Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Log-ratio EM algorithm
lrEMR Documentation

Log-ratio EM algorithm


This function implements model-based ordinary and robust Expectation-Maximisation algorithms to impute left-censored values (e.g. values below detection limit, rounded zeros) via coordinates representation of compositional data sets which incorporate the information of the relative covariance structure.


lrEM(X, label = NULL, dl = NULL, rob = FALSE,
        ini.cov = c("complete.obs", "multRepl"), delta = 0.65,
        tolerance = 0.0001, max.iter = 50, rlm.maxit = 150, suppress.print = FALSE)



Compositional data set (matrix or data.frame class).


Unique label (numeric or character) used to denote unobserved left-censored values in X.


Numeric vector or matrix of detection limits/thresholds. These must be given on the same scale as X.


Logical value. FALSE provides maximum-likelihood estimates of model parameters (default), TRUE provides robust parameter estimates.


Initial estimation of either the log-ratio covariance matrix (ML estimation) or nondetects (robust estimation). It can be based on either complete observations ("complete.obs", default) or multiplicative simple replacement ("multRepl").


If ini.cov="multRepl", delta parameter for initial multiplicative simple replacement (multRepl) in proportions (default = 0.65).


Convergence criterion for the EM algorithm (default = 0.0001).


Maximum number of iterations for the EM algorithm (default = 50).


If rob=TRUE, maximum number of iterations for the embedded robust regression estimation (default = 150; see rlm in MASS package for details).


Suppress printing of number of iterations and messages (suppress.print=FALSE, default).


After convergence, this function imputes left-censored compositional values by their estimated conditional expected values through coordinates representation, given the information from the observed data and the censoring thresholds. It allows for either single (vector form) or multiple (matrix form, same size as X) limits of detection by component. Any threshold value can be set for non-censored elements (e.g. use 0 if no threshold for a particular column or element of the data matrix).

It produces an imputed data set on the same scale as the input data set. If X is not closed to a constant sum, then the results are adjusted to provide a compositionally equivalent data set, expressed in the original scale, which leaves the absolute values of the observed components unaltered.

Under maximum likelihood (ML) estimation (default, rob=FALSE), a correction factor based on the residual covariance obtained by censored regression is applied for the correct estimation of the conditional covariance matrix in the maximisation step of the EM algorithm. This is required in order to obtain the conditional expectation of the sum of cross-products between two components in the case that both involve imputed values. Note that the procedure is based on the oblique additive log-ratio (alr) transformation to simplify calculations and alleviates computational burden. Nonetheless, the same results would be obtained using an isometric log-ratio transformation (ilr). Note also that alr requires at least one complete column. Otherwise, a preliminary imputation, e.g. by multRepl or multLN, of the most simplest censoring pattern may be enough. The argument ini.cov determines how the initial estimation of the log-ratio covariance matrix required to start the EM process is worked out.

Under robust estimation (rob=TRUE), the algorithm requires ilr transformations in order to satisfy requirements for robust estimation methods (MM-estimation by default, see rlm function for more details). An initial estimation of nondetects is required to get the algorithm started. This can be based on either the subset of fully observed cases (ini.cov="complete.obs") or a multiplicative simple replacement of all nondetects in the data set (ini.cov="multRepl"). Note that the robust regression method involved includes random elements which can, occasionally, give rise to NaN values getting the routine execution halted. If this happened, we suggest to simply re-run the function once again.

In the case of censoring patterns involving samples containing only one observed component, these are imputed by multiplicative simple replacement (multRepl) and a warning message identifying them is printed.


A data.frame object containing the imputed compositional data set. The number of iterations required for convergence is also printed (this can be suppressed by setting suppress.print=TRUE).


Martin-Fernandez, J.A., Hron, K., Templ, M., Filzmoser, P., Palarea-Albaladejo, J. Model-based replacement of rounded zeros in compositional data: classical and robust approaches. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 2012; 56: 2688-2704.

Palarea-Albaladejo J, Martin-Fernandez JA, Gomez-Garcia J. A parametric approach for dealing with compositional rounded zeros. Mathematical Geology 2007; 39: 625-45.

Palarea-Albaladejo J, Martin-Fernandez JA. A modified EM alr-algorithm for replacing rounded zeros in compositional data sets. Computers & Geosciences 2008; 34(8): 902-917.

Palarea-Albaladejo J, Martin-Fernandez JA. Values below detection limit in compositional chemical data. Analytica Chimica Acta 2013; 764: 32-43. DOI:

See Also

zPatterns, lrDA, multRepl, multLN, multKM, cmultRepl


# Data set closed to 100 (percentages, common dl = 1%)
X <- matrix(c(26.91,8.08,12.59,31.58,6.45,14.39,
X_lrEM <- lrEM(X,label=0,dl=rep(1,6),ini.cov="multRepl")
X_roblrEM <- lrEM(X,label=0,dl=rep(1,6),ini.cov="multRepl",rob=TRUE,tolerance=0.001)

# Multiple limits of detection by component
mdl <- matrix(0,ncol=6,nrow=10)
mdl[2,] <- rep(1,6)
mdl[4,] <- rep(0.75,6)
mdl[6,] <- rep(0.5,6)
mdl[8,] <- rep(0.5,6)
mdl[10,] <- c(0,0,1,0,0.8,0.7)

X_lrEM2 <- lrEM(X,label=0,dl=mdl,ini.cov="multRepl")

# Non-closed compositional data set
data(LPdata) # data (ppm/micrograms per gram)
dl <- c(2,1,0,0,2,0,6,1,0.6,1,1,0,0,632,10) # limits of detection (0 for no limit)
LPdata2 <- subset(LPdata,select=-c(Cu,Ni,La))  # select a subset for illustration purposes
dl2 <- dl[-c(5,7,10)]

LPdata2_lrEM <- lrEM(LPdata2,label=0,dl=dl2)
LPdata2_roblrEM <- lrEM(LPdata2,label=0,dl=dl2,rob=TRUE,tolerance=0.005)

# Two subsets of limits of detection (using e.g. robust parameter estimation)
 # Using a subset of LPdata for faster execution
data(LPdata) # data (ppm/micrograms per gram)
LPdata2 <- subset(LPdata,select=-c(Cu,Ni,La))
dl2 <- c(2,1,0,0,0,1,0.6,1,0,0,632,10)
 # DLs for first 50 samples of LPdata2
dl2a <- matrix(rep(1,50),ncol=1)%*%dl2
 # DLs for last 46 samples of LPdata
dl2b <- matrix(rep(1,46),ncol=1)%*%c(1,0.5,0,0,0,0.75,0.3,1,0,0,600,8) 

mdl <- rbind(dl2a,dl2b)
LPdata2_roblrEM <- lrEM(LPdata2,label=0,dl=mdl,rob=TRUE,tolerance=0.005)
