Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Take a screenshot of a URL
webshotR Documentation

Take a screenshot of a URL


Take a screenshot of a URL


webshot(url = NULL, file = "webshot.png", vwidth = 992, vheight = 744,
  cliprect = NULL, selector = NULL, expand = NULL, delay = 0.2,
  eval = NULL)



A URL to visit.


Name of output file. Should end with .png, .pdf, or .jpeg.


Viewport width. This is the width of the browser "window".


Viewport height This is the height of the browser "window".


Clipping rectangle. If cliprect and selector are both unspecified, the clipping rectangle will contain the entire page. This can be the string "viewport", in which case the clipping rectangle matches the viewport size, or it can be a four-element numeric vector specifying the top, left, width, and height. This option is not compatible with selector.


One or more CSS selectors specifying a DOM element to set the clipping rectangle to. The screenshot will contain these DOM elements. For a given selector, if it has more than one match, only the first one will be used. This option is not compatible with cliprect.


A numeric vector specifying how many pixels to expand the clipping rectangle by. If one number, the rectangle will be expanded by that many pixels on all sides. If four numbers, they specify the top, right, bottom, and left, in that order.


Time to wait before taking screenshot, in seconds. Sometimes a longer delay is needed for all assets to display properly.


An optional string with JavaScript code which will be evaluated after opening the page and waiting for delay, but before calculating the clipping region and taking the screenshot. See the Casper API ( for more information about what commands can be used to control the web page. NOTE: This is experimental and likely to change!

See Also

appshot for taking screenshots of Shiny applications.


if (interactive()) {

# Whole web page

# Might need a longer delay for all assets to display
webshot("", delay = 0.5)

# Clip to the viewport
webshot("", "leaflet-viewport.png",
        cliprect = "viewport")

# Manual clipping rectangle
webshot("", "leaflet-clip.png",
        cliprect = c(200, 5, 400, 300))

# Using CSS selectors to pick out regions
webshot("", "leaflet-menu.png", selector = ".list-group")
webshot("", "reddit-top.png",
        selector = c("input[type='text']", "#header-bottom-left"))

# Expand selection region
webshot("", "leaflet-boxes.png",
        selector = "#installation", expand = c(10, 50, 0, 50))

# If multiple matches for a given selector, it uses the first match
webshot("", "leaflet-p.png", selector = "p")
webshot("", "shiny-stats.png",
         selector = "ul.numbers-summary")

# Send commands to eval
webshot("", "reddit-input.png",
  selector = c("#search", "#login_login-main"),
  eval = "casper.then(function() {
    // Check the remember me box'#rem-login-main');
    // Enter username and password
    this.sendKeys('#login_login-main input[type="text"]', 'my_username');
    this.sendKeys('#login_login-main input[type="password"]', 'password');

    // Now click in the search box. This results in a box expanding below'#search input[type="text"]');
    // Wait 500ms

# Result can be piped to other commands like resize() and shrink()
webshot("", "google-small.png") %>%
 resize("75%") %>%


# See more examples in the package vignette
vignette("intro", package = "webshot")
