Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Geometry of Regression with Two Regressors
reggeomR Documentation

Geometry of Regression with Two Regressors


Using XGobi for visualising the geometry of regression with two explanatory variables.

The function reggeom has exactly the same arguments as xgobi(..), and it simply calls xgobi, but it has different default values for the arguments than the defaults of xgobi itself.


reggeom(matrx = matrix(c(0, 5780, -1156, 3468, 3468, 3468,
	    -867, 4335, 0, 0, -612, 4080, 5440, 2652, 3468, 3420, 3468,
	    0, 0, 4624, 3468, 3468, 0, 3468, 0, 3468, 4624, 2448, 1020,
	    1360, 3264, 3264, 3456, 3456, 0, 0, 0, 4624, 0, 0, 0, 0,
	    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), nrow = 17, ncol = 3),
    collab = c("U", "V", "W"),
    rowlab = c("o", "x1", "x2", "y", letters[2:8], "k", "m", "p", "q", "r", "s"),
    colors = NULL, glyphs = NULL, erase = NULL,
    lines = matrix(c(1,  6, 8, 1, 11, 7, 1, 1, 5, 6,
                       6, 15, 17, 8, 5, 9, 1, 9, 10,
                     6, 8, 2, 11, 7, 3, 4, 5, 4, 4,
                       15, 17, 5, 5, 9, 7, 9, 10, 3),
                    nrow = 19, ncol = 2),
    linecolors = c("red", "yellow", "yellow", "yellow", "yellow",
        "yellow", "orchid", "green", "green", "red", "skyblue",
        "skyblue", "skyblue", "white", "white", "white", "slateblue",
        "slateblue", "slateblue"),
    resources = c("*showLines: True", "*showAxes: False", "*showPoints: False",
        "*XGobi*PlotWindow.height: 500",
        "*XGobi*PlotWindow.width: 500", "*XGobi*VarPanel.width: 50"),
    title = "Regression Geometry", vgroups = c(1, 1, 1), std = "msd",
    nlinkable = NULL, subset = NULL, display = NULL)



the default dataset is a matrix with three columns. The rows represent the dependent and the two independent variables, as well as fitted values and residuals in the regression on one or both regressors, and other auxiliary variables. Since the matrix has three columns, each variable is represented as a vector in 3-dimensional space.


column labels for matrx, by default "U", "V", and "W", not very meaningful since the columns represent oblique directions in n-dimensional space.


character vector of labels for the variables; by default, "x1" and "x2" for the independent and "y" for the dependent variable, "o" for the origin, and other letters for the auxiliary variables.


as in xgobi all points are of the same color.


as in xgobi all points are drawn with the same glyph.


as in xgobi no points will be erased.


the default lines argument displays some of the data in matrx as straight lines. The user may want to substitute different lines in order to emphasize or de-emphasize certain relationships, as in the example given below.


The default line colors are:


for the dependent variable,


for the two independent variables,


for fitted values and residuals in the full regression,


for fitted values and residuals in the regression on the first independent variable only, and

light blue


dark blue

, and


for auxiliary lines.


by default, points and axes are not shown; only lines are.


by default, "Regression Geometry"


by default, all three variables are in the same group.


by default, the view is centered on the mean of the data.

nlinkable, subset, display

the same as in xgobi.


If called without arguments, reggeom loads a dataset which represents the geometry of regression with two explanatory variables. The idea is to place the dataset into the rotation view in order to get an intuition of the geometry involved. reggeom should only then be called with arguments if specific built-in defaults must be overriden.

The explanatory variables are x1=(5,0,0) and x2=(-1,4,0), and the target (dependent) variable is y=(3,3,4). However all coordinates are multiplied by 1156, with the effect that all the points passed as arguments to xgobi have integer coordinates.


As in the call of xgobi, the UNIX status upon completion, i.e. 0 if ok.

Side Effects

As in xgobi.


Hans Ehrbar


reggeom can be considered a 3-dimensional visualization of the figures in Davidson, R. and MacKinnon, J. G. (1993) Estimation and Inference in Economics, Oxford University Press, p. 22.

The chapter “Additional Regressors” in Hans Ehrbar's on-line econometrics class notes uses reggeom for teaching and has several exercise questions about it.

See Also




## The arguments given in this example are modifications of the default,
## some lines dropped, some added, some line colors changed,
## in order to emphasize the geometry of backfitting.
      lines= cbind(c(1,6,8,1,11,7,1,1,6,6,15,17,8,5,9, 5,6,14,15,16,14,15,5),
      linecolors=c("red", rep("yellow",5), "orchid", "green",
                   "slateblue", rep("skyblue",3), rep("white",3), "skyblue",
                   rep("red",4), rep("slateblue", 2), "green"),
      title="Regression Geometry - Backfitting")
