionality of GenABEL using data
                        on 1000 cases/controls typed for ~8,000 SNPs
                        across 3 chromosomes
ge03d2ex                Exercise for the students of Ge03 (day 2)
srdta                   Demonstrate functionality of GenABEL using data
                        for a 2.5 Mb region
srdtawin                The same as srdta, but starts with data(srdta)
                        as under Windows one could have no writing

Demos in package 'GillespieSSA':

GillespieSSA            GillespieSSA demonstration (running all demos
decayingDimer           Decaying-Dimerization Reaction Set model
epiChain                SIRS metapopulation model
linearChain             Linear-chain model
logisticGrowth          Logistic growth model (Pearl-Verhulst model)
lotka                   Lotka predator-prey model
radioactiveDecay        Radioactive decay model (Irreversible
                        isomerization reaction set)
rma                     Rosenzweig-MacArthur predator-prey model
sir                     Kermack-McKendrick SIR model

Demos in package 'HDclassif':

HDclassif               Runs the demo of the two main functions of
hdda                    A simple example of HDDA using the 'wine'
hddc                    An example of clustering on the Crabs dataset.
                        The clustering process is also shown using a
                        PCA representation of the data.

Demos in package 'HELP':

pipeline                Pipeline for analysis of cytosine methylation
                        data generated by the HELP assay

Demos in package 'HH':

MMC.README              citation for MMC (Mean--mean Multiple
                        Comparisons plot)
MMC.WoodEnergy-aov      aov in both S-Plus and R. Block factor,
                        treatment factor, and covariate.
MMC.WoodEnergy          MMC plots in both S-Plus and R. Run
                        demo("MMC.WoodEnergy-aov") first.
MMC.WoodEnergy.s        MMC plots from article, only in S-Plus.               interaction of treatment factor and covariate
MMC.catalystm           one factor with orthogonal contrasts.
                        Construction of MMC plot
MMC.cc176               three factors and covariate
MMC.pulmonary           one factor with orthogonal contrasts.
                        sufficient statistics
NTplot                  All 22 possibilities for the normal plot
                        (limited here to just the one-sided with
PoorChildren            Count of Poor Children, by Child's Poorness,
                        Number of Working Parents, Concentration of
                        Poor Households
ancova                  This demo produces a composite graph
                        illustrating four models with a factor and a
appleAncova             A composite graph for a blocked analysis of
                        covariance illustrating six models with a
                        response, covariate, treatment factor, and
                        blocking factor.
arima.sim.XYZ           HH Exercises 18.1 18.2 18