Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: XGobi: Dynamic Graphics for Data Analysis
xgobiR Documentation

XGobi: Dynamic Graphics for Data Analysis


Dynamic graphics, including brushing, rotation, grand tour, projection pursuit, slicing. Most effectively used when called more than once on same data, which then allows linked plots. Brushing with several glyphs and colors is supported. (On monochrome displays, only glyphs can be used.)


      collab = colnames(matrx),
      rowlab = rownames(matrx),
      colors = NULL, glyphs = NULL, erase = NULL,
      lines = NULL, linecolors = NULL, resources = NULL,
      title = deparse(substitute(matrx)),
      vgroups = NULL, std = "mmx",
      nlinkable = NULL, subset = NULL, display = NULL,
      multi = TRUE,
      keep = FALSE, fprefix = "xgobi-")




numeric n * p matrix or data.frame.


character vector of p column labels (defaulting to those of matrx); if no default exists, xgobi constructs its own ("Var1",....).


character vector of n row labels (defaulting to those of matrx); if no default exists, xgobi constructs its own (numbers 1:n).


Optional character vector, used to supply initial point colors to be used; the default is that all points are the same color. Details, see below.


Optional integer vector, used to supply glyphs to be used on startup; the default is that all points are drawn with the same glyph.

Glyphs have been coming as six different types (plus, X, open and filled rectangle, open and filled circle) in five different sizes, plus “point”, giving 31 available glyphs.


Optional integer vector of length equal to the number of rows in the data and composed of 1s and 0s. A 1 in position i specifies that point i should be erased. The default is a vector of 0s.


Optional integer matrix, n by 2, which specifies by row number pairs of points to be connected by line segments. The default connecting line matrix connects each point to the one that follows it in the data; that is, (1 2), (2 3), (3 4), ..., (n-1, n).


Optional integer vector, of length n where n is the number of lines specified by the 'lines' argument. It is used to supply line colors to be used on startup; the default is for all the lines to be drawn in the standard foreground color.


Optional character vector created by clicking on the “Save Resources” button in XGobi (if this XGobi was initiated during an R session).


Optional character string which defines the -title argument used by X. Defaults to the name (expression) of the current matrx argument. See documentation for xgobi, or for X.


Optional integer vector, used to assign columns to groups for transformation and axis scaling. This vector must contain one integer for each variable. Columns to be grouped together should share the same integer. Default is the vector 1:(ncol(matrx)).


Optional string; which standardization of view to use. Default is "mmx", minimum-maximum scaling, in which the view is centered at the midpoint of the data, and all the data fits inside the plotting window. Alternatives are "msd", in which the plot is centered at the mean of the data, or "mmd" in which the plot is centered at the median. In those two cases, the view is standardized using the largest distance.


Optional integer scalar, the number of rows to be used in linking of brushing and identification; the default is for all rows to be used. This feature can be used to link ordinary scatterplots with plots that have some decorations requiring additional points, such as clustering trees.


Optional integer scalar, the number of rows to be included in the initial display. That is, all data will be read in, but an initial random sample will be drawn for display. Use the Subset panel on the Tools Menu to select a new subset during the session.


Optional character string, identifying the monitor on which to display the xgobi window. The default is "machine:0.0" where machine is the name of the user's workstation. See documentation for xgobi or for X.


logical, indicating if the xgobi process should be run multi-tasking with R. If true, control returns to the R command prompt after 3 seconds.


logical, indicating if the temporary files should be kept (e.g. for calling the xgobi program outside R)


character string for the file name prefix to be used for temporary files.


xgobi.colors.default is the vector of the ten default brush colors from which to choose by the colors argument.

Note that this sef of default brush colors can be modified by a (site or user) specific ‘app-defaults’ file, or directly by xgobi(*, resources = ..), redefining (*brushColorn (with n from 0:9).

A warning is issued if colors contains strings not in the brushColor resources.


The UNIX status upon completion, i.e. 0 if ok.

Side Effects

The R function xgobi executes a call to the C program of the same name, an interactive statistical graphics program which runs under the X Window System, and returns control of the R command line to the user.

XGobi can be used to create vectors of brushing information and rotation coefficients; see the documentation for XGobi for details.


(xgobi main program): D. F. Swayne


of R port: Kurt Hornik and Martin Maechler


See Also

xgvis which uses xgobi for interactive MDS.



Xdir <- file.path(dirname(tempfile()), "xgobi")

xgobi(laser, colors = xgobi.colors.default[c(1,3,5,7,9,10)[as.factor(laser$ Ir)]],
      glyphs = c(23,8)[1+(laser$lambda > 1576)],
      keep = TRUE, fprefix="xgobi/L-"), full=TRUE))[, c(1,3,4)] # >> Files "L-laser..."
## remove manually when finally unused:
unlink(Xdir, recursive = TRUE)

##>>> see also the morsecodes example in  help(xgvis) <<<
##                 ------------------     -----------
