Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Functions to access data from vegetation databases and...
vegdata-packageR Documentation

Functions to access data from vegetation databases and evaluate taxon names (with GermanSL).


This package provides a set of functions to load data from (at present Turboveg and VegetWeb) databases. It is also possible to semi-automatically check and adapt scientific plant names (with appropriate reference lists) and to produce a syntaxonomic (rel/abs) frequency table.


Package: vegdata
Type: Package
License: GPL version 2 or newer
LazyLoad: yes

Use tv.veg to prepare data directly for further analyses. Set option taxval to TRUE, if your database is referenced with GermanSL or equivalent taxonomic reference list and you want to realize taxonomic checks and adaptations. For more details see vignette('vegdata').


Florian Jansen

Maintainer: Florian Jansen <>


Jansen, F., Dengler, J (2011) Plant names in vegetation databases - a neglected source of bias, Journal of vegetation science, 21(6), 1179-1186.

Jansen, Florian and Dengler, Juergen (2008) GermanSL - eine universelle taxonomische Referenzliste fuer Vegetationsdatenbanken, Tuexenia, 28, 239-253.
